
  • 套路
    routine, well-designed traps

  • 老司机

    experienced Chinese black-joke teller
  • 理都懂,然并卵
    crystal clear but helpless

  • 城会玩/你们城里人真会玩
    You those people from big city always got lots of fun ideas.
  • 弃治疗
    give up further medical treatment
  • 吃枣药丸
    will be ruined sooner or later
  • 喜大普奔
    Chinese people never wait a minute to tell the great news to everyone else and they immediately hold universal celebrations for it.
  • 细思极恐
    feel horrible after a while when I think through
  • 人艰不拆

    You haven't realized how hard it was for me to keep my life going on
  • 不要在乎这些细节
    Ignoring these details will make your life easier.
  • 累觉不爱
    being bored and out of love
  • 十动然拒
    deeply touched but refuse the boy's proposal
  • 躺枪
    unluckily get shot while lying down still playing dead
  • 绳命
    life, pronounced like a rope in Chinese
  • 狗带
    no relationship with the belt of a dog, just pronounced as go die
  • 允悲
    allow me to post a sad face
  • 挽尊
    Used to gain back the honor for the bbs thread owner. Result: replying+1

  • 草泥马
  • 河蟹
    used as a replacement for sensitive words, such as Govern-和谐-ment
  • 屌丝/矮矬穷
  • 高帅富
    handsome rich gentleman
  • 女神/白富美
    beautiful young daughter from a noble or rich family
  • 嘿嘿嘿

    the charming laughing in the famous joke story, told by Chinese singer Fei Yu-Ching

  • evil
  • 绅士
    gentleman in Japanese, which unexpected pronounced as an opposite meaning
  • 233
    The Emoji picture No.233 from www.mop.com, which stands for LOL
  • 666
    a signal that tells your team mates the goal has been reached and let's slip away / fall back
  • 我伙呆
  • 腿玩年
  • 不明觉厉
  • 火钳刘明
  • 注孤生
  • 你懂的/发福利/学习资料


  • 网络流行语词典,作者:橙子萌萌哒,连载于晋江文学网,未完结
  • 《2016年10大网络流行语出炉,用英语这么说才够味儿!》http://www.jianshu.com/p/8ca955748bbe 作者:@翻译米
