- 线程池是由预创建的一个任务队列和一组工作线程组成,其中任务队列中存放工作对象.线程池启动后,工作线程将采用轮询的方式从任务队列中获取任务对象,任务队列包含一个信号量(当工作队列中有任务时,该信号量有信号),所有工作线程等待该信号量,从而控制(通知)工作线程的执行状态。由于初始化时任务队列中不存在任务对象,这时的信号量为0,所有的工作线程都处于阻塞状态.主控线程将任务对象放入任务队列中(通常用链表或队列来实现),并将信号量加1,这样信号量就会唤醒一个阻塞中的工作线程(操作系统层面决定唤醒哪个阻塞的工作线程).工作线程唤醒后从任务队列中获取一个任务对象并执行该任务,执行完后,工作线程将再次访问信号量,如果信号信号量大于0,那么工作线程将继续从任务队列中获取任务对象并执行,直到信号量等于0,这时的工作线程将再次被阻塞.
- 任务队列控制的线程模型主要是通过任务队列上的信号来控制线程池中的线程调度.
/* Job */
typedef struct job{
struct job* prev; /* pointer to previous job 下一个任务 */
void (*function)(void* arg); /* function pointer 任务函数接口 */
void* arg; /* function's argument 函数参数 */
} job;
/* Binary semaphore */
typedef struct bsem {
pthread_mutex_t mutex; //互斥锁
pthread_cond_t cond; //条件变量
int v; //信号量的值
} bsem;
/* Job queue */
typedef struct jobqueue{
pthread_mutex_t rwmutex; /* used for queue r/w access */
job *front; //队首 /* pointer to front of queue */
job *rear; //队尾 /* pointer to rear of queue */
bsem *has_jobs; //指示任务队列是否为空的信号 /* flag as binary semaphore */
int len; /* number of jobs in queue */
} jobqueue;
/* Thread */
typedef struct thread{
int id; /* friendly id 人为赋予的线程标识 */
pthread_t pthread; /* pointer to actual thread 线程文件描述符 */
struct thpool_* thpool_p; /* access to thpool 所对应的线程池 */
} thread;
/* Threadpool */
typedef struct thpool_{
thread** threads; /* pointer to threads 该线程池拥有的工作线程 */
volatile int num_threads_alive; /* threads currently 当前启动的线程总数*/
volatile int num_threads_working; /* threads currently working (正在执行的线程)*/
pthread_mutex_t thcount_lock; /* used for thread count etc 对线程池的互斥访问*/
pthread_cond_t threads_all_idle; /* signal to thpool_wait */
jobqueue jobqueue; /* job queue 任务队列 */
} thpool_;
>alive(当前启动的线程数目)=阻塞(睡眠)线程 + 正在执行的(working)线程
//控制所有线程是否终止,结束运行。 0,终止所有正在运行的线程;1,使能所有线程能够正常运行。
static volatile int threads_keepalive;
static volatile int threads_on_hold;
(1) threads_keepalive:
(2) threads_on_hold:
调用thpool_pause()【暂停所有线程】,该函数内部对所有启动的线程,调用pthread_kill()函数,触发在thread_do( )[线程函数]中的SIGUSR1消息,消息处理函数为thread_hold( ),该函数将threads_on_hold=1,并且进入死循环,一直调用sleep()函数,不断地睡眠。从而使得所有工作线程thread_do( )被暂停。
初始化线程池、任务队列和工作线程 ——> 向任务队列中提交任务 ——> 将等候在信号(任务队列上有任务)上的线程唤醒,唤醒的线程轮询地从该任务队列队取出第一个任务(取出的任务将从队首删除)给该线程执行 ——> 等待任务队列中所有任务执行完毕 ——> 关闭线程池。
threads_on_hold = 0; //工作线程持续正常运行,不暂停。
threads_keepalive = 1; //工作线程函数体执行死循环,表明线程将一直运行,不会执行完就退出。
thpool_p->num_threads_alive = 0; //当前线程数目为0
thpool_p->num_threads_working = 0; //正在执行的线程数目为空
pthread_mutex_init(&(thpool_p->thcount_lock), NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&thpool_p->threads_all_idle, NULL);
2.任务队列初始化 —— int jobqueue_init(jobqueue* jobqueue_p)
jobqueue_p->len = 0;
jobqueue_p->front = NULL;
jobqueue_p->rear = NULL;
pthread_mutex_init(&(jobqueue_p->rwmutex), NULL); //读写锁释放
bsem_init(jobqueue_p->has_jobs, 0); //无任务,信号量has_jobs的值为0,状态位无信号。
3.初始化所有工作线程 —— int thread_init (thpool_* thpool_p,thread** thread_p, int id)
(*thread_p)->thpool_p = thpool_p; //指向对应线程池
(*thread_p)->id = id; //人为指定的线程标识编号(并非系统返回的线程id)
pthread_create(&(*thread_p)->pthread, NULL, (void *)thread_do, (*thread_p));
