- 表述别人观点:clearly/obviously demonstrate, reveal, illustrate, prove, show, report, implicate, confirm, describe
- 对方式方法的评价:plays a central/ pivotal/ vital key/essential role, a powerful regulator/ a key molecular determinant, a well-accepted model
- 时间表述词:recently, most recently, at the same time/period, since then, for several decades
- 现在、最近:presently, until recently, in studies to date
- 研究的不足的委婉表达:lacking, challenging even, remain poorly understood, have been difficult to, there is no clear indication, has not yet been fully investigated, despite these advances, it can be difficult to infer, it is unknown whether, little is known about, remain poorly understood, there were a few clues toward, it has remained a significant challenge to dissect, the strategy is challenging to ; these observations underscore the importance of , have not been adequately performed
- 根据之前文献描述的描述方法/研究:as previously described, in accordance with, complied with, from previously published studies, deciphered using the framework developed by previously, using previously described expression profiles, for some of the previously published samples, Previously published data in peer-review journals, Following previous work.
- “基于/来源”的表述方法:derive from, based on, underlying, obtained from
- “说明,认为”的表述方法:demonstrating, show, suggest, displayed, revealed, reflect, exhibit, hinted, appeared to
- 承上启下,“作为进一步研究”:selected for further investigation, further studies, further exploration, subsequent analysis
- “本研究”的多样化表达:in this study, these data, these observations, our work, these results
- “之前的研究”表述方法:previous results have shown that, it was previously found that
- “优点”的描述方法:offers unique advantages and disadvantages, the major advantage of
- “缺点”的描述方法:a disadvantage of XX is that, these limitations, another limitation is that
- “揭示、表明”的论述方法:uncover, suggest, show, demonstrate, imply, indicate, it was found that, illustrate
- 解释:as a matter of fact,in simpler terms
- 对比:Likewise, Similarly, In parallel to, while, whereas, similarly,while
- 总结:in conclusion,to conclude,in summary
- 连词:specifically, particularly
- 引用:clearly/obviously demonstrate, reveal, illustrate, prove, show, report, implicate, confirm, describe
- 贡献:plays a central/ pivotal/ vital key/essential role
- 对方式方法的评论:a powerful regulator/ a key molecular determinant, a well-accepted model
- 论述方式方法如何起作用的动词:influence, affect, rescue, reverse, lead to, contribute to, attribute to, ascribe to, drop, reduce, increasing, attenuate, ameliorate, improve, mount, accumulate
- 时间:recently, most recently, at the same time/period, since then, for several decades
- 表示相关:involvement, be involved in; (highly) correlates/be related to, largely uncharacterized, be (closely/strongly/tightly) associated with, linked to, determine the relationship between A and B
- 之前工作被如何看待:is known to, it is well known that, be regarded as, is characterized by, is believed to, it is generally acknowledged that, in general, it has been shown that, have been implicated
- 在过去的一段时间:during recent decades, recently , the past decades, in recent years, currently, more recently
- 过去的研究、观点:In the past debate, modern view, in the prevailing view, in the recent literature, in the past, a prior study , previously, previous analyses
- 研究的不足的委婉表达:lacking, challenging even, remain poorly understood, have been difficult to, there is no clear indication, has not yet been fully investigated, despite these advances, it can be difficult to infer, it is unknown whether, little is known about, remain poorly understood, there were a few clues toward, it has remained a significant challenge to dissect, the strategy is challenging to ; these observations underscore the importance of , have not been adequately performed
- 引导文章主题,“需要”继续探索的表达方式:there is a need to, there are further reasons to, here we sought to, there remains a need for new methodology
- 与之相反的表达方式:in contrast, there was a controversy, whereas
- 与之一致的表达方式:largely consistent with, Combined with
- 逻辑连接词:in addition, additionally, moreover, furthermore, also, eventually Consequently;firstly, secondly, finally; first, second, third; On the other hand
- 已有研究的“评价、描述”:variable, abolishable, simple, suitable, well established, accuracy, available, precise, facile and informative, effective
- 研究目的:aim to; the purpose of this study is to;the aim of this study is to; the study was designed to; the study was aimed at;the main focus of this study is to; the intent of this study;
- 在本研究中:in this work; our work; our study; we are dedicated to;
- 研究的一系列“动作”:explore; applied; validated; implement; promote; investigated; assessed; carry out; analyze; report; establish; observed;
- 解决问题:to address the limitation; to investigate; to overcome the difficulties; in order to better characterize; to understand the potential role of; to demonstrate; settle a dispute;
- 研究价值展望:provide insights to; Be adaptable to; Good for solution; provide new insights into, ultimately reveal new molecular mechanisms, as an understudied and important potential next frontier, shed light on the molecular basis of , future investigations using strategies reported XXX will likely illuminate novel function of, the data as a continuing source for future discoveries, XXX will be an important question for future investigation, our next challenge is to, can be another strategy for XXX, lays the groundwork for future therapeutic strategies
- 研究不足:current work; this study; the present study; in this paper;
Describing previously used methods:
(1) Different methods have been proposed to classify…
(2) Different authors have measured X in a variety of ways.
(3) Previous studies have based their criteria for selection on ...
(4) There are three main types of study design used to identify …
(5) More recent examples of narrative studies within X can be found in the work of Smith (2010).
(6) Two of the most common methods for estimating X are the use of Y and the measurement of Z.
X studies / Studies of X |
have traditionally |
Employed… Based their approaches on… Used model systems to predict… Adopted functionalist perspectives |
Giving reasons why a particular method was adopted
(1) The advantage of this particular method is that it allows us to make predictions about …
(2) Many of the distributions were not normal so non-parametric signed rank tests were run.
(3) It was considered that quantitative measures would usefully supplement and extend the ...
A case-study approach was |
Used Chosen Adopted |
to assess the management practices of … |
Describing the process: infinitive of purpose
(1) To compare the scores three weeks after initial screening, a global ANOVA F-test was used.
(2) To enable the subjects to see the computer screen clearly, the laptop was configured with ...
(3) To increase the reliability of measures, each X was tested twice with a 4-minute break between ...
Describing the process: statistical procedures
(1) A Pearson correlation analysis was conducted in order to assess the strength of …
(2) An independent t-test was carried out on each of the variables to determine whether …
(3) The mean score for the two trials was subjected to multivariate analysis of variance to determine ...
An independent t-test was |
Run Used Conducted |
To |
test for differences between the two groups.
- 这个系统/过程/想法存在问题This system/process/idea has its problems.
- 还有可靠性的问题There remains the issue of reliability.
- 这种模型存在一些严重的局限性This model has some serious limitations.
- 几乎没有找到解决的办法Few solutions have been found to …
- 进展甚微Little progress has been made in …
- 某问题仍待解决The problem remains as to how …
- 研究人员仍然需要找到一种方法Researchers still have to find a way to …