在pongba的讨论组上看到一道Amazon的面试题:找出给定字符串里的最长回文。例子:输入XMADAMYX。则输出MADAM。这道题的流行解法是用后缀树(Suffix Tree)。这坨数据结构最酷的地方是用它能高效解决一大票复杂的字符串编程问题:
另外后缀树在生物信息学里应该应用广泛。碱基匹配和选取的计算本质上就是操作超长的{C, T, A, G, U}*字符串嘛。
Trie是坨简单但实用的数据结构,通常用于实现字典查询。我们做即时响应用户输入的AJAX搜索框时,就是Trie开始。谁说学点数据结构没用来 着?本质上,Trie是一颗存储多个字符串的树。相邻节点间的边代表一个字符,这样树的每条分支代表一则子串,而树的叶节点则代表完整的字符串。和普通树 不同的地方是,相同的字符串前缀共享同一条分支。还是例子最清楚。给出一组单词,inn, int, at, age, adv, ant, 我们可以得到下面的Trie:
单词inn与单词int有共同的前缀“in”, 因此他们共享左边的一条分支,root->i->in。同理,ate, age, adv, 和ant共享前缀"a",所以他们共享从根节点到节点"a"的边。
查询非常简单。比如要查找int,顺着路径i -> in -> int就找到了。
有了Trie,后缀树就容易理解了。先说说后缀的定义。给定一长度为n的字符串S=S1S2..Si..Sn,和整数i,1 <= i <= n,子串SiSi+1...Sn都是字符串S的后缀。以字符串S=XMADAMYX为例,它的长度为8,所以S[1..8], S[2..8], ... , S[8..8]都算S的后缀,我们一般还把空字串也算成后缀。这样,我们一共有如下后缀。对于后缀S[i..n],我们说这项后缀起始于i。
S[1..8], XMADAMYX, 也就是字符串本身,起始位置为1
S[2..8], MADAMYX,起始位置为2
S[3..8], ADAMYX,起始位置为3
S[4..8], DAMYX,起始位置为4
S[5..8], AMYX,起始位置为5
S[6..8], MYX,起始位置为6
S[7..8], YX,起始位置为7
S[8..8], X,起始位置为8
仔细观察上图,我们可以看到不少值得压缩的地方。比如蓝框标注的分支都是独苗,没有必要用单独的节点同边表示。如果我们允许任意一条边里包含多个字 母,就可以把这种没有分叉的路径压缩到一条边。另外每条边已经包含了足够的后缀信息,我们就不用再给节点标注字符串信息了。我们只需要在叶节点上标注上每 项后缀的起始位置。于是我们得到下图:
这样的结构丢失了某些后缀。比如后缀X在上图中消失了,因为它正好是字符串XMADAMYX的前缀。为了避免这种情况,我们也规定每项后缀不能是其 它后缀的前缀。要解决这个问题其实挺简单,在待处理的子串后加一坨空字串就行了。例如我们处理XMADAMYX前,先把XMADAMYX变为 XMADAMYX$,于是就得到suffix tree乐。
最低共有祖先,LCA(Lowest Common Ancestor),也就是任意两节点(多个也行)最长的共有前缀。比如下图中,节点7同节点10的共同祖先是节点1与借点,但最低共同祖先是5。 查找LCA的算法是O(1)的复杂度,这年头少见。代价是需要对后缀树做复杂度为O(n)的预处理。
广 义后缀树(Generalized Suffix Tree)。传统的后缀树处理一坨单词的所有后缀。广义后缀树存储任意多个单词的所有后缀。例如下图是单词XMADAMYX与XYMADAMX的广义后缀 树。注意我们需要区分不同单词的后缀,所以叶节点用不同的特殊符号与后缀位置配对。
有了上面的概念,查找最长回文相对简单了。思维的突破点在于考察回文的半径,而不是回文本身。所谓半径,就是回文对折后的字串。比如回文MADAM 的半径为MAD,半径长度为3,半径的中心是字母D。显然,最长回文必有最长半径,且两条半径相等。还是以MADAM为例,以D为中心往左,我们得到半径 DAM;以D为中心向右,我们得到半径DAM。二者肯定相等。因为MADAM已经是单词XMADAMYX里的最长回文,我们可以肯定从D往左数的字串 DAMX与从D往右数的子串DAMYX共享最长前缀DAM。而这,正是解决回文问题的关键。现在我们有后缀树,怎么把从D向左数的字串DAMX变成后缀 呢?到这个地步,答案应该明显:把单词XMADAMYX翻转就行了。于是我们把寻找回文的问题转换成了寻找两坨后缀的LCA的问题。当然,我们还需要知道 到底查询那些后缀间的LCA。这也简单,给定字符串S,如果最长回文的中心在i,那从位置i向右数的后缀刚好是S(i),而向左数的字符串刚好是翻转S后 得到的字符串S‘的后缀S'(n-i+1)。这里的n是字符串S的长度。有了这套直观解释,算法自然呼之欲出:
对单词的每一位置i(也就是从0到N-1),获取LCA(S(i), S(N-i+1)) 以及LCA(S(i+1), S(n-i+1))。查找两次的原因是我们需要考虑奇数回文和偶数回文的情况。这步要考察每坨i,所以复杂度是O(N)
用上图做例子,i为3时,LCA(3$, 4#)为DAM,正好是最长半径。当然,这只是直观的叙述。
创建后缀树的O(n)算法。至于是Peter Weiner的73年年度最佳算法,还是Edward McCreight1976的改进算法,还是1995年E. Ukkonen大幅简化的算法,还是Juha Kärkkäinen 和 Peter Sanders2003年进一步简化的线性算法,各位老大随喜。
优化后缀树空间的办法。比如不存储子串,而存储读取子串必需的位置。以及Directed Acyclic Word Graph,常缩写为黑哥哥们挂在嘴边的DAWG。
(1). 查找字符串o是否在字符串S中。
例如S: leconte,查找o: con是否在S中,则o(con)必然是S(leconte)的后缀之一conte的前缀.有了这个前提,采用trie搜索的方法就不难理解了。
(2). 指定字符串T在字符串S中的重复次数。
(3). 字符串S中的最长重复子串
(4). 两个字符串S1,S2的最长公共部分
Suffix tree creation
Mark Nelson, updated December, 2006
This code has been tested with Borland C++ and
Microsoft Visual C++.
