CVPR2019 Action Recognition 相关论文
Video Action Transformer Network
We introduce the Action Transformer model for recognizing and localizing human actions in video clips. We repurpose a Transformer-style architecture to aggregate features from the spatiotemporal context around the person whose actions we are trying to classify. We show that by using high-resolution, person-specific, class-agnostic queries, the model spontaneously learns to track individual people and to pick up on semantic context from the actions of others. Additionally its attention mechanism learns to emphasize hands and faces, which are often crucial to discriminate an action – all without explicit supervision other than boxes and class labels. We train and test our Action Transformer network on the Atomic Visual Actions (AVA) dataset, outperforming the state-of-the-art by a significant margin using only raw RGB frames as input.
Timeception for Complex Action Recognition
This paper focuses on the temporal aspect for recognizing human activities in videos; an important visual cue that has long been undervalued. We revisit the conventional definition of activity and restrict it to “Complex Action”: a set of one-actions with a weak temporal pattern that serves a specific purpose. Related works use spatiotemporal 3D convolutions with fixed kernel size, too rigid to capture the varieties in temporal extents of complex actions, and too short for long-range temporal modeling. In contrast, we use multi-scale temporal convolutions, and we reduce the complexity of 3D convolutions. The outcome is Timeception convolution layers, which reasons about minute-long temporal patterns, a factor of 8 longer than best related works. As a result, Timeception achieves impressive accuracy in recognizing the human activities of Charades, Breakfast Actions, and MultiTHUMOS. Further, we demonstrate that Timeception learns long-range temporal dependencies and tolerate temporal extents of complex actions.
Bayesian Hierarchical Dynamic Model for Human Action Recognition
Human action recognition remains as a challenging task partially due to the presence of large variations in the execution of an action. To address this issue, we propose a probabilistic model called Hierarchical Dynamic Model (HDM). Leveraging on Bayesian framework, the model parameters are allowed to vary across different sequences of data, which increase the capacity of the model to adapt to intra-class variations on both spatial and temporal extent of actions. Meanwhile, the generative learning process allows the model to preserve the distinctive dynamic pattern for each action class. Through Bayesian inference, we are able to quantify the uncertainty of the classification, providing insight during the decision process. Compared to stateof-the-art methods, our method not only achieves competitive recognition performance within individual dataset but also shows better generalization capability across different datasets. Experiments conducted on data with missing values also show the robustness of the proposed method.( MSRA, UTD, G3D)
Collaborative Spatiotemporal Feature Learning for Video Action Recognition
Spatiotemporal feature learning is of central importance for action recognition in videos. Existing deep neural network models either learn spatial and temporal features independently (C2D) or jointly with unconstrained parameters (C3D). In this paper, we propose a novel neural operation which encodes spatiotemporal features collaboratively by imposing a weight-sharing constraint on the learnable parameters. In particular, we perform 2D convolution along three orthogonal views of volumetric video data, which learns spatial appearance and temporal motion cues respectively. By sharing the convolution kernels of different views, spatial and temporal features are collaboratively learned and thus benefit from each other. The complementary features are subsequently fused by a weighted summation whose coefficients are learned end-to-end. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on largescale benchmarks and won the 1st place in the Moments in Time Challenge 2018. Moreover, based on the learned coefficients of different views, we are able to quantify the contributions of spatial and temporal features. This analysis sheds light on interpretability of the model and may also guide the future design of algorithm for video recognition. (Moments in Time, Kinetics)
MARS: Motion-Augmented RGB Stream for Action Recognition
Most state-of-the-art methods for action recognition consist of a two-stream architecture with 3D convolutions: an appearance stream for RGB frames and a motion stream for optical flow frames. Although combining flow with RGB improves the performance, the cost of computing accurate optical flow is high, and increases action recognition latency. This limits the usage of two-stream approaches in real-world applications requiring low latency. In this paper, we introduce two learning approaches to train a standard 3D CNN, operating on RGB frames, that mimics the motion stream, and as a result avoids flow computation at test time. First, by minimizing a feature-based loss compared to the Flow stream, we show that the network reproduces the motion stream with high fidelity. Second, to leverage both appearance and motion information effectively, we train with a linear combination of the feature-based loss and the standard cross-entropy loss for action recognition. We denote the stream trained using this combined loss as MotionAugmented RGB Stream (MARS). As a single stream, MARS performs better than RGB or Flow alone, for instance with 72.7% accuracy on Kinetics compared to 72.0% and 65.6% with RGB and Flow streams respectively.