函数实现: thpool_* thpool_init(int num_threads)
struct thpool_* thpool_init(int num_threads){
if (num_threads < 0){
num_threads = 0;
/* Make new thread pool */
thpool_* thpool_p;
thpool_p = (struct thpool_*)malloc(sizeof(struct thpool_));
if (thpool_p == NULL){
err("thpool_init(): Could not allocate memory for thread pool\n");
return NULL;
threads_on_hold = 0;
threads_keepalive = 1;
thpool_p->num_threads_alive = 0;
thpool_p->num_threads_working = 0;
pthread_mutex_init(&(thpool_p->thcount_lock), NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&thpool_p->threads_all_idle, NULL);
/* Initialise the job queue */
if (jobqueue_init(&thpool_p->jobqueue) == -1){
err("thpool_init(): Could not allocate memory for job queue\n");
return NULL;
/* Make threads in pool */
thpool_p->threads = (struct thread**)malloc(num_threads * sizeof(struct thread *));
if (thpool_p->threads == NULL){
err("thpool_init(): Could not allocate memory for threads\n");
return NULL;
/* Thread init */
int n;
for (n=0; nthreads[n], n);
printf("THPOOL_DEBUG: Created thread %d in pool \n", n);
/* Wait for threads to initialize */
while (thpool_p->num_threads_alive != num_threads) {}
return thpool_p;
void func_job(void* arg)
ARG* arg_ptr = (ARG*)arg;//强制类型转换,获取所指定格式的参数。例如 int* arg_ptr=(int*) arg;
job* newjob=(struct job*)malloc(sizeof(struct job));
/* add function and argument */
jobqueue_push(&thpool_p->jobqueue, newjob);
–函数:void jobqueue_push(jobqueue* jobqueue_p, struct job* newjob)
static void jobqueue_push(jobqueue* jobqueue_p, struct job* newjob){
newjob->prev = NULL;
case 0: /* if no jobs in queue */
jobqueue_p->front = newjob;
jobqueue_p->rear = newjob;
default: /* if jobs in queue */
jobqueue_p->rear->prev = newjob;
jobqueue_p->rear = newjob;
bsem_post(jobqueue_p->has_jobs); //当前任务队列有任务,has_jobs信号量产生信号,通知并唤醒其中一个阻塞的工作线程,执行对应的任务函数体。
/* Register signal handler */
struct sigaction act;
act.sa_flags = 0;
act.sa_handler = thread_hold; //信号处理函数(暂停所有线程)
if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, NULL) == -1) {
err("thread_do(): cannot handle SIGUSR1");
/* Sets the calling thread on hold */
static void thread_hold(int sig_id) {
threads_on_hold = 1;
//不断进入睡眠,直到外部调用thpool_resume( ),将threads_on_hold置为0,
while (threads_on_hold){
/* Get first job from queue(removes it from queue)
* Notice: Caller MUST hold a mutex
static struct job* jobqueue_pull(jobqueue* jobqueue_p){
job* job_p = jobqueue_p->front;
case 0: /* if no jobs in queue */
case 1: /* if one job in queue */
jobqueue_p->front = NULL;
jobqueue_p->rear = NULL;
jobqueue_p->len = 0;
default: /* if >1 jobs in queue */
jobqueue_p->front = job_p->prev;
/* more than one job in queue -> post it */
return job_p;
若从任务队列中取走一个job后,队列不为空,表明还有需要处理的任务;则bsem_post(has_jobs),has_jobs有信号,唤醒等待该信号量的某个阻塞的工作线程thread_do( ),执行任务。
/* What each thread is doing
* In principle this is an endless loop. The only time this loop gets interuppted is once
* thpool_destroy() is invoked or the program exits.