This program asks you for a line of input, then
creates the suffix tree corresponding to the given
text. Additional code is provided to validate the
resulting tree after creation.
#include <
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::cerr;
using std::setw;
using std::flush;
using std::endl;
When a new tree is added to the table, we step
through all the currently defined suffixes from
the active point to the end point. This structure
defines a Suffix by its final character.
In the canonical representation, we define that last
character by starting at a node in the tree, and
following a string of characters, represented by
first_char_index and last_char_index. The two indices
point into the input string. Note that if a suffix
ends at a node, there are no additional characters
needed to characterize its last character position.
When this is the case, we say the node is Explicit,
and set first_char_index > last_char_index to flag
class Suffix {
public :
int origin_node;
int first_char_index;
int last_char_index;
int node,
int start,
int stop )
: origin_node( node ),
first_char_index( start ),
last_char_index( stop ){};
int Explicit(){
return first_char_index > last_char_index; }
int Implicit(){
return last_char_index >= first_char_index; }
void Canonize();
The suffix tree is made up of edges connecting nodes.
Each edge represents a string of characters starting
at first_char_index and ending at last_char_index.
Edges can be inserted and removed from a hash table,
based on the Hash() function defined here. The hash
table indicates an unused slot by setting the
start_node value to -1.
class Edge {
public :
int first_char_index;
int last_char_index;
int end_node;
int start_node;
void Insert();
void Remove();
int init_first_char_index,
int init_last_char_index,
int parent_node );
int SplitEdge( Suffix &s );
static Edge Find(
int node,
int c );
int Hash(
int node,
int c );
The only information contained in a node is the
suffix link. Each suffix in the tree that ends
at a particular node can find the next smaller suffix
by following the suffix_node link to a new node. Nodes
are stored in a simple array.
class Node {
public :
int suffix_node;
int father;
int leaf_index;
Node() { suffix_node = -1;
int Count;
int Leaf;
The maximum input string length this program
will handle is defined here. A suffix tree
can have as many as 2N edges/nodes. The edges
are stored in a hash table, whose size is also
defined here.
int MAX_LENGTH = 1000;
int HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 2179;
A prime roughly 10% larger
This is the hash table where all the currently
defined edges are stored. You can dump out
all the currently defined edges by iterating
through the table and finding edges whose start_node
is not -1.
