- LeNet - CNN 网络训练; 采用 ReLUs 激活函数代替 Sigmoid.
- model helper
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import shutil
import caffe2.python.predictor.predictor_exporter as pe
from caffe2.python import core, model_helper, net_drawer, workspace, visualize, brew
# 设置不显示初始化信息
# 可以将 --caffe2_log_level=0 变为 --caffe2_log_level=-1
core.GlobalInit(['caffe2', '--caffe2_log_level=0'])
print("Necessities imported!")
下载 MNIST Dataset,并解压.
Caffe2 提供了 LevelDB 数据集的工具 - make_mnist_db,caffe2/build/caffe2/binaries
或 /usr/local/bin/make_mnist_db
/usr/local/bin/make_mnist_db --channel_first --db leveldb --image_file data/mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte --label_file data/mnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte --output_file data/mnist/mnist-train-nchw-leveldb
/usr/local/bin/make_mnist_db --channel_first --db leveldb --image_file data/mnist/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte --label_file data/mnist/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte --output_file data/mnist/mnist-test-nchw-leveldb
Python 转换 LevelDB:
import os
def GenerateDB(image, label, name):
'''Calls the make_mnist_db binary to generate a leveldb from a mnist dataset'''
name = os.path.join(data_folder, name)
print 'DB: ', name
if not os.path.exists(name):
syscall = "/usr/local/bin/make_mnist_db --channel_first --db leveldb --image_file " + image + " --label_file " + label + " --output_file " + name
# print "Creating database with: ", syscall
print "Database exists already. Delete the folder if you have issues/corrupted DB, then rerun this."
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(name, "LOCK")):
# print "Deleting the pre-existing lock file"
os.remove(os.path.join(name, "LOCK"))
data_folder = 'data/mnist'
image_file_train = os.path.join(data_folder, "train-images-idx3-ubyte")
label_file_train = os.path.join(data_folder, "train-labels-idx1-ubyte")
image_file_test = os.path.join(data_folder, "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte")
label_file_test = os.path.join(data_folder, "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte")
GenerateDB(image_file_train, label_file_train, "mnist-train-nchw-leveldb")
GenerateDB(image_file_test, label_file_test, "mnist-test-nchw-leveldb")
Caffe2 也提供了转换后的 MNIST 数据集:
- 数据输入 - AddInput 函数
- 网络定义 - AddLeNetModel 函数
- 网络训练 - AddTrainingOperators 函数
- BookKeeping - AddBookkeepingOperators 函数
[batch_size, num_channels, width, height]
,这里是 [batch_size, 1, 28, 28]
,datatype 为 uint8; label 的格式为 [batch_size]
,datatype 为 int.def AddInput(model, batch_size, db, db_type):
# load the data
data_uint8, label = model.TensorProtosDBInput(
[], ["data_uint8", "label"], batch_size=batch_size,
db=db, db_type=db_type)
# cast the data to float
data = model.Cast(data_uint8, "data", to=core.DataType.FLOAT)
# scale data from [0,255] down to [0,1]
data = model.Scale(data, data, scale=float(1./256))
# don't need the gradient for the backward pass
data = model.StopGradient(data, data)
return data, label
def AddLeNetModel(model, data):
Standard LeNet model: from data to the softmax prediction.
convolutional layer:
dim_in - number of input channels
dim_out - number or output channels
each Conv and MaxPool layer changes the image size.
For example, kernel of size 5 reduces each side of an image by 4.
MaxPool layer, kernel and stride sizes equal 2, which divides each side in half.
