

1、本文为官方编译静态库的翻译,经本人反复试验,除第二部分使用没有问题外,第一部分总是在 wingw32-make的时候出现错误,无法编译5.11.2版本。




Building a static Qt for Windows using MinGW

再windows下使用Qt MinGW建立静态程序编译


Why a static Qt?


On Windows, the pre-built environments from are dynamically linked. This means that your Qt application dynamically references the Qt DLL's which are installed with the pre-built environment.


This is probably the preferred environment for developing and debugging since everything is there and ready to use. However, when it comes to deploying an application on systems without pre-installed Qt environments, it becomes complicated. There are several DLL’s to deploy with the application. Even using the classical DLL Dependency Walker tool, you cannot find all required DLL’s since some of them are dynamically loaded at execution. So, when the application is ready to deploy, it is easier to build a static version of it. But building a static version of the application requires a static version of the Qt environment in addition to the pre-built dynamic Qt environment.


This article describes an automated way of downloading, building and installing a static Qt development environment using a Windows PowerShell script.

这篇文章描述了使用windows powershell script方法来下载、编译和安装QT静态开发环境的内容。

Note that building and installing a static version of Qt on Windows was somewhat problematic up to Qt 4. But Qt 5 has now a much better support for static builds on Windows and this article takes advantage of that.


MinGW vs. MSVC


On Windows, two pre-built environments can be downloaded: one using MinGW and one using Microsoft Visual Studio. The two environments are incompatible and cannot be mixed. You have to choose one.


This article describes how to build a static version of Qt in a MinGW environment. If you need a static Qt for MSVC, you may probably find some ideas here but there is definitely some extra work.


Target environment


When you develop Qt applications on Windows and need to deploy them later on "general purpose" Windows machines, the recommended Qt environment contains two distinct builds of the same version of Qt:


  • A dynamic version, installed in C:\Qt from a pre-built package.  动态链接库版本,预安装到C:\Qt
  • A static version, installed in C:\Qt\Static using the procedure which is described in this article.   静态版本,安装到C:\Qt\Static

The pre-built dynamic environment shall be used for development and debugging. In addition to the Qt command line tools (qmake, moc, uic, lupdate, lrelease, etc.), it contains the high-level GUI tools such as Qt Creator, Assistant, Linguist, etc. The installation is straightforward, everything is here, well integrated, working like a charm.

预安装好的动态(编译)环境应该用于开发和调试。包括QT命令行工具(qmake, moc, uic, lupdate, lrelease)等,还包括高级GUI工具,例如Qt Creator, Assistant, Linguist等。所有的东西都在这里,很好的集成再一起工作。

The static environment shall be used to release the deployment version of the application, after it has been fully developed and debugged using the dynamic environment. The static environment contains only the Qt command line tools. There are at least two reasons for not building static versions of the GUI tools. First, releasing a new version of an application is typically a task that you automate using a script and there is no need for GUI tools at this stage. Second, it is probably impossible to build a static version of Qt Creator because of the lack of support for plugins in a static environment.


Restrictions in a static environment


Although building a static version of your application makes it easier to deploy, there are some restrictions in a static environment. Be sure to check that your application complies with these constraints before going further.


  1. There are licensing issues in distributing applications embedding Qt code in a static link. See here and here for more details. While you are probably safe if your application is distributed according to the terms of a recognized free and open-source license, you should definitely check the licensing issue for proprietary or closed-source applications. 在将Qt代码嵌入到程序中时存在许可问题,更多的点击上面链接(here)。如果你的程序是按照相关条款分发的,那么就是安全德,但是你应该检查私有或者封闭源代码程序的许可问题。
  2. The application cannot use a dynamic modular approach using plugins. But you cannot both ask for a static environment and for a dynamic loading of your own DLL's. 应用程序不能使用动态模块化方法来使用插件。但是您不能同时使用静态环境和动态环境来调用您自己的库。(即静态链接就是全部的静态链接)。

Also note the following points: 另外还要注意以下几点:

  • The static executable file of the application is bigger than the dynamic one since all used Qt code is copied into the executable. However, if your application has only one executable, the total deployed size is smaller since only the Qt code which is actually used is linked. When deploying a dynamic version of the application, you have to install all required Qt DLL's with the application and the overall size of all these DLL's is larger than the static application.  应用程序的静态可执行文件比动态文件要大。
  • A Qt static build means that no Qt or MinGW DLL's are used. However, the static executable file of the application still references the Windows DLL's such as kernel32.dll or user32.dll. These DLL's, however, are installed with Windows and do not need to be deployed with the application.  QT静态构建(编译)意味着不使用Qt和MinGW 的动态库,但是仍然会用到windwos的DLL。(所有的windows程序都如此)这些DLL事和windows一起安装的,不需要再次分发。




Dynamic pre-built Qt environment


Install the dynamic pre-built package from Select the package named "Qt 5.5.0 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.9.2, 959 MB)". The exact name and version may vary. You can also browse the tree of installation packages.


