
[翻译]Three-way comparison



The three-way comparison operator expressions have the form
The expression returns an object such that:

  • (a <=> b) < 0 if lhs < rhs

  • (a <=> b) > 0 if lhs > rhs

  • (a <=> b) == 0 if lhs and rhs are equal/equivalent

三元比较运算符形式如下lhs<=>rhs ,结果如下:

  • 如果 lhs 小于 rhs,返回负数

  • 如果 lhs 大于 rhs,返回正数

  • 如果两者相等,返回0

If one of the operands is of type bool and the other is not, the program is ill-formed.


If both operands have arithmetic types, the usual arithmetic conversions are applied to the operands, and then

If a narrowing conversion is required, other than from an integral type to a floating point type, the program is ill-formed.

Otherwise, if the operands have integral type, the operator yields a prvalue of type std::strong_ordering:

  • std::strong_ordering::equal if both operands are arithmetically equal,

  • std::strong_ordering::less if the first operand is arithmetically less than the second

  • std::strong_ordering::greater otherwise.

Otherwise, the operands have floating-point type, and the operator yields a prvalue of type std::partial_ordering. The expression a <=> b yields:

  • std::partial_ordering::less if a is less than b

  • std::partial_ordering::greater if a is greater than b

  • std::partial_ordering::equivalent if a is equivalent to b (-0 <=> +0 is equivalent)

  • std::partial_ordering::unordered (NaN <=> anything is unordered)




  • 如果两者相等,返回 std::strong_ordering::equal

  • 如果前者算术小于后者,返回 std::strong_ordering::less

  • 若前者算术大于后者,返回 std::strong_ordering::greater

否则,操作数中含浮点型,该比较将产生一个std::partial_ordering类型的prvalue对象.a<=>b ,有如下几种情况:

  • 如果a比b小,返回std::partial_ordering::less

  • 如果a比b大,返回std::partial_ordering::greater

  • 如果两者相等,返回std::partial_ordering::equivalent 其中,-0<=>+0 是相等的

  • 如果与NaN比较,返回std::partial_ordering::unordered 任何与NaN的比较都是无序的

If both operands have the same enumeration type E, the operator yields the result of converting the operands to the underlying type of E and applying <=> to the converted operands.


If at least one of the operands is a pointer or pointer-to-member, array-to-pointer conversions, derived-to-base pointer conversions, function pointer conversions, and qualification conversions are applied as necessary to convert both operands to the same pointer type.

If the resulting pointer type is a function pointer, a pointer to member, or std::nullptr_t, p <=> q returns a prvalue of type std::strong_equality: ( since C++20 )

  • std::strong_equality::equal if p == q

  • std::strong_equality::unequal if p != q

  • unspecified result if the equality comparison is unspecified for these pointer values

If the resulting pointer type is an object pointer type, p <=> q returns a prvalue of type strong_ordering:

  • std::strong_ordering::equal if p == q

  • std::strong_ordering::less if q > p

  • std::strong_ordering::greater if p > q.

  • unspecified result if comparison is unspecified for these pointer values (such as when they do not point into the same object or array)

若至少一个操作数为指针(为pointer,pointer-to-member,array-to-pointer conversion,derived-to-base pointer conversion,
function pointer conversion,qualification conversion之一),则会将两操作数在均转换成相同指针类型后进行比较.

若转换结果是function pointer,pointer to member,std::nullptr_t三者之一的,p<=>q将得到一个std::strong_equality类型的prvalue对象,有如下几种情况: ( since C++20 )

  • 如果两者相等,返回std::strong_equality::equal

  • 如果两者不等,返回std::strong_equality::unequal

  • 若两者的相等比较是未指定的,则结果是未指定的

若转换结果是object pointer,p<=>q将得到一个std::strong_ordering类型的prvalue对象,有如下几种情况:

  • 如果两者相等,返回std::strong_ordering::equal

  • 如果p比q小,返回std::strong_ordering::less

  • 如果p比q大,返回std::strong_ordering::greater

  • 若两指针的比较是未指定的,则结果是未指定的(例如,当不指向同一对象或数组时)

In overload resolution against user-defined operators, for pointer or enumeration type T, the following function signature participates in overload resolution:

R operator<=>(T, T);

Where R is the ordering category type defined above.

For every T that is a pointer-to-member type or the type std::nullptr_t, the following function signature participates in overload resolution:

std::strong_equality operator<=>(T, T);


R operator<=>(T, T);



std::strong_equality operator<=>(T, T);


If both of the operands are arrays, three-way comparison is ill-formed except when comparing class members of array type


unsigned int i = 1;
auto r = -1 < i; // existing pitfall: returns ‘false’
auto r = -1 <=> i // Error: non-homogeneous



这是截止2017-12-14 9:28,cppreference上的内容,不过貌似是未完全的,毕竟C++20还没有完全出来.


2017-12-14 10:45 对排版进行了更新

2017-12-14 11:16 对排版进行细化
