Kiss me hug me don't leave me philosophy

Any time, any place, any day of the year can be a great moment with the right person. It is all about timing.

So don't think that this guy is so perfect for u blahahblah, unless he makes the gesture that he is perfect FOR U.

If a guy misses you, no matter what, he will come get you. He will call you, text you, sitting on a bench at your front door... The truth is, if he likes you then nothing will stop him from approaching you.

Thus, if he does not call, text, or show up in your life ever again, don't hold to any second thought. He is just not that into you. And which is totally fine.

But the importance is to realize who does care about you and who does not. If you always have a tendency approaching to the wrong person and you feel so horrible about it afterwards, it is totally your problem. Grow up and face it.

I cannot handle my "I'm thinking about you" issue, therefore I will have to always play on the safe side. Though that does not prevent me from getting hurt, at least I still have the faith in me and move on.

This is totally subjective and personalized. But, if a guy likes you, he would have called.

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