*PA3D: Pose-Action 3D Machine for Video Recognition
Recent studies have witnessed the successes of using 3D CNNs for video action recognition. However, most 3D models are built upon RGB and optical flow streams, which may not fully exploit pose dynamics, i.e., an important cue of modeling human actions. To fill this gap, we propose a concise Pose-Action 3D Machine (PA3D), which can effectively encode multiple pose modalities within a unified 3D framework, and consequently learn spatio-temporal pose representations for action recognition. More specifically, we introduce a novel temporal pose convolution to aggregate spatial poses over frames. Unlike the classical temporal convolution, our operation can explicitly learn the pose motions that are discriminative to recognize human actions. Extensive experiments on three popular benchmarks (i.e., JHMDB, HMDB, and Charades) show that, PA3D outperforms the recent pose-based approaches. Furthermore, PA3D is highly complementary to the recent 3D CNNs, e.g., I3D. Multi-stream fusion achieves the state-of-the-art performance on all evaluated data sets.
Representation Flow for Action Recognition
In this paper, we propose a convolutional layer inspired by optical flow algorithms to learn motion representations. Our representation flow layer is a fully-differentiable layer designed to capture the ‘flow’ of any representation channel within a convolutional neural network for action recognition. Its parameters for iterative flow optimization are learned in an end-to-end fashion together with the other CNN model parameters, maximizing the action recognition performance. Furthermore, we newly introduce the concept of learning ‘flow of flow’ representations by stacking multiple representa- tion flow layers. We conducted extensive experimental evalu- ations, confirming its advantages over previous recognition models using traditional optical flows in both computational speed and performance. The code is publicly available. (a subset of the Kinetics dataset)
*LSTA: Long Short-Term Attention for Egocentric Action Recognition
Egocentric activity recognition is one of the most challenging tasks in video analysis. It requires a fine-grained discrimination of small objects and their manipulation. While some methods base on strong supervision and attention mechanisms, they are either annotation consuming or do not take spatio-temporal patterns into account. In this paper we propose LSTA as a mechanism to focus on features from relevant spatial parts while attention is being tracked smoothly across the video sequence. We demonstrate the ef- fectiveness of LSTA on egocentric activity recognition with an end-to-end trainable two-stream architecture, achieving state-of-the-art performance on four standard benchmarks.(GTEA 61, GTEA 71, EGTEA Gaze+ and EPIC-KITCHENS)
*Action4D: Online Action Recognition in the Crowd and Clutter
Recognizing every person’s action in a crowded and cluttered environment is a challenging task in computer vision. We propose to tackle this challenging problem using a holistic 4D “scan” of a cluttered scene to include every detail about the people and environment. This leads to a new problem, i.e., recognizing multiple people’s actions in the cluttered 4D representation. At the first step, we propose a new method to track people in 4D, which can reliably detect and follow each person in real time. Then, we build a new deep neural network, the Action4DNet, to recognize the action of each tracked person. Such a model gives reliable and accurate results in the real-world settings. We also design an adaptive 3D convolution layer and a novel discriminative temporal feature learning objective to further improve the performance of our model. Our method is invariant to camera view angles, resistant to clutter and able to handle crowd. The experimental results show that the proposed method is fast, reliable and accurate. Our method paves the way to action recognition in the real-world applications and is ready to be deployed to enable smart homes, smart factories and smart stores.(We collect and label a new 4D dataset in our experimentation. There is no existing 4D action recognition dataset that includes multiple people and clutter. We will publish the dataset.)
Large-scale weakly-supervised pre-training for video action recognition
Current fully-supervised video datasets consist of only a few hundred thousand videos and fewer than a thousand domain-specific labels. This hinders the progress towards advanced video architectures. This paper presents an in-depth study of using large volumes of web videos for pre-training video models for the task of action recognition. Our primary empirical finding is that pre-training at a very large scale (over 65 million videos), despite on noisy social-media videos and hashtags, substantially improves the state-of-the-art on three challenging public action recognition datasets. Further, we examine three questions in the construction of weakly-supervised video action datasets. First, given that actions involve interactions with objects, how should one construct a verb-object pretraining label space to benefit transfer learning the most? Second, frame-based models perform quite well on action recognition; is pre-training for good image features sufficient or is pre-training for spatio-temporal features valuable for optimal transfer learning? Finally, actions are generally less well-localized in long videos vs. short videos; since action labels are provided at a video level, how should one choose video clips for best performance, given some fixed budget of number or minutes of videos?(Kinetics, EPIC-Kitchens, Something-Something-v1)
Action Recognition from Single Timestamp Supervision in Untrimmed Videos
Recognising actions in videos relies on labelled supervision during training, typically the start and end times of each action instance. This supervision is not only subjective, but also expensive to acquire. Weak video-level supervision has been successfully exploited for recognition in untrimmed videos, however it is challenged when the number of different actions in training videos increases. We propose a method that is supervised by single timestamps located around each action instance, in untrimmed videos. We replace expensive action bounds with sampling distributions initialised from these timestamps. We then use the classifier’s response to iteratively update the sampling distributions. We demonstrate that these distributions converge to the location and extent of discriminative action segments.