Edge Edges[ HASH_TABLE_SIZE ];
The array of defined nodes. The count is 1 at the
start because the initial tree has the root node
defined, with no children.
int Node::Count = 1;
int Node::Leaf = 1;
Node Nodes[ MAX_LENGTH * 2 ];
The input buffer and character count. Please note that N
is the length of the input string -1, which means it
denotes the maximum index in the input buffer.
char T[ MAX_LENGTH ];
int N;
Necessary forward references
void validate();
int walk_tree(
int start_node,
int last_char_so_far );
The default ctor for Edge just sets start_node
to the invalid value. This is done to guarantee
that the hash table is initially filled with unused
start_node = -1;
I create new edges in the program while walking up
the set of suffixes from the active point to the
endpoint. Each time I create a new edge, I also
add a new node for its end point. The node entry
is already present in the Nodes[] array, and its
suffix node is set to -1 by the default Node() ctor,
so I don't have to do anything with it at this point.
int init_first,
int init_last,
int parent_node )
first_char_index = init_first;
last_char_index = init_last;
start_node = parent_node;
end_node = Node::Count++;
Edges are inserted into the hash table using this hashing
int Edge::Hash(
int node,
int c )
return ( ( node << 8 ) + c ) % HASH_TABLE_SIZE;
A given edge gets a copy of itself inserted into the table
with this function. It uses a linear probe technique, which
means in the case of a collision, we just step forward through
the table until we find the first unused slot.
void Edge::Insert()
int i = Hash( start_node, T[ first_char_index ] );
while ( Edges[ i ].start_node != -1 )
i = ++i % HASH_TABLE_SIZE;
Edges[ i ] = *
Removing an edge from the hash table is a little more tricky.
You have to worry about creating a gap in the table that will
make it impossible to find other entries that have been inserted
using a probe. Working around this means that after setting
an edge to be unused, we have to walk ahead in the table,
filling in gaps until all the elements can be found.
Knuth, Sorting and Searching, Algorithm R, p. 527
void Edge::Remove()
int i = Hash( start_node, T[ first_char_index ] );
while ( Edges[ i ].start_node != start_node ||
Edges[ i ].first_char_index != first_char_index )
i = ++i % HASH_TABLE_SIZE;
for ( ; ; ) {
Edges[ i ].start_node = -1;
int j = i;
for ( ; ; ) {
i = ++i % HASH_TABLE_SIZE;
if ( Edges[ i ].start_node == -1 )
int r = Hash( Edges[ i ].start_node, T[ Edges[ i ].first_char_index ] );
if ( i >= r && r > j )
if ( r > j && j > i )
if ( j > i && i >= r )
Edges[ j ] = Edges[ i ];
The whole reason for storing edges in a hash table is that it
makes this function fairly efficient. When I want to find a
particular edge leading out of a particular node, I call this
function. It locates the edge in the hash table, and returns
a copy of it. If the edge isn't found, the edge that is returned
to the caller will have start_node set to -1, which is the value
used in the hash table to flag an unused entry.
Edge Edge::Find(
int node,
int c )
int i = Hash( node, c );
for ( ; ; ) {
if ( Edges[ i ].start_node == node )
if ( c == T[ Edges[ i ].first_char_index ] )
return Edges[ i ];
if ( Edges[ i ].start_node == -1 )
return Edges[ i ];
i = ++i % HASH_TABLE_SIZE;
When a suffix ends on an implicit node, adding a new character
means I have to split an existing edge. This function is called
to split an edge at the point defined by the Suffix argument.
The existing edge loses its parent, as well as some of its leading
characters. The newly created edge descends from the original
parent, and now has the existing edge as a child.
Since the existing edge is getting a new parent and starting
character, its hash table entry will no longer be valid. That's
why it gets removed at the start of the function. After the parent
and start char have been recalculated, it is re-inserted.
