

  • 那篇二审没有什么太大问题,针对一审提的修改意见都已经做出了回复,因此给了Accept。
  • TIE的那篇给了Major,因为感觉文章创新点不足,全文提出的contribution说白了就是把其他一些并不新颖的检测识别方法融合一下,找了一个全新的应用点,主要是应用创新。后来看到了其他审稿人提出的修改意见,问题比我看到的更多,有一个审稿人写了一页多的意见,然后给拒了==|。
  • TCSVT那篇给了Minor,其实和TIE那篇类似,组合了一些方法,然后找了一个很新颖的创新点。但是上篇给了Major而这篇给了Minor,一方面在于TIE是一区而TCSVT是二区,要求肯定不一样,另一方面这篇写的更清晰,实用性更高,实验也更多更充分,光是包含250个视频的数据集就花了作者10个月的时间去采集。但是依旧存在一些问题,主要集中在实验上,作者出发点是想解决实际交通出现的问题,但是实验却设置在很理想的条件下,这样肯定限制了适用性。
  • 以下是我在写审稿意见时常用的格式:
    • A. Accept(例)
      The authors have made sufficient modifications according to the modification comments, and I suggest that this paper be accepted without further modification.
    • B. Reject(例)
      This paper proposes XXX. The work of this paper is clear and logical. However, I have to reject it because of the following problems:
      1. There are so many errors in the manuscript, such as, in page 1, ABSTRACT, XXX would be XXX.
      2. The method of this paper is not innovative enough. In fact, most of the work is done by combining other people’s methods. Authors need to highlight their innovative contributions.
      3. Another obvious problem with this paper is the lack of sufficient experimentation to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the proposed method. Too few experiments and too many hyperparameters make the conclusion of this paper lack persuasive.
    • C. Minor Changes/Major (例)
      This paper proposes XXX. The work of this paper is practical and logical. However, there are some problems to be further improved as well:
      1. There is at least one Spelling error in the manuscript, such as, in page 7, TABLE I, “Stabalization” would be “Stabilization”. Please check the manuscript carefully.
      2. The innovations in this paper focus on novel applications, and the methods and theoretical innovations are not sufficient. The author must dig deeper into the innovation points before the article can be accepted by XXX.
      3. Another obvious problem with this paper is the lack of enough experimentation to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the proposed method. The author needs to do more experiments with more angles and show them in this paper.
      4. For the problem of using of video information in the field of transportation, so many methods are proposed, such as, XXX, and, XXX. Perhaps the author can find inspiration by reading more literature in this field to further optimize this paper.
  • 总的来说,我在审稿时主要关注这几点:论文写作,创新性,实验,引用。尤其是方法的创新性和实验,我个人觉得这两部分是最重要的。
