General ML Information Sources
David Aha's list of machine learning resources.
Home pages of (hundreds of) ML researchers (maintained by David W. Aha).
GMD Machine Learning Archive.
University of California-Irvine (UCI) Machine Learning Page.
University of Illinois / Urbana (UIUC) AI / ML Page.
ML Mailing List Archive (moderated by M.Pazzani).
ILPnet, the Inductive Logic Programming Pan-European Scientific Network.
ILPnet2, Network of Excellence on Inductive Logic Programming (continuation of ILPnet)
Information and links concerning "recursive partitioning" type learning algorithms
Programme "Learning in Humans and Machines" (European Science Foundation)
ACL Special Interest Group on Natural Language Learning
International Grammatical Inference Community Homepage ( Mirror)
`Programming by Example' Homepage (MIT Media Lab)
Machine Learning and Data Mining Software
UC Irvine Repository of ML Programs (FTP)
C4.5 latest release - patches (Ross Quinlan)
AutoClass - Information and Source Code
MSBN --- The Microsoft Bayesian Networks Modeling Tool
MLC++ Machine Learning Library in C++ (R. Kohavi, Stanford Univ.)
SGI MLC++ 2.0 for / from Silicon Graphics
WEKA Machine Learning workbench (Univ. of Waikato, NZ)
TMiner (Java), by F. Berzal and J. Cubero, University of Granada
TiMBL 1.0 (Tilburg Memory Based Learner), Tilburg University, The Netherlands
LIBSVM (support vector machines library for classification), by C.Chang and C.Lin
SVM Light (Support Vector Machine), T.Joachims
SNoW Learning Architecture 2.0 (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign)
SUBDUE Substructure Discovery System (University of Texas at Arlington)
CBA (Classification Based on Associations), National University of Singapore
DB2 UDB and Intelligent Miner for educational or research purposes (IBM)
ROC Convex Hull program for comparing classifiers (T. Fawcett & F. Provost)
BKD (Bayesian Knowledge Discoverer) -- Induction of Bayesian Belief Networks
BAYDA (Bayesian Discriminant Analysis) (Univ. of Helsinki)
MCLUST / EMCLUST (Model-based Clustering Software)
MLT - Machine Learning Toolbox (Esprit Project)
STATLOG (Esprit Project)
Peter Clark's ML Software (UTexas)
Belief Network Power Constructor (Windows NT)
Imperial College Prolog 1000 Database
ML Benchmarks and other Data Sources
UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository (HTML, FTP)
UC Irvine Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) Archive
DELVE (Data for Evaluating Learning in Valid Experiments) - Univ. of Toronto
Proben1 --- A Set of Neural Network Benchmark Problems (Size: ~2Mb !!)
Proben1 --- Description (Tech Report)
STATLOG (Esprit Project)
EconData - Economic Time Series Data (Univ. of Maryland)
National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) - Info about many NASA data sets
FEDSTATS (links to > 70 statistical agencies in the U.S.)
United States Census Bureau
Extensive US Census Data (Ron Kohavi / SGI): File 1 (12.5 MB), File 2 (10 MB)
RISE -- Repository of Information Sources Used in Information Extraction Tasks (USC/ISI)
KDD-Cup-98 (large dataset + results of competition)
ML Papers, Bibliographies, Glossaries
ML Papers in PostScript format (UC Berkeley)
Meta-List of Machine Learning Bibliographies (D.Aha/P.Turney)
Bibliography on context-sensitive learning (P.Turney, NRC, Ottawa)
Bibliography on automated text categorisation (F.Sebastiani, Univ. of Pisa)
Information Server of the MLNetII Training Committee (taxonomy + examples of ML concepts)
Glossary of Data Mining Terms (by Two Crows)
Inductive Logic Programming
ILPnet, the Inductive Logic Programming Pan-European Scientific Network
ILPnet2, Network of Excellence on Inductive Logic Programming (continuation of ILPnet)
ESPRIT Project BRA 6020 (ILP) home page - Kath. Univ. Leuven
ILP programs (GOLEM,...), datasets, etc. (from Esprit ILP project and ILPNet)
FOIL Sources - latest release (Ross Quinlan)
Computing Lab, Univ. of Oxford, ILP sources
FOCL Macintosh application and user manual
FOCL Common LISP source code
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
UC Irvine Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) Archive
Knowledge Discovery Mine, KDD Nuggets, etc. (G. Piatetsky-Shapiro)
Knowledge Discovery Mine, KDD Nuggets, etc. (NEW - from March 1, 1997)
The Data Mine (Birmingham)
KDD Projects Home Pages
KDD Page, Vanderbilt University
Search engine for quickly searching database research bibliographies
IJCAI-95 KDD tutorial (U. Fayyad)
Collection of Machine Discovery Terminology
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery - an International Journal
Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA) - An International Journal
"Information Shootout Project" - description and data sets
Conceptual Clustering
Mixture Modelling page (D. Dowe)
ECOBWEB: a public domain clustering tool (Y. Reich)
Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning Archive at GMD
Reinforcement Learning Repository, Michigan State University
CMU's Reinforcement Learning Page
Rich Sutton's Reinforcement Learning Archive
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation
EVONET (European Network of Excellence in Evolutionary Computing)
The Genetic Algorithms Archive
Neural Networks, Pattern Recognition, and Statistics
Learning and Soft Computing (Book + Software, V. Kecman, MIT Press, 2001)
The Backpropagator's Online Reading List and Review
Pattern Recognition Page (Delft Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands)
Kovach Computing Services - Statistics Shareware and useful links
GRKPACK software: Fitting Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models for Exponential Families
Software for Bayesian learning for neural networks (R. Neal)
NN Benchmarking Page
R - A Public Domain Statistics + Graphics Package
Computational Learning Theory
COLT Home Page
COLTBIB (extensive bibliography of COLT literature)
Archive of COLT Conferences
Archive of ALT Conferences
Archive of EuroCOLT Conferences
Archive of AII Workshops
Intelligent Applications, Ltd. (UK; Data Mining)
KDD Page, IBM Almaden Research Center
Silicon Graphics, MLC++ Team
Thinkbank, Inc
Ultragem Data Mining
Knowledge Discovery One, Inc. (KD1)
RuleQuest Research (J.R.Quinlan)
PARTEK - Data Analysis and Modelling
MIT (Management Intelligenter Technologien) GmbH, Aachen, Germany
Megaputer Intelligence
MineSoft Ltd
Exclusive Ore Inc. (Data Mining, USA)