ES7.x 摘要【搜索相关要点,完】


  1. URI Search
    GET /movies/_search?q=2012&df=title&sort=year:desc&from=0&size=10&timeout=1s
      "profile": "true"

    上面是一个请求uri search请求例子

    1. q : 指的是查询语句,使用query string syntax

    2. df : 默认字段,针对某一个字段查询,如果不指会对所有字段进行查询。

    3. sort : 排序规则,sort=year:desc, 对年份进行倒叙排序

    4. form : 查询文档起始偏移量,即offset

    5. size:  查询条数,及limit

    6. timout: 超时时间

    7. profile: 查询分析,在请求体里加上这个profile,在结果中即能返回查询过程

        "took" : 3,
        "timed_out" : false,
        "_shards" : {
          "total" : 1,
          "successful" : 1,
          "skipped" : 0,
          "failed" : 0
        "hits" : {
          "total" : {
            "value" : 6,
            "relation" : "eq"
          "max_score" : null,
          "hits" : [
              "_index" : "movies",
              "_type" : "_doc",
              "_id" : "105254",
              "_score" : null,
              "_source" : {
                "year" : 2013,
                "genre" : [
                "@version" : "1",
                "id" : "105254",
                "title" : "Crystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus and 2012"
              "sort" : [
        "profile" : {
          "shards" : [
              "id" : "[JZoUKVAzQkuhCZV5j8r4Qg][movies][0]",
              "searches" : [
                  "query" : [
                      "type" : "TermQuery",
                      "description" : "title:2012",
                      "time_in_nanos" : 237890,
                      "breakdown" : {
                        "set_min_competitive_score_count" : 0,
                        "match_count" : 0,
                        "shallow_advance_count" : 0,
                        "set_min_competitive_score" : 0,
                        "next_doc" : 2266,
                        "match" : 0,
                        "next_doc_count" : 6,
                        "score_count" : 0,
                        "compute_max_score_count" : 0,
                        "compute_max_score" : 0,
                        "advance" : 3776,
                        "advance_count" : 1,
                        "score" : 0,
                        "build_scorer_count" : 5,
                        "create_weight" : 23410,
                        "shallow_advance" : 0,
                        "create_weight_count" : 1,
                        "build_scorer" : 208425
                  "rewrite_time" : 6419,
                  "collector" : [
                      "name" : "CancellableCollector",
                      "reason" : "search_cancelled",
                      "time_in_nanos" : 300932,
                      "children" : [
                          "name" : "SimpleFieldCollector",
                          "reason" : "search_top_hits",
                          "time_in_nanos" : 287335
              "aggregations" : [ ]


  2. 通过使用脚本创建新字段

    GET movies/_search
      "profile": "true",
      "size": 1,
      "script_fields": {
        "myfield": {
          "script": {
            "lang": "painless",
            "source": "doc['year'].value + '哈哈哈'"


      "took" : 108,
      "timed_out" : false,
      "_shards" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "skipped" : 0,
        "failed" : 0
      "hits" : {
        "total" : {
          "value" : 10000,
          "relation" : "gte"
        "max_score" : 1.0,
        "hits" : [
            "_index" : "movies",
            "_type" : "_doc",
            "_id" : "126",
            "_score" : 1.0,
            "fields" : {
              "myfield" : [
      "profile" : {
        "shards" : [
            "id" : "[JZoUKVAzQkuhCZV5j8r4Qg][movies][0]",
            "searches" : [
                "query" : [
                    "type" : "MatchAllDocsQuery",
                    "description" : "*:*",
                    "time_in_nanos" : 640401,
                    "breakdown" : {
                      "set_min_competitive_score_count" : 4,
                      "match_count" : 0,
                      "shallow_advance_count" : 0,
                      "set_min_competitive_score" : 173688,
                      "next_doc" : 107233,
                      "match" : 0,
                      "next_doc_count" : 2,
                      "score_count" : 2,
                      "compute_max_score_count" : 0,
                      "compute_max_score" : 0,
                      "advance" : 10572,
                      "advance_count" : 4,
                      "score" : 6042,
                      "build_scorer_count" : 8,
                      "create_weight" : 8685,
                      "shallow_advance" : 0,
                      "create_weight_count" : 1,
                      "build_scorer" : 334160
                "rewrite_time" : 3776,
                "collector" : [
                    "name" : "CancellableCollector",
                    "reason" : "search_cancelled",
                    "time_in_nanos" : 468957,
                    "children" : [
                        "name" : "SimpleTopScoreDocCollector",
                        "reason" : "search_top_hits",
                        "time_in_nanos" : 445169
            "aggregations" : [ ]