The number of characters stolen from the original node and given
to the new node is equal to the number of characters in the suffix
argument, which is last - first + 1;
int Edge::SplitEdge( Suffix &s )
Edge *new_edge =
new Edge( first_char_index,
first_char_index + s.last_char_index - s.first_char_index,
s.origin_node );
Nodes[ new_edge->end_node ].suffix_node = s.origin_node;
first_char_index += s.last_char_index - s.first_char_index + 1;
start_node = new_edge->end_node;
return new_edge->end_node;
This routine prints out the contents of the suffix tree
at the end of the program by walking through the
hash table and printing out all used edges. It
would be really great if I had some code that will
print out the tree in a graphical fashion, but I don't!
void dump_edges(
int current_n )
cout << " Start End Suf First Last String\n";
for (
int j = 0 ; j < HASH_TABLE_SIZE ; j++ ) {
Edge *s = Edges + j;
if ( s->start_node == -1 )
cout << setw( 5 ) << s->start_node << " "
<< setw( 5 ) << s->end_node << " "
<< setw( 3 ) << Nodes[ s->end_node ].suffix_node << " "
<< setw( 5 ) << s->first_char_index << " "
<< setw( 6 ) << s->last_char_index << " ";
int top;
if ( current_n > s->last_char_index )
top = s->last_char_index;
top = current_n;
for (
int l = s->first_char_index ;
l <= top;
l++ )
cout << T[ l ];
cout << "\n";
A suffix in the tree is denoted by a Suffix structure
that denotes its last character. The canonical
representation of a suffix for this algorithm requires
that the origin_node by the closest node to the end
of the tree. To force this to be true, we have to
slide down every edge in our current path until we
reach the final node.
void Suffix::Canonize()
if ( !Explicit() ) {
Edge edge = Edge::Find( origin_node, T[ first_char_index ] );
int edge_span = edge.last_char_index - edge.first_char_index;
while ( edge_span <= ( last_char_index - first_char_index ) ) {
first_char_index = first_char_index + edge_span + 1;
origin_node = edge.end_node;
if ( first_char_index <= last_char_index ) {
edge = Edge::Find( edge.end_node, T[ first_char_index ] );
edge_span = edge.last_char_index - edge.first_char_index;
This routine constitutes the heart of the algorithm.
It is called repetitively, once for each of the prefixes
of the input string. The prefix in question is denoted
by the index of its last character.
At each prefix, we start at the active point, and add
a new edge denoting the new last character, until we
reach a point where the new edge is not needed due to
the presence of an existing edge starting with the new
last character. This point is the end point.
Luckily for use, the end point just happens to be the
active point for the next pass through the tree. All
we have to do is update it's last_char_index to indicate
that it has grown by a single character, and then this
routine can do all its work one more time.
void AddPrefix( Suffix &active,
int last_char_index )
int parent_node;
int last_parent_node = -1;
for ( ; ; ) {
Edge edge;
parent_node = active.origin_node;
Step 1 is to try and find a matching edge for the given node.
If a matching edge exists, we are done adding edges, so we break
out of this big loop.
if ( active.Explicit() ) {
edge = Edge::Find( active.origin_node, T[ last_char_index ] );
if ( edge.start_node != -1 )
else {
implicit node, a little more complicated
edge = Edge::Find( active.origin_node, T[ active.first_char_index ] );
int span = active.last_char_index - active.first_char_index;
if ( T[ edge.first_char_index + span + 1 ] == T[ last_char_index ] )
parent_node = edge.SplitEdge( active );
We didn't find a matching edge, so we create a new one, add
it to the tree at the parent node position, and insert it
into the hash table. When we create a new node, it also
means we need to create a suffix link to the new node from
the last node we visited.
Edge *new_edge =
new Edge( last_char_index, N, parent_node );
if ( last_parent_node > 0 )
Nodes[ last_parent_node ].suffix_node = parent_node;
last_parent_node = parent_node;
This final step is where we move to the next smaller suffix
if ( active.origin_node == 0 )
active.origin_node = Nodes[ active.origin_node ].suffix_node;
if ( last_parent_node > 0 )
Nodes[ last_parent_node ].suffix_node = parent_node;
Now the endpoint is the next active point
int main()
cout << "Normally, suffix trees require that the last\n"
<< "character in the input string be unique. If\n"
<< "you don't do this, your tree will contain\n"
<< "suffixes that don't end in leaf nodes. This is\n"
<< "often a useful requirement. You can build a tree\n"
<< "in this program without meeting this requirement,\n"
<< "but the validation code will flag it as being an\n"
<< "invalid tree\n\n";
cout << "Enter string: " << flush;
cin.getline( T, MAX_LENGTH - 1 );
N = strlen( T ) - 1;
The active point is the first non-leaf suffix in the
tree. We start by setting this to be the empty string
at node 0. The AddPrefix() function will update this
value after every new prefix is added.