# Image size: 28 x 28 -> 24 x 24
conv1 = brew.conv(model, data, 'conv1', dim_in=1, dim_out=20, kernel=5)
# Image size: 24 x 24 -> 12 x 12
pool1 = brew.max_pool(model, conv1, 'pool1', kernel=2, stride=2)
# Image size: 12 x 12 -> 8 x 8
conv2 = brew.conv(model, pool1, 'conv2', dim_in=20, dim_out=50, kernel=5)
# Image size: 8 x 8 -> 4 x 4
pool2 = brew.max_pool(model, conv2, 'pool2', kernel=2, stride=2)
# 50 * 4 * 4 stands for dim_out from previous layer multiplied by the image size
fc3 = brew.fc(model, pool2, 'fc3', dim_in=50 * 4 * 4, dim_out=500)
fc3 = brew.relu(model, fc3, fc3)
pred = brew.fc(model, fc3, 'pred', 500, 10)
softmax = brew.softmax(model, pred, 'softmax')
return softmax
def AddAccuracy(model, softmax, label):
"""Accuracy op to estimate the model"""
accuracy = brew.accuracy(model, [softmax, label], "accuracy")
return accuracy
网络模型的训练,添加训练 operators:
Operator LabelCrossEntropy
- 计算输入和 label 的交叉熵. 一般是:
Softmax + LabelCrossEntropy + Loss
xent = model.LabelCrossEntropy([softmax, label], 'xent')
Operator AveragedLoss
- 计算交叉熵的平均 loss,其输入是交叉熵:
loss = model.AveragedLoss(xent, "loss")
函数 AddAccuracy
- 计算模型的精度,以用于 bookkeeping:
AddAccuracy(model, softmax, label)
梯度 Operators - 计算关于 loss 的梯度:
Operator Iter
- 训练中迭代次数的计数器:
ITER = brew.iter(model, "iter")
学习率 Learning_rate - lr=base_lr∗(tgamma) l r = b a s e _ l r ∗ ( t g a m m a ) . 最优化时,是最小化 Loss,则 base_lr 是负值(negative),沿着 DownHill 方向进行:
LR = model.LearningRate(ITER, "LR", base_lr=-0.1, policy="step", stepsize=1, gamma=0.999 )
ONE - 用于更新梯度的常数,只需要创建一次,放在 pram_init_net 中:
ONE = model.param_init_net.ConstantFill([], "ONE", shape=[1], value=1.0)
梯度更新时,需要对每个参数进行更新. 每个参数的梯度,采用 ModelHelper 来追踪. 以加权和的方式: param=param+param_grad∗LR p a r a m = p a r a m + p a r a m _ g r a d ∗ L R .
for param in model.params:
param_grad = model.param_to_grad[param]
model.WeightedSum([param, ONE, param_grad, LR], param)
Operator Checkpoint
- 模型参数断点保存:
model.Checkpoint([ITER] + model.params, [],
db="mnist_lenet_checkpoint_%05d.lmdb", # 保存的名字
db_type="lmdb", every=20) # 每 20 次迭代保存一次
AddTrainingOperators 函数:
def AddTrainingOperators(model, softmax, label):
"""Training operators to the model."""
xent = model.LabelCrossEntropy([softmax, label], 'xent')
# 计算 Loss
loss = model.AveragedLoss(xent, "loss")
# 计算模型精度
AddAccuracy(model, softmax, label)
# 根据 loss 计算模型梯度,gradient operators
# SGD 优化
ITER = brew.iter(model, "iter")
# 设置 learning_rate 更新
LR = model.LearningRate(ITER, "LR", base_lr=-0.1, policy="step", stepsize=1, gamma=0.999 )
# param_init_net 中创建常数值,ONE
ONE = model.param_init_net.ConstantFill([], "ONE", shape=[1], value=1.0)
# 对每一个参数,更新梯度
for param in model.params:
# 采用 ModelHelper,获得每个参数的梯度
param_grad = model.param_to_grad[param]
# 采用加权和的方式更新梯度
# param = param + param_grad * LR
model.WeightedSum([param, ONE, param_grad, LR], param)
该函数不影响训练过程,只是用来输出保存 logs.
def AddBookkeepingOperators(model):
Only collect statistics and prints them to file or to logs.