* @param thread thread that will run this function
* @return nothing
static void* thread_do(struct thread* thread_p){
/* Set thread name for profiling and debuging */
char thread_name[128] = {0};
sprintf(thread_name, "thread-pool-%d", thread_p->id);
#if defined(__linux__)
/* Use prctl instead to prevent using _GNU_SOURCE flag and implicit declaration */
prctl(PR_SET_NAME, thread_name);
#elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
err("thread_do(): pthread_setname_np is not supported on this system");
/* Assure all threads have been created before starting serving */
thpool_* thpool_p = thread_p->thpool_p;
/* Register signal handler */
struct sigaction act;
act.sa_flags = 0;
act.sa_handler = thread_hold;
if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, NULL) == -1) {
err("thread_do(): cannot handle SIGUSR1");
/* Mark thread as alive (initialized) */
thpool_p->num_threads_alive += 1;
if (threads_keepalive){
/* Read job from queue and execute it */
void (*func_buff)(void*);
void* arg_buff;
job* job_p = jobqueue_pull(&thpool_p->jobqueue);
if (job_p) {
func_buff = job_p->function;
arg_buff = job_p->arg;
//afer the job is executed, we should remove the resource it owned.
//--afer one job is executed, the total working trheads num decrease 1
//when num_threads_working=0,triger a sigal that indicates that all threads are idle.
if (!thpool_p->num_threads_working) {
thpool_p->num_threads_alive --;
return NULL;
* @brief Pauses all threads immediately
* The threads will be paused no matter if they are idle or working.
* The threads return to their previous states once thpool_resume is called.
* While the thread is being paused, new work can be added.
* @param threadpool the threadpool where the threads should be paused
* @return nothing
void thpool_pause(thpool_* thpool_p) {
int n;
for (n=0; n < thpool_p->num_threads_alive; n++){
pthread_kill(thpool_p->threads[n]->pthread, SIGUSR1);
void work1(void *){
void work2(void *){
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int num_threads = 4;
threadpool thpool = thpool_init(num_threads);
for(int ii=0;ii<13;ii++){
thpool_add_work(thpool,work1, NULL);
// Since pool is paused, threads should not start before main's sleep
for(int ii=0;ii<13;ii++){
thpool_add_work(thpool,work2, NULL);
// Now we will start threads in no-parallel with main
thpool_destroy(thpool); // Wait for work to finish
return 0;
* @brief Unpauses all threads if they are paused
* @example
* ..
* thpool_pause(thpool);
* sleep(10); // Delay execution 10 seconds
* thpool_resume(thpool);
* ..
* @param threadpool the threadpool where the threads should be unpaused
* @return nothing
void thpool_resume(thpool_* thpool_p) {
// resuming a single threadpool hasn't been
// implemented yet, meanwhile this supresses(阻止) the warnings
threads_on_hold = 0;
* @brief Wait for all queued jobs to finish
* Will wait for all jobs - both queued and currently running to finish.
* Once the queue is empty and all work has completed, the calling thread
* (probably the main program) will continue.