Suffix active( 0, 0, -1 );
The initial active prefix
for (
int i = 0 ; i <= N ; i++ )
AddPrefix( active, i );
for(i=0;i cout<
Once all N prefixes have been added, the resulting table
of edges is printed out, and a validation step is
optionally performed.
dump_edges( N );
cout << "Would you like to validate the tree?"
<< flush;
std::string s;
std::getline( cin, s );
if ( s.size() > 0 && s[ 0 ] == 'Y' || s[ 0 ] == 'y' )
return 1;
The validation code consists of two routines. All it does
is traverse the entire tree. walk_tree() calls itself
recursively, building suffix strings up as it goes. When
walk_tree() reaches a leaf node, it checks to see if the
suffix derived from the tree matches the suffix starting
at the same point in the input text. If so, it tags that
suffix as correct in the GoodSuffixes[] array. When the tree
has been traversed, every entry in the GoodSuffixes array should
have a value of 1.
In addition, the BranchCount[] array is updated while the tree is
walked as well. Every count in the array has the
number of child edges emanating from that node. If the node
is a leaf node, the value is set to -1. When the routine
finishes, every node should be a branch or a leaf. The number
of leaf nodes should match the number of suffixes (the length)
of the input string. The total number of branches from all
nodes should match the node count.
char CurrentString[ MAX_LENGTH ];
char GoodSuffixes[ MAX_LENGTH ];
char BranchCount[ MAX_LENGTH * 2 ] = { 0 };
void validate()
for (
int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ )
GoodSuffixes[ i ] = 0;
walk_tree( 0, 0 );
int error = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ )
if ( GoodSuffixes[ i ] != 1 ) {
cout << "Suffix " << i << " count wrong!\n";
if ( error == 0 )
cout << "All Suffixes present!\n";
int leaf_count = 0;
int branch_count = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < Node::Count ; i++ ) {
if ( BranchCount[ i ] == 0 )
cout << "Logic error on node "
<< i
<< ", not a leaf or internal node!\n";
if ( BranchCount[ i ] == -1 )
branch_count += BranchCount[ i ];
cout << "Leaf count : "
<< leaf_count
<< ( leaf_count == ( N + 1 ) ? " OK" : " Error!" )
<< "\n";
cout << "Branch count : "
<< branch_count
<< ( branch_count == (Node::Count - 1) ? " OK" : " Error!" )
<< endl;
int walk_tree(
int start_node,
int last_char_so_far )
int edges = 0;
for (
int i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ ) {
Edge edge = Edge::Find( start_node, i );
if ( edge.start_node != -1 ) {
if ( BranchCount[ edge.start_node ] < 0 )
cerr << "Logic error on node "
<< edge.start_node
<< '\n';
BranchCount[ edge.start_node ]++;
int l = last_char_so_far;
for (
int j = edge.first_char_index ; j <= edge.last_char_index ; j++ )
CurrentString[ l++ ] = T[ j ];
CurrentString[ l ] = '\0';
if ( walk_tree( edge.end_node, l ) ) {
if ( BranchCount[ edge.end_node ] > 0 )
cerr << "Logic error on node "
<< edge.end_node
<< "\n";
BranchCount[ edge.end_node ]--;
If this node didn't have any child edges, it means we
are at a leaf node, and can check on this suffix. We
check to see if it matches the input string, then tick
off it's entry in the GoodSuffixes list.
if ( edges == 0 ) {
cout << "Suffix : ";
for (
int m = 0 ; m < last_char_so_far ; m++ )
cout << CurrentString[ m ];
cout << "\n";
GoodSuffixes[ strlen( CurrentString ) - 1 ]++;
cout << "comparing: " << ( T + N - strlen( CurrentString ) + 1 )
<< " to " << CurrentString << endl;
if ( strcmp(T + N - strlen(CurrentString) + 1, CurrentString ) != 0 )
cout << "Comparison failure!\n";
return 1;
return 0;
转载出处: http://www.cppblog.com/superKiki/archive/2010/10/29/131786.aspx