2019-10-14更search 查询相关

  1. match query
    GET movies/_search
      "profile": "true",
      "query": {
        "match": {
          "title": "Jupiter Ascending"

    match 中Jupiter Ascending,使用match 查询,es会默认将搜索项认定为两个单词,即 Jupiter 和Ascending,这样其实搜的就是 title为 Jupiter 或title为 Ascending 的文档,下面是执行结果及解析

      "took" : 2,
      "timed_out" : false,
      "_shards" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "skipped" : 0,
        "failed" : 0
      "hits" : {
        "total" : {
          "value" : 1,
          "relation" : "eq"
        "max_score" : 22.639622,
        "hits" : [
            "_index" : "movies",
            "_type" : "_doc",
            "_id" : "113345",
            "_score" : 22.639622,
            "_source" : {
              "year" : 2015,
              "genre" : [
              "@version" : "1",
              "id" : "113345",
              "title" : "Jupiter Ascending"
      "profile" : {
        "shards" : [
            "id" : "[JZoUKVAzQkuhCZV5j8r4Qg][movies][0]",
            "searches" : [
                "query" : [
                    "type" : "BooleanQuery",
                    "description" : "title:jupiter title:ascending",
                    "time_in_nanos" : 793687,
                    "breakdown" : {
                      "set_min_competitive_score_count" : 0,
                      "match_count" : 1,
                      "shallow_advance_count" : 0,
                      "set_min_competitive_score" : 0,
                      "next_doc" : 6419,
                      "match" : 755,
                      "next_doc_count" : 1,
                      "score_count" : 1,
                      "compute_max_score_count" : 0,
                      "compute_max_score" : 0,
                      "advance" : 95906,
                      "advance_count" : 1,
                      "score" : 9818,
                      "build_scorer_count" : 5,
                      "create_weight" : 255623,
                      "shallow_advance" : 0,
                      "create_weight_count" : 1,
                      "build_scorer" : 425156
                    "children" : [
                        "type" : "TermQuery",
                        "description" : "title:jupiter",
                        "time_in_nanos" : 298684,
                        "breakdown" : {
                          "set_min_competitive_score_count" : 0,
                          "match_count" : 0,
                          "shallow_advance_count" : 3,
                          "set_min_competitive_score" : 0,
                          "next_doc" : 0,
                          "match" : 0,
                          "next_doc_count" : 0,
                          "score_count" : 1,
                          "compute_max_score_count" : 3,
                          "compute_max_score" : 58525,
                          "advance" : 1511,
                          "advance_count" : 2,
                          "score" : 6797,
                          "build_scorer_count" : 6,
                          "create_weight" : 135174,
                          "shallow_advance" : 18124,
                          "create_weight_count" : 1,
                          "build_scorer" : 78537
                        "type" : "TermQuery",
                        "description" : "title:ascending",
                        "time_in_nanos" : 138968,
                        "breakdown" : {
                          "set_min_competitive_score_count" : 0,
                          "match_count" : 0,
                          "shallow_advance_count" : 3,
                          "set_min_competitive_score" : 0,
                          "next_doc" : 0,
                          "match" : 0,
                          "next_doc_count" : 0,
                          "score_count" : 1,
                          "compute_max_score_count" : 3,
                          "compute_max_score" : 12460,
                          "advance" : 9440,
                          "advance_count" : 2,
                          "score" : 755,
                          "build_scorer_count" : 6,
                          "create_weight" : 81935,
                          "shallow_advance" : 6042,
                          "create_weight_count" : 1,
                          "build_scorer" : 28320
                "rewrite_time" : 23787,
                "collector" : [
                    "name" : "CancellableCollector",
                    "reason" : "search_cancelled",
                    "time_in_nanos" : 39645,
                    "children" : [
                        "name" : "SimpleTopScoreDocCollector",
                        "reason" : "search_top_hits",
                        "time_in_nanos" : 21900
            "aggregations" : [ ]

     通过 profile我们能看出 ,match 查询实际上将短语解析成了两个单独的单词,并将之间作为或关系关联,然后进行查询。如果我们想使用match进行匹配短语,就查title 为 Jupiter Ascending 的短语,位置不能变,那我们可以使用match的operator关键词指定操作形式,如下