* Smart polling is used in wait. The polling is initially 0 - meaning that
* there is virtually no polling at all. If after 1 seconds the threads
* haven't finished, the polling interval starts growing exponentially
* untill it reaches max_secs seconds. Then it jumps down to a maximum polling
* interval assuming that heavy processing is being used in the threadpool.
* @example
* ..
* threadpool thpool = thpool_init(4);
* ..
* // Add a bunch of work
* ..
* thpool_wait(thpool);
* puts("All added work has finished");
* ..
* @param threadpool the threadpool to wait for
* @return nothing
void thpool_wait(thpool_* thpool_p){
while (thpool_p->jobqueue.len || thpool_p->num_threads_working) {
pthread_cond_wait(&thpool_p->threads_all_idle, &thpool_p->thcount_lock);
* @brief Destroy the threadpool
* This will wait for the currently active threads to finish and then 'kill'
* the whole threadpool to free up memory.
* @example
* int main() {
* threadpool thpool1 = thpool_init(2);
* threadpool thpool2 = thpool_init(2);
* ..
* thpool_destroy(thpool1);
* ..
* return 0;
* }
* @param threadpool the threadpool to destroy
* @return nothing
void thpool_destroy(thpool_* thpool_p){
/* No need to destory if it's NULL */
if (thpool_p == NULL) return ;
volatile int threads_total = thpool_p->num_threads_alive;
/* End each thread 's infinite loop */
//(1) 终止工作线程thread_do( )中的死循环
threads_keepalive = 0;
/* Give one second to kill idle threads */
double TIMEOUT = 1.0;
time_t start, end;
double tpassed = 0.0;
time (&start);
while (tpassed < TIMEOUT && thpool_p->num_threads_alive){
time (&end);
tpassed = difftime(end,start);
/* Poll remaining threads */
while (thpool_p->num_threads_alive){
/* Job queue cleanup */
/* Deallocs */
int n;
for (n=0; n < threads_total; n++){
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
int sum=0;
int dat=0;
void increment(void *) {
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int num_jobs = 100;
int num_threads = 4;
threadpool thpool = thpool_init(num_threads);
int n;
for (n=0; nfor(int ii=0;ii"%d+",ii);
printf("%d\n", sum);
return 0;
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
int tickets=50;
void sale_tickets_job(void *arg) {
int id = *((int*)arg);
printf("job window[%d] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: %d\n",id,--tickets);
printf("job window[%d] finished\n",id);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int num_jobs = 4;
int num_threads = 4;
threadpool thpool = thpool_init(num_threads);
int* work_id=new int[num_jobs];
for (int n=0; n1;
thpool_add_work(thpool, sale_tickets_job, (void*)&work_id[n]);
printf("%d salling windows sale %d tickets>>>\n\n",num_jobs,tickets);
delete work_id;
printf("\nall tickets are saled out!\n");
return 0;
4 salling windows sale 50 tickets>>>
job window[1] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 49
job window[2] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 48
job window[1] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 47
job window[2] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 46
job window[3] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 45
job window[4] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 44
job window[4] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 43
job window[2] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 42
job window[3] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 41
job window[1] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 40
job window[4] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 39
job window[2] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 38
job window[1] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 37
job window[3] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 36
job window[4] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 35
job window[1] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 34
job window[3] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 33
job window[2] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 32
job window[3] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 31
job window[2] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 30
job window[4] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 29
job window[1] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 28
job window[4] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 27
job window[1] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 26
job window[2] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 25
job window[3] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 24
job window[2] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 23
job window[1] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 22
job window[4] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 21
job window[3] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 20
job window[1] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 19
job window[4] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 18
job window[2] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 17
job window[3] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 16
job window[2] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 15
job window[4] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 14
job window[3] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 13
job window[1] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 12
job window[2] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 11
job window[1] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 10
job window[3] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 9
job window[4] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 8
job window[2] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 7
job window[4] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 6
job window[3] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 5
job window[1] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 4
job window[2] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 3
job window[3] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 2
job window[4] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 1
job window[1] sell one ticket,remain tickets num: 0
job window[2] finished
job window[1] finished
job window[4] finished
job window[3] finished
all tickets are saled out!
