1. 爬取今日头条新闻列表URL:
2. 爬取今日头条新闻内容:静态网页爬取技术以及windows下爬虫环境搭建移步上几篇博客,必要的安装软件也在上一篇博客中提供。
本文介绍使用PhantongJs + Selenium实现新闻内容的爬取,爬取新闻列表的url也是相同的原理,不再赘述。
底层代码使用Python3,网络爬虫基础框架采用Scrapy,由于爬取的是动态网页,整个网页并不是直接生成页面,动过Ajax等技术动态生成。所以这里考虑采用 PhantomJs+Selenium模拟实现一个无界面的浏览器,去模拟用户操作,抓取网页代码内容。
# douguo request middleware
# for the page which loaded by js/ajax
# ang changes should be recored here:
# @author zhangjianfei
# @date 2017/05/04
from selenium import webdriver
from scrapy.http import HtmlResponse
from DgSpiderPhantomJS import settings
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
import time
import random
class JavaScriptMiddleware(object):
print("LOGS Starting Middleware ...")
def process_request(self, request, spider):
print("LOGS: process_request is starting ...")
# 开启虚拟浏览器参数
dcap = dict(DesiredCapabilities.PHANTOMJS)
# 设置agents
dcap["phantomjs.page.settings.userAgent"] = (random.choice(settings.USER_AGENTS))
# 启动phantomjs
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(executable_path=r"D:\phantomjs-2.1.1\bin\phantomjs.exe", desired_capabilities=dcap)
# 设置60秒页面超时返回
# 设置60秒脚本超时时间
# get page request
# simulate user behavior
js = "document.body.scrollTop=10000"
driver.execute_script(js) # 可执行js,模仿用户操作。此处为将页面拉至1000。
# 等待异步请求响应
# 获取页面源码
body = driver.page_source
return HtmlResponse(driver.current_url, body=body, encoding='utf-8', request=request)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import scrapy
import random
import time
from DgSpiderPhantomJS.items import DgspiderPostItem
from scrapy.selector import Selector
from DgSpiderPhantomJS import urlSettings
from DgSpiderPhantomJS import contentSettings
from DgSpiderPhantomJS.mysqlUtils import dbhandle_update_status
from DgSpiderPhantomJS.mysqlUtils import dbhandle_geturl
class DgContentSpider(scrapy.Spider):
print('LOGS: Spider Content_Spider Staring ...')
sleep_time = random.randint(60, 90)
print("LOGS: Sleeping :" + str(sleep_time))
# get url from db
result = dbhandle_geturl()
url = result[0]
# spider_name = result[1]
site = result[2]
gid = result[3]
module = result[4]
# set spider name
name = 'Content_Spider'
# name = 'DgUrlSpiderPhantomJS'
# set domains
allowed_domains = [site]
# set scrapy url
start_urls = [url]
# change status
dbhandle_update_status(url, 1)
# scrapy crawl
def parse(self, response):
# init the item
item = DgspiderPostItem()
# get the page source
sel = Selector(response)
# get post title
title_date = sel.xpath(contentSettings.POST_TITLE_XPATH)
item['title'] = title_date.xpath('string(.)').extract()
# get post page source
item['text'] = sel.xpath(contentSettings.POST_CONTENT_XPATH).extract()
# get url
item['url'] = DgContentSpider.url
yield item
import random
from hashlib import md5
# 获取随机发帖ID
def get_random_user(user_str):
user_list = []
for user_id in str(user_str).split(','):
userid_idx = random.randint(1, len(user_list))
user_chooesd = user_list[userid_idx-1]
return user_chooesd
# 获取MD5加密URL
def get_linkmd5id(url):
# url进行md5处理,为避免重复采集设计
md5_url = md5(url.encode("utf8")).hexdigest()
return md5_url
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Define here the models for your scraped items
# See documentation in:
# http://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/items.html
import scrapy
class DgspiderUrlItem(scrapy.Item):
url = scrapy.Field()
class DgspiderPostItem(scrapy.Item):
url = scrapy.Field()
title = scrapy.Field()
text = scrapy.Field()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Define your item pipelines here
# Don't forget to add your pipeline to the ITEM_PIPELINES setting
# See: http://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/item-pipeline.html
import re
import datetime
import urllib.request
from DgSpiderPhantomJS import urlSettings
from DgSpiderPhantomJS import contentSettings
from DgSpiderPhantomJS.mysqlUtils import dbhandle_insert_content
