使用linux配置dhcp v6服务器

aptitude install -y wide-dhcpv6-server

## 配置文件
## sample 配置文件
## 启动初始化脚本
## 服务程序
## 配置
root@debian:~# cat /etc/wide-dhcpv6/dhcp6s.conf 
# The followings are a sample configuration to provide an IPv6 address
# from an address pool 2001:db8:1:2::1000-2000 for 3600[s].
# Note. You have to send an RA to fxp0; otherwise a client cannot be sure
# about the prefix-length and the default router.  If you want to prevent
# stateless address configuration via RA, please set the autonomous-flag to
# OFF in your RA configuration.
interface eth0
        address-pool pool1 3600;
pool pool1
        range 2001::1000 to 2001::2000 ;
## 设置开机启动
#Enable WIDE-DHCPv6 Server
service wide-dhcpv6-server restart
exit 0
## Reference