高效线程池之无锁化实现(Linux C)
* @author Johan Hanssen Seferidis
* License: MIT
#ifndef _THPOOL_
#define _THPOOL_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* =================================== API ======================================= */
typedef struct thpool_* threadpool;
* @brief Initialize threadpool
* Initializes a threadpool. This function will not return untill all
* threads have initialized successfully.
* @example
* ..
* threadpool thpool; //First we declare a threadpool
* thpool = thpool_init(4); //then we initialize it to 4 threads
* ..
* @param num_threads number of threads to be created in the threadpool
* @return threadpool created threadpool on success,
* NULL on error
threadpool thpool_init(int num_threads);
* @brief Add work to the job queue
* Takes an action and its argument and adds it to the threadpool's job queue.
* If you want to add to work a function with more than one arguments then
* a way to implement this is by passing a pointer to a structure.
* NOTICE: You have to cast both the function and argument to not get warnings.
* @example
* void print_num(int num){
* printf("%d\n", num);
* }
* int main() {
* ..
* int a = 10;
* thpool_add_work(thpool, (void*)print_num, (void*)a);
* ..
* }
* @param threadpool threadpool to which the work will be added
* @param function_p pointer to function to add as work
* @param arg_p pointer to an argument
* @return 0 on successs, -1 otherwise.
int thpool_add_work(threadpool, void (*function_p)(void*), void* arg_p);
* @brief Wait for all queued jobs to finish
* Will wait for all jobs - both queued and currently running to finish.
* Once the queue is empty and all work has completed, the calling thread
* (probably the main program) will continue.
* Smart polling is used in wait. The polling is initially 0 - meaning that
* there is virtually no polling at all. If after 1 seconds the threads
* haven't finished, the polling interval starts growing exponentially
* untill it reaches max_secs seconds. Then it jumps down to a maximum polling
* interval assuming that heavy processing is being used in the threadpool.
* @example
* ..
* threadpool thpool = thpool_init(4);
* ..
* // Add a bunch of work
* ..
* thpool_wait(thpool);
* puts("All added work has finished");
* ..
* @param threadpool the threadpool to wait for
* @return nothing
void thpool_wait(threadpool);
* @brief Pauses all threads immediately
* The threads will be paused no matter if they are idle or working.
* The threads return to their previous states once thpool_resume
* is called.
* While the thread is being paused, new work can be added.
* @example
* threadpool thpool = thpool_init(4);
* thpool_pause(thpool);
* ..
* // Add a bunch of work
* ..
* thpool_resume(thpool); // Let the threads start their magic
* @param threadpool the threadpool where the threads should be paused
* @return nothing
void thpool_pause(threadpool);
* @brief Unpauses all threads if they are paused
* @example
* ..
* thpool_pause(thpool);
* sleep(10); // Delay execution 10 seconds
* thpool_resume(thpool);
* ..
* @param threadpool the threadpool where the threads should be unpaused
* @return nothing
void thpool_resume(threadpool);
* @brief Destroy the threadpool
* This will wait for the currently active threads to finish and then 'kill'
* the whole threadpool to free up memory.
* @example
* int main() {
* threadpool thpool1 = thpool_init(2);
* threadpool thpool2 = thpool_init(2);
* ..
* thpool_destroy(thpool1);
* ..
* return 0;
* }
* @param threadpool the threadpool to destroy
* @return nothing
void thpool_destroy(threadpool);
* @brief Show currently working threads
* Working threads are the threads that are performing work (not idle).
* @example
* int main() {
* threadpool thpool1 = thpool_init(2);
* threadpool thpool2 = thpool_init(2);
* ..
* printf("Working threads: %d\n", thpool_num_threads_working(thpool1));
* ..
