时光-汤湖美术馆 Time-le temps

在国际儿童节即将到来之际,汤湖美术馆通过近半年的筹备,为中外儿童提供了艺术才能的共同展示平台,得到了众多响应。2018年5月27日上午,由武汉市人民对外友好协会、武汉开发区(汉南区)总工会、汤湖美术馆主办的“时光——国际儿童绘画作品展”在汤湖美术馆隆重开幕。来自驻外领事馆及主办单位领导、入选作者与家长近300人参加开幕式。As the international children's day is approaching, Tanhu Art Museum has provided a common platform for Chinese and foreign children to display their artistic talents after half year's preparation. In the morning of May 27, 2018, Wuhan's association for friendship with foreign countries, the development zone of Wuhan(Hannan)'s  General Union,and ShangHu Gallery sponsored "Time,the international children's painting exhibition" the grand opening in Shang Hu art gallery. Nearly 300 people from overseas consulates and host organizations, selected authors and parents attended the opening ceremony.

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绘画展览一直持续到七月初。来自武汉市中外儿童的投稿作品近700幅,其中来自美国、英国、法国、俄罗斯、日本、加拿大、澳大利亚、韩国、意大利、乌克兰、泰国、南非、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡等14个国家的儿童绘画作品120幅,来自中国台湾、中国香港以及武汉的儿童绘画作品566幅。经过专家严格评选,共104幅作品入选,其中,国际组入选37幅,中国组入选67幅。The painting exhibition lasted until the beginning of July. Contribute from Chinese and foreign children in Wuhan city is nearly 700 works, including from the United States, Britain, France, Russia, Japan, Canada, Australia, South Korea, Italy, Ukraine, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, South Africa and other children's paintings are 120 from 14 countries .And from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and wuhan children's paintings of 566. A total of 104 works were selected, including 37 from the international group and 67 from the China group.

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  此次国际儿童展的投稿数量与质量令评委们吃惊!评委们由大学教授、少儿绘画教育专家、美术馆馆长等组成,大家一幅一幅地讨论、分析儿童绘画作品所呈现的奇思妙想与创意构思,一致认为此次绘画作品展从作品类型、风格、材质、题材和表现手法等方面都属上乘。The number and quality of submissions to the international children's show surprised the judges!Judges are  professors from university, children's painting education experts, and other components of the gallery director, According to  the analysis of children's paintings of ideas and creative idea,  they all agree that the painting exhibition in types , work style, material,  and also from such aspects as subject matter and technique of expression are excellent !

同时,我带我的学生一同参加了此次展览,参观之前,我跟家长介绍参观的礼仪和介绍参观的内容。At the same time, I took my students to participate in this exhibition. Before the visit, I introduced the etiquette and content of the visit to my students' parents.

绘画是儿童表达自我、体现个性的最佳方式,是儿童观察世界、表现情绪的有效工具。儿童绘画作品不受规则的约束,没有惯性的藩篱,却拥有天马行空的想象力和怦然心动的夸张性,在明快的色彩、横生的趣味、奇妙的构思中,无拘无束地完成了充满单纯的最美“童画”。Painting is the best way for children to express themselves and reflect their personalities. It is an effective tool for children to observe the world and express their emotions.Children's painting is not bound by the rules, no inertial barrier, but they can have a fantastical imagination and heartache exaggeration. In a lively colour, interest, the wonderful idea, freely completed filled with the most pure and beautiful "TongHua".

我和学生们一起欣赏学生作品。I enjoyed the student's work with the students.

学生们选出自己最喜欢的作品,然后共同分享,喜欢的原因,在探索过程中,我们学习他人优秀的艺术表达。Students choose their favorite works and then share the reasons. In the process of exploration, we learn the excellent artistic expression of others.

家长带着孩子,一起走进美术馆,一步步提升家庭美学滋养和培养。The parents walk into the art gallery with thier kids  together, and gradually improve the family's aesthetic nourishment and cultivation.

在静静的展厅中,学生们去欣赏和分享美术作品。In the quiet exhibition hall, students go to appreciate and share art works.

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王盈雪同学,向其他小朋友,去分享她在创作的过程和心得。Yingxue Wang, is sharing the creative process and experience when she paints with other kids .

我们共同去探索,画中的故事。Let's explore together, the story in the painting.

公共美术馆教育,是孩子们培养艺术素养的重要场地。Education in the  public art gallery, is very important  for children to cultivate their artistic quality.

看完展览,我带孩子们去大自然写生。After the exhibition, I took the children to have lively paintting in nature.

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一朵小花的静静绽放,学生笔下的自然世界。A small flower blooms quietly, the natural world that the student writes about.