    GET movies/_search
      "profile": "true",
      "query": {
        "match": {
            "query": "Jupiter Ascending",
            "operator": "and"


      "took" : 1,
      "timed_out" : false,
      "_shards" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "skipped" : 0,
        "failed" : 0
      "hits" : {
        "total" : {
          "value" : 1,
          "relation" : "eq"
        "max_score" : 22.639622,
        "hits" : [
            "_index" : "movies",
            "_type" : "_doc",
            "_id" : "113345",
            "_score" : 22.639622,
            "_source" : {
              "year" : 2015,
              "genre" : [
              "@version" : "1",
              "id" : "113345",
              "title" : "Jupiter Ascending"
      "profile" : {
        "shards" : [
            "id" : "[JZoUKVAzQkuhCZV5j8r4Qg][movies][0]",
            "searches" : [
                "query" : [
                    "type" : "BooleanQuery",
                    "description" : "+title:jupiter +title:ascending",
                    "time_in_nanos" : 604517,
                    "breakdown" : {
                      "set_min_competitive_score_count" : 0,
                      "match_count" : 0,
                      "shallow_advance_count" : 0,
                      "set_min_competitive_score" : 0,
                      "next_doc" : 45687,
                      "match" : 0,
                      "next_doc_count" : 1,
                      "score_count" : 1,
                      "compute_max_score_count" : 0,
                      "compute_max_score" : 0,
                      "advance" : 10194,
                      "advance_count" : 1,
                      "score" : 5286,
                      "build_scorer_count" : 5,
                      "create_weight" : 410809,
                      "shallow_advance" : 0,
                      "create_weight_count" : 1,
                      "build_scorer" : 132532
                    "children" : [
                        "type" : "TermQuery",
                        "description" : "title:jupiter",
                        "time_in_nanos" : 340220,
                        "breakdown" : {
                          "set_min_competitive_score_count" : 0,
                          "match_count" : 0,
                          "shallow_advance_count" : 3,
                          "set_min_competitive_score" : 0,
                          "next_doc" : 0,
                          "match" : 0,
                          "next_doc_count" : 0,
                          "score_count" : 1,
                          "compute_max_score_count" : 2,
                          "compute_max_score" : 12837,
                          "advance" : 1889,
                          "advance_count" : 2,
                          "score" : 3776,
                          "build_scorer_count" : 6,
                          "create_weight" : 292626,
                          "shallow_advance" : 3399,
                          "create_weight_count" : 1,
                          "build_scorer" : 25678
                        "type" : "TermQuery",
                        "description" : "title:ascending",
                        "time_in_nanos" : 94029,
                        "breakdown" : {
                          "set_min_competitive_score_count" : 0,
                          "match_count" : 0,
                          "shallow_advance_count" : 3,
                          "set_min_competitive_score" : 0,
                          "next_doc" : 0,
                          "match" : 0,
                          "next_doc_count" : 0,
                          "score_count" : 1,
                          "compute_max_score_count" : 2,
                          "compute_max_score" : 3397,
                          "advance" : 378,
                          "advance_count" : 1,
                          "score" : 755,
                          "build_scorer_count" : 3,
                          "create_weight" : 72118,
                          "shallow_advance" : 1510,
                          "create_weight_count" : 1,
                          "build_scorer" : 15860
                "rewrite_time" : 9062,
                "collector" : [
                    "name" : "CancellableCollector",
                    "reason" : "search_cancelled",
                    "time_in_nanos" : 16990,
                    "children" : [
                        "name" : "SimpleTopScoreDocCollector",
                        "reason" : "search_top_hits",
                        "time_in_nanos" : 9819
            "aggregations" : [ ]

    通过profile我们能看出搜索描述中已经将两个关键词以+的形式即and的方式连接起来并再查询了。这里有一点要注意的是,比如使用operator指定关联关系为and的词,词之间的位置也会影响查询结果,Jupiter Ascending 会被解析为Jupiter + Ascending,Jupiter Ascending会被查询到,而Ascending Jupiter则不会。

  2. matc_phrase短语查询

    GET movies/_search
      "profile": "true",
      "query": {
        "match_phrase": {
          "title": "Jupiter Ascending"