* return 0;
* }
* @param threadpool the threadpool of interest
* @return integer number of threads working
int thpool_num_threads_working(threadpool);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* ********************************
* Author: Johan Hanssen Seferidis
* License: MIT
* Description: Library providing a threading pool where you can add
* work. For usage, check the thpool.h file or README.md
*//** @file thpool.h *//*
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
#if defined(__linux__)
#include "thpool.h"
#define THPOOL_DEBUG 1
#define THPOOL_DEBUG 0
#if !defined(DISABLE_PRINT) || defined(THPOOL_DEBUG)
#define err(str) fprintf(stderr, str)
#define err(str)
//控制所有线程是否终止,结束运行。 0,终止所有正在运行的线程;1,使能所有线程能够正常运行。
static volatile int threads_keepalive;
static volatile int threads_on_hold;
/* ========================== STRUCTURES ============================ */
/* Binary semaphore */
typedef struct bsem {
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t cond;
int v;
} bsem;
/* Job */
typedef struct job{
struct job* prev; /* pointer to previous job */
void (*function)(void* arg); /* function pointer */
void* arg; /* function's argument */
} job;
/* Job queue */
typedef struct jobqueue{
pthread_mutex_t rwmutex; /* used for queue r/w access */
job *front; /* pointer to front of queue */
job *rear; /* pointer to rear of queue */
bsem *has_jobs; /* flag as binary semaphore */
int len; /* number of jobs in queue */
} jobqueue;
/* Thread */
typedef struct thread{
int id; /* friendly id */
pthread_t pthread; /* pointer to actual thread */
struct thpool_* thpool_p; /* access to thpool */
} thread;
/* Threadpool */
typedef struct thpool_{
thread** threads; /* pointer to threads 该线程池拥有的工作线程 */
volatile int num_threads_alive; /* threads currently 当前启动的线程总数*/
volatile int num_threads_working; /* threads currently working (正在执行的线程)*/
pthread_mutex_t thcount_lock; /* used for thread count etc 对线程池的互斥访问*/
pthread_cond_t threads_all_idle; /* signal to thpool_wait */
jobqueue jobqueue; /* job queue 任务队列 */
} thpool_;
/* ========================== PROTOTYPES ============================ */
static int thread_init(thpool_* thpool_p, struct thread** thread_p, int id);
static void* thread_do(struct thread* thread_p);
static void thread_hold(int sig_id);
static void thread_destroy(struct thread* thread_p);
static int jobqueue_init(jobqueue* jobqueue_p);
static void jobqueue_clear(jobqueue* jobqueue_p);
static void jobqueue_push(jobqueue* jobqueue_p, struct job* newjob_p);
static struct job* jobqueue_pull(jobqueue* jobqueue_p);
static void jobqueue_destroy(jobqueue* jobqueue_p);
static void bsem_init(struct bsem *bsem_p, int value);
static void bsem_reset(struct bsem *bsem_p);
static void bsem_post(struct bsem *bsem_p);
static void bsem_post_all(struct bsem *bsem_p);
static void bsem_wait(struct bsem *bsem_p);
/* ========================== THREADPOOL ============================ */
/* Initialise thread pool */
struct thpool_* thpool_init(int num_threads){
threads_on_hold = 0;
threads_keepalive = 1;
if (num_threads < 0){
num_threads = 0;
/* Make new thread pool */
thpool_* thpool_p;
thpool_p = (struct thpool_*)malloc(sizeof(struct thpool_));
if (thpool_p == NULL){
err("thpool_init(): Could not allocate memory for thread pool\n");
return NULL;
thpool_p->num_threads_alive = 0;
thpool_p->num_threads_working = 0;