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西西在专注的观察大自然的美好。Xixi is focusing on the beauty of nature.

何昂辰开心的绘画建筑,很开心,看到他的笑容。Angchen He was happy to paint the building, very happy to see his smile.

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泽然笔下的建筑。The architecture that Zeran is painting .

7岁的青青,第一次写生,她在绘画建筑。To Qingqing ,the 7 yers' girl ,ths is her first time lively paint ,she is drawing architecture.


何爸爸陪伴孩子的成长。His dad is here to accompany his growing up.

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雪爸雪妈,一直用心的陪伴雪儿。Her parents together here accompany her growing up.

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快乐的青青和漂亮的妈妈。The joyful Qingqing and her pretty mom.

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大自然中,雪儿画上,蝴蝶的飞舞。 In the nature , a flying butterfly is drawing by Xueer.

10岁的西西,用画笔去描绘大自然的美好,看到她温暖笑容。10 years old XIXI, use her pen to draw the bearty of nature, its great to see her warming smile.

在此汤湖美术馆中,我的日本学生-Mizuki,荣获一等奖。In Tanghu Art Gallery , my student--Mizuki, won the first prize.

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真心的为她骄傲.I am so pround of her !

绘画很专注的他,每次用心的去表达和静静的去感悟。She is very focused in painting, and she try to  expresses and feels it every time.

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老师如父母,我很欣慰,孩子们在这个过程中的,获得的自信和快乐。Teachers like parents, I am very happy, the children in this process,gain the confidence and happiness.

看到10岁雪儿的自信笑容,心里很满足。It's satisfying to see 10-year-old Cher's confident smile.

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在美术馆中的作品展示,我为雪儿的付出而骄傲。I was proud of Cher's work in the gallery.


武汉英国老租界-江汉关。Wuhan's old British concession - jianghan customs.

我的日本学生,对于武汉建筑,黄鹤楼的绘画。My Japanese students, for Wuhan’ s architecture, Yellow Crane Tower .

10岁的文骏跟我学习画画,已经有两年,他的坚持和专注让我很欣慰。At the age of 10, Wen jun has been studying painting with me for two years. His persistence and focus make me very happy.

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祝贺文骏,他的绘画收获。Congratulations to Wenjun on his achievements in painting.

默默告诉自己,更努力更用心,陪伴孩子快乐成长。Telling myself in silence that you will work harder and harder to accompany your child to grow up happily.


Final Goal: Share,Found, Explore, Study, create, and cherish the truth, beauty and love out of art !

翻译-Andie-邱兰兰, 喜欢英语和旅行。 Translate-Andie-lanlanQiu, like English and Travel . Traduteur-Andie , elle aime l’anglais et le vayager .



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Grace Gong

born in a Tea-business family in Enshi, Hubei. She graduated from art education department belong to academy of arts in Jianghan University.And her major is traditional Chinese painting.Her graduation work 《 Trapped》was kept in school till now. As a Chinese painting and calligraphy teacher from 2009, now her students are from WYIS, French International school, international academy from Jianghan University,Wuhan Business University, top management team,the  different consulates and some foreign experts 's family .As an internship in 2012, she worked for 798 art gallery, high--class clothing creation for Fuzang in Caochangdi International studio, Beijing. And also as the Chinese painting artist sailing with "Viking" from Wuhan to Chongqin . Congrats! She opened her own studio " Xiujuan's Calligraphy & Tea " in 2013. From 2015 to 2016, she was invited as local Wuhan artist by Alliance Franciase, attended "art--wine" culture exchange , and "Wuhan--Paris" international children's work show exhibition with French Consul general in Wuhan, and artists from Bordeaux-- Paris . Till 2016, she opened several public free sharing and exhibition in Wuwai Library and art gallery in Tanghu. During summer vacation in  2016 and 2017, she was invited to have the Western art history course in Louvre, France. 2018 , she was invited to be secondary art teacher in Wuhan Yangtze international school .

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龚秀娟, 中国画书法老师,出生富硒茶之乡-恩施,家族从事茶叶经营,个人喜欢英语法语艺术文化交流旅行,绘画创作。Grace Gong , Chinese painting and calligraphy teacher , I was born in enshi et my family work on tea business . I focus on English , french art culturel exchange , communication traveling and art creation . Gong Xiujuan, professeur de calligraphie et de peinture Chinoise. Née dans la riche région de Enshi, au sein d'une exploitation familiale de thé.  Passionnée par l'art et la culture Anglaise et Française, par la communication et les voyages. Artiste peintre et créatrice. 

网站 -my website-mon site l’internet -https://www.gracegong-art.com


邮箱 Mon mail-my email : [email protected]

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