Preferably plan the installation of the same version of Qt for the dynamic and static builds. This is not a strict requirement but it is a safe configuration. At the time of writing of this article, the latest Qt version is 5.5.0.


During installation, select the default installation location (C:). Be sure to add the MinGW environment in the installation (selectable in the "Tools" branch of the installation options).


If you have a separated MinGW environment that you prefer to use and do not install the one from the Qt package installer, be sure to specify the option -MingwDir in the static build script (see below).


Windows PowerShell

The script which builds the static Qt environment is a PowerShell script.

这个windows Powershell脚本就是建立静态Qt环境的脚本。(译者:启动方法:win10.打开放大镜,输入“powershell”即可看到。

Note: at least one user has experienced problems with this script. For a discussion, and workaround, see this forum topic.

The PowerShell version 3.0 or higher is required. PowerShell 3.0 comes with Windows 8 but it can be installed on Windows 7 as well from Microsoft download. It is probably impossible to install PowerShell 3.0 on Windows XP or Vista. This article consequently applies to Windows 7 and higher only.



The build script also requires 7-Zip to uncompress the downloaded Qt source code. Be sure to install it first.



Building the Qt static environment

1. 构建Qt静态环境

Download and run, all done


Download the script named windows-build-qt-static.ps1 and execute it.


The above link fetches the script directly from the git repository of a small open-source project named QtlMovie. You may want to have a look at the various build scripts in this project for sample application builds and installations.   上面的链接直接从名为QtlMovie的小型开源项目的git存储库中获取脚本。您可能希望查看这个项目中用于示例应用程序构建和安装的各种构建脚本(点击链接查看)。

The windows-build-qt-static.ps1 script can be directly invoked from the Windows Explorer if you are ok with the default parameter values (see below). If you are not familiar with PowerShell, simply right-click on the file and select "Run with PowerShell".

The script performs the following steps:

这个脚本能直接执行,并执行以下步骤。如果你不熟悉powershell,可以右键点击文件,选择“run with powershell”

  1. Download Qt source code. 下载Qt 源码
  2. Build a static version of Qt using the MinGW compiler in the pre-built dynamic environment. It builds the libraries and the command line tools (qmake, moc, uic, lupdate, lrelease, etc.) 编译静态版本。生成库和命令行工具。
  3. Install the static version of Qt in C:\Qt\Static by default.  安装静态版本缺省安装位置。

The execution of this script may take a couple of hours to complete, depending on your processing power. So you have to be patient. Qt is a complex framework with a very large amount of code.  


Command line syntax


Alternatively, you can invoke the script from the PowerShell prompt using the following syntax:


windows-build-qt-static.ps1 [-QtSrcUrl url] [-QtStaticDir directory] [-QtVersion string] [-MingwDir directory] [-NoPause]

Command line parameters


-QtSrcUrl url

Specify the URL of the Qt source file archive. By default, the latest identified version is hardcoded ([1] at the time of this article was edited).


Instead of using the parameter on the command line, you may want to modify the default value in the script using another URL / version. Update the following line:


 $QtSrcUrl = "",

-QtStaticDir directory

Specify the root directory where the static versions of Qt are installed. By default: C:.


-QtVersion string

Specify the Qt version. By default, the script tries to extract the version number from the Qt source file name. Usually, this is sufficient, the script will find "5.5.0" or "5.0.0-rc1" for instance. If the naming scheme of the Qt source file changes one day, you may need to specify an explicit value to this parameter.


-MingwDir directory

Specify the root directory of the MinGW environment. By default, use the version which was installed by the prebuilt Qt environment.


When the prebuilt environment for Qt 5.5.0 is installed for instance, the script locates MinGW in C:\5.5.0\Tools\mingw492_32. If you chose not to install MinGW as part of the prebuilt environment for Qt, you have to specify the root directory of your MinGW installation.



Do not wait for the user to press enter at the end of execution. By default, the scripts executes a pause instruction at the end of execution, which is useful when the script was run from the Windows Explorer.



Using the Qt static environment

2. 使用Qt静态环境

Command line

2.1 命令行方式

This section describes how to use the static Qt environment from the command line, either the traditional Windows command shell (cmd.exe) or the Windows PowerShell.


Simply add the bin subdirectory of the static Qt environment in front of the Path environment variable. For Qt 5.5.0, this is C:\Qt\Static\5.5.0\bin.


Do not forget to also include the MinGW environment in the path. With the dynamic pre-built Qt environment, you may want to add Qt Creator also.