from DgSpiderPhantomJS.uploadUtils import uploadImage
from DgSpiderPhantomJS.mysqlUtils import dbhandle_online
from DgSpiderPhantomJS.PostHandle import post_handel
from DgSpiderPhantomJS.mysqlUtils import dbhandle_update_status
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from DgSpiderPhantomJS.commonUtils import get_random_user
from DgSpiderPhantomJS.commonUtils import get_linkmd5id
class DgspiderphantomjsPipeline(object):
# post构造reply
cs = []
# 帖子title
title = ''
# 帖子文本
text = ''
# 当前爬取的url
url = ''
# 随机用户ID
user_id = ''
# 图片flag
has_img = 0
# get title flag
get_title_flag = 0
def __init__(self):
DgspiderphantomjsPipeline.user_id = get_random_user(contentSettings.CREATE_POST_USER)
# process the data
def process_item(self, item, spider):
self.get_title_flag += 1
# 获取当前网页url
DgspiderphantomjsPipeline.url = item['url']
# 获取post title
if len(item['title']) == 0:
title_tmp = ''
title_tmp = item['title'][0]
# 替换标题中可能会引起 sql syntax 的符号
# 对于分页的文章,只取得第一页的标题
if self.get_title_flag == 1:
# 使用beautifulSoup格什化标题
soup_title = BeautifulSoup(title_tmp, "lxml")
title = ''
# 对于bs之后的html树形结构,不使用.prettify(),对于bs, prettify后每一个标签自动换行,造成多个、
# 多行的空格、换行,使用stripped_strings获取文本
for string in soup_title.stripped_strings:
title += string
title = title.replace("'", "”").replace('"', '“')
DgspiderphantomjsPipeline.title = title
# 获取正post内容
if len(item['text']) == 0:
text_temp = ''
text_temp = item['text'][0]
soup = BeautifulSoup(text_temp, "lxml")
text_temp = str(soup)
# 获取图片
reg_img = re.compile(r'' )
imgs = reg_img.findall(text_temp)
for img in imgs:
DgspiderphantomjsPipeline.has_img = 1
# matchObj = re.search('.*src="(.*)"{2}.*', img, re.M | re.I)
match_obj = re.search('.*src="(.*)".*', img, re.M | re.I)
img_url_tmp = match_obj.group(1)
# 去除所有Http:标签
img_url_tmp = img_url_tmp.replace("http:", "")
# 对于这种情况单独处理
imgUrl_tmp_list = img_url_tmp.split('"')
img_url_tmp = imgUrl_tmp_list[0]
# 加入http
imgUrl = 'http:' + img_url_tmp
list_name = imgUrl.split('/')
file_name = list_name[len(list_name)-1]
# if os.path.exists(settings.IMAGES_STORE):
# os.makedirs(settings.IMAGES_STORE)
# 获取图片本地存储路径
file_path = contentSettings.IMAGES_STORE + file_name
# 获取图片并上传至本地
urllib.request.urlretrieve(imgUrl, file_path)
upload_img_result_json = uploadImage(file_path, 'image/jpeg', DgspiderphantomjsPipeline.user_id)
# 获取上传之后返回的服务器图片路径、宽、高
img_u = upload_img_result_json['result']['image_url']
img_w = upload_img_result_json['result']['w']
img_h = upload_img_result_json['result']['h']
img_upload_flag = str(img_u)+';'+str(img_w)+';'+str(img_h)
# 在图片前后插入字符标记
text_temp = text_temp.replace(img, '[dgimg]' + img_upload_flag + '[/dgimg]')
# 替换标签
text_temp = text_temp.replace('', '').replace('', '')
# 使用beautifulSoup格什化HTML
soup = BeautifulSoup(text_temp, "lxml")
text = ''
# 对于bs之后的html树形结构,不使用.prettify(),对于bs, prettify后每一个标签自动换行,造成多个、
# 多行的空格、换行
for string in soup.stripped_strings:
text += string + '\n\n'
# 替换因为双引号为中文双引号,避免 mysql syntax
DgspiderphantomjsPipeline.text = self.text + text.replace('"', '“')
return item
# spider开启时被调用
def open_spider(self, spider):
# sipder 关闭时被调用
def close_spider(self, spider):
# 数据入库:235
url = DgspiderphantomjsPipeline.url
title = DgspiderphantomjsPipeline.title
content = DgspiderphantomjsPipeline.text
user_id = DgspiderphantomjsPipeline.user_id
create_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
dbhandle_insert_content(url, title, content, user_id, DgspiderphantomjsPipeline.has_img, create_time)
# 处理文本、设置status、上传至dgCommunity.dg_post
# 如果判断has_img为1,那么上传帖子
if DgspiderphantomjsPipeline.has_img == 1:
if title.strip() != '' and content.strip() != '':
spider.logger.info('status=2 , has_img=1, title and content is not null! Uploading post into db...')
spider.logger.info('status=1 , has_img=1, but title or content is null! ready to exit...')
spider.logger.info('status=1 , has_img=0, changing status and ready to exit...')