/* Initialise the job queue */
if (jobqueue_init(&thpool_p->jobqueue) == -1){
err("thpool_init(): Could not allocate memory for job queue\n");
return NULL;
/* Make threads in pool */
thpool_p->threads = (struct thread**)malloc(num_threads * sizeof(struct thread *));
if (thpool_p->threads == NULL){
err("thpool_init(): Could not allocate memory for threads\n");
return NULL;
pthread_mutex_init(&(thpool_p->thcount_lock), NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&thpool_p->threads_all_idle, NULL);
/* Thread init */
int n;
for (n=0; nthreads[n], n);
printf("THPOOL_DEBUG: Created thread %d in pool \n", n);
/* Wait for threads to initialize */
while (thpool_p->num_threads_alive != num_threads) {}
return thpool_p;
/* Add work to the thread pool */
int thpool_add_work(thpool_* thpool_p, void (*function_p)(void*), void* arg_p){
job* newjob;
newjob=(struct job*)malloc(sizeof(struct job));
if (newjob==NULL){
err("thpool_add_work(): Could not allocate memory for new job\n");
return -1;
/* add function and argument */
/* add job to queue */
jobqueue_push(&thpool_p->jobqueue, newjob);
return 0;
/* Wait until all jobs have finished */
void thpool_wait(thpool_* thpool_p){
while (thpool_p->jobqueue.len || thpool_p->num_threads_working) {
pthread_cond_wait(&thpool_p->threads_all_idle, &thpool_p->thcount_lock);
/* Destroy the threadpool */
void thpool_destroy(thpool_* thpool_p){
/* No need to destory if it's NULL */
if (thpool_p == NULL) return ;
volatile int threads_total = thpool_p->num_threads_alive;
/* End each thread 's infinite loop */
threads_keepalive = 0;
/* Give one second to kill idle threads */
double TIMEOUT = 1.0;
time_t start, end;
double tpassed = 0.0;
time (&start);
while (tpassed < TIMEOUT && thpool_p->num_threads_alive){
time (&end);
tpassed = difftime(end,start);
/* Poll remaining threads */
while (thpool_p->num_threads_alive){
/* Job queue cleanup */
/* Deallocs */
int n;
for (n=0; n < threads_total; n++){
/* Pause all threads in threadpool */
void thpool_pause(thpool_* thpool_p) {
int n;
for (n=0; n < thpool_p->num_threads_alive; n++){
pthread_kill(thpool_p->threads[n]->pthread, SIGUSR1);
/* Resume all threads in threadpool */
void thpool_resume(thpool_* thpool_p) {
// resuming a single threadpool hasn't been
// implemented yet, meanwhile this supresses
// the warnings
threads_on_hold = 0;
int thpool_num_threads_working(thpool_* thpool_p){
return thpool_p->num_threads_working;
/* ============================ THREAD ============================== */
/* Initialize a thread in the thread pool
* @param thread address to the pointer of the thread to be created
* @param id id to be given to the thread
* @return 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
static int thread_init (thpool_* thpool_p, struct thread** thread_p, int id){
*thread_p = (struct thread*)malloc(sizeof(struct thread));
if (thread_p == NULL){
err("thread_init(): Could not allocate memory for thread\n");
return -1;
(*thread_p)->thpool_p = thpool_p;
(*thread_p)->id = id;
pthread_create(&(*thread_p)->pthread, NULL, (void *)thread_do, (*thread_p));
return 0;
/* Sets the calling thread on hold */
static void thread_hold(int sig_id) {
threads_on_hold = 1;
while (threads_on_hold){
/* What each thread is doing
* In principle this is an endless loop. The only time this loop gets interuppted is once
* thpool_destroy() is invoked or the program exits.