不要忘记添加Mingw路径。在动态预编译Qt环境,您也需要添加Qt creator路径。

The following commands summarize the command line setups for the various environments.

Dynamic pre-built Qt with the traditional Windows command shell:



set Path=C:\Qt\Qt5.5.0\5.5.0\mingw492_32\bin;C:\Qt\Qt5.5.0\Tools\mingw492_32\bin;C:\Qt\Qt5.5.0\Tools\QtCreator\bin;C:32;C:

Dynamic pre-built Qt with the Windows PowerShell:



Static Qt build with the traditional Windows command shell:


set Path=C:\2.0\bin;C:\Qt\Qt5.5.0\Tools\mingw492_32\bin;C:\32;C:

Static Qt build with the Windows PowerShell:




Using the Qt static environment with Qt Creator

2.2 使用Qt Creator静态环境编译

This section describes how to use the static Qt environment from Qt Creator. Note that Qt Creator itself is part of the dynamic pre-built environment. By default, it builds the applications for this dynamic environment. But it is possible to configure it to additionally use the static Qt environment.

本节描述如何使用来自Qt Creator的静态Qt环境。请注意,Qt创建者本身就是动态预构建环境的一部分。默认情况下,它为这个动态环境构建应用程序。但是可以将其配置为另外使用静态Qt环境。

The following description is based on a Qt 5.5.0 / Qt Creator 3.4.2 installation, without additional customization of Qt Creator. Change the version numbers to adapt to your configuration.

以下描述基于Qt 5.5.0 / Qt Creator 3.4.2安装,不需要额外定制Qt Creator。更改版本号以适应您的版本配置。

Qt Creator setup

Qt Creator设置

Open the Qt Creator options edit box (menu "Tools" then "Options…"). Select "Build & Run".

打开Qt Creator选项编辑栏。

Go to tab "Qt Versions". In the "qmake location" table, there must be an "Auto-detected" part and a "Manual" part. In the "Auto-detected" part, there should be one line named "Qt 5.5.0 MinGW 32bit C:\Qt\Qt5.5.0\5.5\mingw492_32\bin\qmake.exe". The "Manual" part is initially empty.

在”Qt Versions”分页中,修改如上。….。手动部分最初是空的(译者:下面要添加)

Click "Add", browse to C:\Qt\Qt5.5.0\bin and select "qmake.exe". The version name is automatically set to "Qt 5.5.0 (5.5.0)". You should set a more meaningful name such as "Qt 5.5.0 MinGW Static 32bit"

添加手动部分。版本您可以修改为更容易识别的”Qt 5.5.0 MinGW Static 32bit”

Then go to tab "Kits". Again, there must be an "Auto-detected" part and an initially empty "Manual" part. Click "Add". Set a meaningful name such as "Desktop Qt 5.5.0 MinGW Static 32bit". In the "Qt version" field, select your static environment, named "Qt 5.5.0 MinGW Static 32bit" if you followed the above advice.

Then click "OK" to terminate the options setup.



Project setup

3. 程序项目设置

In each project you want to deploy with a static build, edit the project setup (select "Projects" in the left vertical pane).


Click "Add Kit" in the upper left corner and select your static kit, named "Desktop Qt 5.5.0 MinGW Static 32bit" if you followed the above advice.

点击“Add kit”在左上角,选择您的静态kit。

The new kit for your project is configured. Note that, by default, there are distinct build directories for the dynamic and static versions of your project.


Now you can build your application in any combination of static vs. dynamic and release vs. debug. In the bottom part of the left pane, the project selector (the computer icon with the name of your project and either "Release" or "Debug") lets you select the combination you want.

Note that it is recommended to build only release versions of the application with the static environment. Avoid building a debug version of the application with the static environment. There are several reasons for that:

现在,您可以在静态与动态、发布与调试的任何组合中构建应用程序。在左侧窗格的底部,project selector(带有项目名称和“Release”或“Debug”的计算机图标)允许您选择所需的组合。请注意,建议只使用静态环境构建应用程序的发布版本。避免使用静态环境构建应用程序的调试版本。有几个原因:

  • The recommended environment for the development, debug and test phase is the pre-built dynamic environment, not the static one.  推荐的开发、调试、测试是已安装的动态环境,不是静态的。
  • The size of a static application in debug mode is insanely huge. For a given application, the following sizes have been observed for the application executable file:  静态程序的debug模式会疯狂的变大。(译者:所以,不要再开发模式使用静态了。)
    • Dynamic + Release: 1 MB
    • Dynamic + Debug: 33 MB
    • Static + Release: 16 MB
    • Static + Debug: 297 MB



本文适用于:已经安装Qt Creator,需要部署您的程序时的静态编译方法。

Fred Jing Hubble 西安 2018-11-29 QQ群556869219