# 输出 blob 内容,to_file=1 表示打印输出到文件
# 文件保存路径:root_folder/[blob name]
model.Print('accuracy', [], to_file=1)
model.Print('loss', [], to_file=1)
# 累加参数,并给出参数的统计值,如 mean, std, min and max
for param in model.params:
model.Summarize(param, [], to_file=1)
model.Summarize(model.param_to_grad[param], [], to_file=1)
arg_scope = {"order": "NCHW"}
# 训练网络
train_model = model_helper.ModelHelper(name="mnist_train", arg_scope=arg_scope)
data, label = AddInput(train_model, batch_size=64,
db=os.path.join(data_folder, 'mnist-train-nchw-lmdb'),
softmax = AddLeNetModel(train_model, data)
AddTrainingOperators(train_model, softmax, label)
# 测试网络
test_model = model_helper.ModelHelper(name="mnist_test", arg_scope=arg_scope, init_params=False)
data, label = AddInput(test_model, batch_size=100,
db=os.path.join(data_folder, 'mnist-test-nchw-lmdb'),
softmax = AddLeNetModel(test_model, data)
AddAccuracy(test_model, softmax, label)
# 模型部署
deploy_model = model_helper.ModelHelper(name="mnist_deploy", arg_scope=arg_scope, init_params=False)
AddLeNetModel(deploy_model, "data")
Caffe2 提供了可视化工具,先安装 graphviz:
sudo yum install graphviz
显示全部参数和 Operators
graph = net_drawer.GetPydotGraph(train_model.net.Proto().op, "mnist", rankdir="LR")
只显示 Operators
graph = net_drawer.GetPydotGraphMinimal(train_model.net.Proto().op, "mnist", rankdir="LR", minimal_dependency=True)
保存网络结构到文件,类似与 caffe 网络定义:
with open(os.path.join(root_folder, "train_net.pbtxt"), 'w') as fid:
with open(os.path.join(root_folder, "train_init_net.pbtxt"), 'w') as fid:
with open(os.path.join(root_folder, "test_net.pbtxt"), 'w') as fid:
with open(os.path.join(root_folder, "test_init_net.pbtxt"), 'w') as fid:
with open(os.path.join(root_folder, "deploy_net.pbtxt"), 'w') as fid:
print("Protocol buffers files have been created in your root folder: " + root_folder)
设置训练迭代次数,并创建数组记录每次迭代的 accuracy 和loss:
total_iters = 200
accuracy = np.zeros(total_iters)
loss = np.zeros(total_iters)
网络训练,主要是通过调用 workspace.RunNet
,并传递网络名 train_model.net.Proto().name
for i in range(total_iters):
accuracy[i] = workspace.FetchBlob('accuracy')
loss[i] = workspace.FetchBlob('loss')
可视化训练 accuracy 和 loss.
LeNet 训练过程:
# 网络初始化
# 网络创建
workspace.CreateNet(train_model.net, overwrite=True)
# 迭代次数设置,创建 accuracy 和 loss 数组
total_iters = 200
accuracy = np.zeros(total_iters)
loss = np.zeros(total_iters)
# 训练网络
for i in range(total_iters):
accuracy[i] = workspace.FetchBlob('accuracy')
loss[i] = workspace.FetchBlob('loss')
# 可视化训练 accuracy 和 loss
plt.plot(loss, 'b')
plt.plot(accuracy, 'r')
plt.legend(('Loss', 'Accuracy'), loc='upper right')
data = workspace.FetchBlob('data')
_ = visualize.NCHW.ShowMultiple(data)
softmax = workspace.FetchBlob('softmax')
_ = plt.plot(softmax[0], 'ro')
plt.title('Prediction for the first image')
# Conv 层数据
conv = workspace.FetchBlob('conv1')
shape = list(conv.shape)
shape[1] = 1
# 15 channel
# feature model learned
conv = conv[:,15,:,:].reshape(shape)
_ = visualize.NCHW.ShowMultiple(conv)
# 测试集
workspace.CreateNet(test_model.net, overwrite=True)
test_accuracy = np.zeros(100)
for i in range(100):
test_accuracy[i] = workspace.FetchBlob('accuracy')
# 可视化测试精度.
plt.plot(test_accuracy, 'r')
plt.title('Acuracy over test batches.')
print('test_accuracy: %f' % test_accuracy.mean())
# 输出模型到文件,需要手工指定模型的 inputs/outputs
pe_meta = pe.PredictorExportMeta(predict_net=deploy_model.net.Proto(),
parameters=[str(b) for b in deploy_model.params],
# 采用 minidb 格式保存模型
pe.save_to_db("minidb", os.path.join(root_folder, "mnist_model.minidb"), pe_meta)
print("The deploy model is saved to: " + root_folder + "/mnist_model.minidb")
# 采用最后一个 input data 作为输出,进行预测.
blob = workspace.FetchBlob("data")
_ = visualize.NCHW.ShowMultiple(blob)
# 重置 workspace,以确保模型加载.
# 确定 workspace 被置空.
print("The blobs in the workspace after reset: {}".format(workspace.Blobs()))
# 加载训练的模型
predict_net = pe.prepare_prediction_net(os.path.join(root_folder, "mnist_model.minidb"), "minidb")
# 查看加载网络,确定正确
print("The blobs in the workspace after loading the model: {}".format(workspace.Blobs()))
# 输入数据到 workspace
workspace.FeedBlob("data", blob)
# 预测
softmax = workspace.FetchBlob("softmax")
# 预测结果
_ = plt.plot(softmax[0], 'ro')
plt.title('Prediction for the first image')
[1] - MNIST - Handwriting Recognition