* @param thread thread that will run this function
* @return nothing
static void* thread_do(struct thread* thread_p){
/* Set thread name for profiling and debuging */
char thread_name[128] = {0};
sprintf(thread_name, "thread-pool-%d", thread_p->id);
#if defined(__linux__)
/* Use prctl instead to prevent using _GNU_SOURCE flag and implicit declaration */
prctl(PR_SET_NAME, thread_name);
#elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
err("thread_do(): pthread_setname_np is not supported on this system");
/* Assure all threads have been created before starting serving */
thpool_* thpool_p = thread_p->thpool_p;
/* Register signal handler */
struct sigaction act;
act.sa_flags = 0;
act.sa_handler = thread_hold;
if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, NULL) == -1) {
err("thread_do(): cannot handle SIGUSR1");
/* Mark thread as alive (initialized) */
thpool_p->num_threads_alive += 1;
if (threads_keepalive){
/* Read job from queue and execute it */
void (*func_buff)(void*);
void* arg_buff;
job* job_p = jobqueue_pull(&thpool_p->jobqueue);
if (job_p) {
func_buff = job_p->function;
arg_buff = job_p->arg;
//afer the job is executed, we should remove the resource it owned.
//--afer one job is executed, the total working trheads num decrease 1
//when num_threads_working=0,triger a sigal that indicates that all threads are idle.
if (!thpool_p->num_threads_working) {
thpool_p->num_threads_alive --;
return NULL;
/* Frees a thread */
static void thread_destroy (thread* thread_p){
/* ============================ JOB QUEUE =========================== */
/* Initialize queue */
static int jobqueue_init(jobqueue* jobqueue_p){
jobqueue_p->len = 0;
jobqueue_p->front = NULL;
jobqueue_p->rear = NULL;
jobqueue_p->has_jobs = (struct bsem*)malloc(sizeof(struct bsem));
if (jobqueue_p->has_jobs == NULL){
return -1;
pthread_mutex_init(&(jobqueue_p->rwmutex), NULL);
bsem_init(jobqueue_p->has_jobs, 0);
return 0;
/* Clear the queue */
static void jobqueue_clear(jobqueue* jobqueue_p){
jobqueue_p->front = NULL;
jobqueue_p->rear = NULL;
jobqueue_p->len = 0;
/* Add (allocated) job to queue
static void jobqueue_push(jobqueue* jobqueue_p, struct job* newjob){
newjob->prev = NULL;
case 0: /* if no jobs in queue */
jobqueue_p->front = newjob;
jobqueue_p->rear = newjob;
default: /* if jobs in queue */
jobqueue_p->rear->prev = newjob;
jobqueue_p->rear = newjob;
/* Get first job from queue(removes it from queue)
<<<<<<< HEAD
* Notice: Caller MUST hold a mutex
>>>>>>> da2c0fe45e43ce0937f272c8cd2704bdc0afb490
static struct job* jobqueue_pull(jobqueue* jobqueue_p){
job* job_p = jobqueue_p->front;
case 0: /* if no jobs in queue */
case 1: /* if one job in queue */
jobqueue_p->front = NULL;
jobqueue_p->rear = NULL;
jobqueue_p->len = 0;
default: /* if >1 jobs in queue */
jobqueue_p->front = job_p->prev;
/* more than one job in queue -> post it */
return job_p;
/* Free all queue resources back to the system */
static void jobqueue_destroy(jobqueue* jobqueue_p){
/* ======================== SYNCHRONISATION ========================= */
/* Init semaphore to 1 or 0 */
static void bsem_init(bsem *bsem_p, int value) {
if (value < 0 || value > 1) {
err("bsem_init(): Binary semaphore can take only values 1 or 0");
pthread_mutex_init(&(bsem_p->mutex), NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&(bsem_p->cond), NULL);
bsem_p->v = value;
/* Reset semaphore to 0 */
static void bsem_reset(bsem *bsem_p) {
bsem_init(bsem_p, 0);
/* Post to at least one thread */
static void bsem_post(bsem *bsem_p) {
bsem_p->v = 1;
/* Post to all threads */
static void bsem_post_all(bsem *bsem_p) {
bsem_p->v = 1;
pthread_cond_broadcast(&bsem_p->cond); //广播形式发送信号
/* Wait on semaphore until semaphore has value 0 */
static void bsem_wait(bsem* bsem_p) {
while (bsem_p->v != 1) {
pthread_cond_wait(&bsem_p->cond, &bsem_p->mutex);
bsem_p->v = 0;