      "took" : 1,
      "timed_out" : false,
      "_shards" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "skipped" : 0,
        "failed" : 0
      "hits" : {
        "total" : {
          "value" : 1,
          "relation" : "eq"
        "max_score" : 21.460526,
        "hits" : [
            "_index" : "movies",
            "_type" : "_doc",
            "_id" : "113345",
            "_score" : 21.460526,
            "_source" : {
              "year" : 2015,
              "genre" : [
              "@version" : "1",
              "id" : "113345",
              "title" : "Jupiter Ascending"
      "profile" : {
        "shards" : [
            "id" : "[JZoUKVAzQkuhCZV5j8r4Qg][movies][0]",
            "searches" : [
                "query" : [
                    "type" : "PhraseQuery",
                    "description" : """title:"jupiter ascending"""",
                    "time_in_nanos" : 575828,
                    "breakdown" : {
                      "set_min_competitive_score_count" : 0,
                      "match_count" : 2,
                      "shallow_advance_count" : 0,
                      "set_min_competitive_score" : 0,
                      "next_doc" : 1889,
                      "match" : 18502,
                      "next_doc_count" : 2,
                      "score_count" : 1,
                      "compute_max_score_count" : 0,
                      "compute_max_score" : 0,
                      "advance" : 5286,
                      "advance_count" : 2,
                      "score" : 2643,
                      "build_scorer_count" : 7,
                      "create_weight" : 391552,
                      "shallow_advance" : 0,
                      "create_weight_count" : 1,
                      "build_scorer" : 155941
                "rewrite_time" : 2265,
                "collector" : [
                    "name" : "CancellableCollector",
                    "reason" : "search_cancelled",
                    "time_in_nanos" : 17368,
                    "children" : [
                        "name" : "SimpleTopScoreDocCollector",
                        "reason" : "search_top_hits",
                        "time_in_nanos" : 7178
            "aggregations" : [ ]


    GET movies/_search
      "profile": "true", 
      "query": {
        "match_phrase": {
          "title": {
            "query": "i too",
            "slop": 1


      "took" : 1,
      "timed_out" : false,
      "_shards" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "skipped" : 0,
        "failed" : 0
      "hits" : {
        "total" : {
          "value" : 1,
          "relation" : "eq"
        "max_score" : 6.0625525,
        "hits" : [
            "_index" : "movies",
            "_type" : "_doc",
            "_id" : "90114",
            "_score" : 6.0625525,
            "_source" : {
              "year" : 1935,
              "genre" : [
              "@version" : "1",
              "id" : "90114",
              "title" : "I Dream Too Much"
      "profile" : {
        "shards" : [
            "id" : "[JZoUKVAzQkuhCZV5j8r4Qg][movies][0]",
            "searches" : [
                "query" : [
                    "type" : "PhraseQuery",
                    "description" : """title:"i too"~1""",
                    "time_in_nanos" : 333042,
                    "breakdown" : {
                      "set_min_competitive_score_count" : 0,
                      "match_count" : 4,
                      "shallow_advance_count" : 0,
                      "set_min_competitive_score" : 0,
                      "next_doc" : 21899,
                      "match" : 49840,
                      "next_doc_count" : 4,
                      "score_count" : 1,
                      "compute_max_score_count" : 0,
                      "compute_max_score" : 0,
                      "advance" : 23033,
                      "advance_count" : 1,
                      "score" : 2265,
                      "build_scorer_count" : 6,
                      "create_weight" : 120448,
                      "shallow_advance" : 0,
                      "create_weight_count" : 1,
                      "build_scorer" : 115540
                "rewrite_time" : 1888,
                "collector" : [
                    "name" : "CancellableCollector",
                    "reason" : "search_cancelled",
                    "time_in_nanos" : 21522,
                    "children" : [
                        "name" : "SimpleTopScoreDocCollector",
                        "reason" : "search_top_hits",
                        "time_in_nanos" : 6422
            "aggregations" : [ ]

    根据profile分析来看是将关键词转换为了个匹配项  i too"~1 。


  1. mapping的dynamic属性:

    1. true : es的dynamic默认为true,新增字段数据存入时,mapping会被更新,文档可索引、字段可索引。

    2. false:  新增字段数据存入时,mapping不会被更新,文档可索引,字段不可索引

    3. strict,:新增字段数据存入时,mapping会更新、文档不可索引、字段不可索引

        "error": {
          "root_cause": [
              "type": "strict_dynamic_mapping_exception",
              "reason": "mapping set to strict, dynamic introduction of [newtitle] within [_doc] is not allowed"
          "type": "strict_dynamic_mapping_exception",
          "reason": "mapping set to strict, dynamic introduction of [newtitle] within [_doc] is not allowed"
        "status": 400