We evaluate our method on three datasets for fine-grained recognition, with increasing number of different actions per video, and show that single timestamps offer a rea- sonable compromise between recognition performance and labelling effort, performing comparably to full temporal su- pervision. Our update method improves top-1 test accuracy by up to 5.4%. across the evaluated datasets.(THUMOS 14 , BEOID and EPIC Kitchens)
DDLSTM: Dual-Domain LSTM for Cross-Dataset Action Recognition
Domain alignment in convolutional networks aims to learn the degree of layer-specific feature alignment beneficial to the joint learning of source and target datasets. While increasingly popular in convolutional networks, there have been no previous attempts to achieve domain alignment in recurrent networks. Similar to spatial features, both source and target domains are likely to exhibit temporal dependencies that can be jointly learnt and aligned. In this paper we introduce Dual-Domain LSTM (DDLSTM), an architecture that is able to learn temporal dependencies from two domains concurrently. It performs cross-contaminated batch normalisation on both input-tohidden and hidden-to-hidden weights, and learns the parameters for cross-contamination, for both single-layer and multi-layer LSTM architectures. We evaluate DDLSTM on frame-level action recognition using three datasets, taking a pair at a time, and report an average increase in accuracy of 3.5%. The proposed DDLSTM architecture outperforms standard, fine-tuned, and batch-normalised LSTMs.(Breakfast, 50 Salads and MPII Cooking 2 datasets)
DMC-Net: Generating Discriminative Motion Cues for Fast Compressed Video Action Recognition
Motion has shown to be useful for video understanding, where motion is typically represented by optical flow. However, computing flow from video frames is very timeconsuming. Recent works directly leverage the motion vectors and residuals readily available in the compressed video to represent motion at no cost. While this avoids flow computation, it also hurts accuracy since the motion vector is noisy and has substantially reduced resolution, which makes it a less discriminative motion representation. To remedy these issues, we propose a lightweight generator network, which reduces noises in motion vectors and captures fine motion details, achieving a more Discriminative Motion Cue (DMC) representation. Since optical flow is a more accurate motion representation, we train the DMC generator to approximate flow using a reconstruction loss and an adversarial loss, jointly with the downstream action classification task. Extensive evaluations on three action recognition benchmarks (HMDB-51, UCF-101, and a subset of Kinetics) confirm the effectiveness of our method. Our full system, consisting of the generator and the classifier, is coined as DMC-Net which obtains high accuracy close to that of using flow and runs two orders of magnitude faster than using optical flow at inference time.
Out-of-Distribution Detection for Generalized Zero-Shot Action Recognition
Generalized zero-shot action recognition is a challenging problem, where the task is to recognize new action categories that are unavailable during the training stage, in addition to the seen action categories. Existing approaches suffer from the inherent bias of the learned classifier towards the seen action categories. As a consequence, unseen category samples are incorrectly classified as belonging to one of the seen action categories. In this paper, we set out to tackle this issue by arguing for a separate treatment of seen and unseen action categories in generalized zero-shot action recognition. We introduce an out-of-distribution detector that determines whether the video features belong to a seen or unseen action category. To train our out-of- distribution detector, video features for unseen action cat- egories are synthesized using generative adversarial net- works trained on seen action category features. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose an out- of-distribution detector based GZSL framework for action recognition in videos. Experiments are performed on three action recognition datasets: Olympic Sports, HMDB51 and UCF101. For generalized zero-shot action recognition, our proposed approach outperforms the baseline [33] with absolute gains (in classification accuracy) of 7.0%, 3.4%, and 4.9%, respectively, on these datasets.
An Attention Enhanced Graph Convolutional LSTM Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
Graph Convolutional Label Noise Cleaner: Train a Plug-And-Play Action Classifier for Anomaly Detection
Actional-Structural Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Directed Graph Neural Networks
Two-Stream Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
检测 STEP: Spatio-Temporal Progressive Learning for Video Action Detection
预测 Relational Action Forecasting
定位 Gaussian Temporal Awareness Networks for Action Localization
定位 Completeness Modeling and Context Separation for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
校准及分割 D3TW: Discriminative Differentiable Dynamic Time Warping for Weakly Supervised Action Alignment and Segmentation
预测 Progressive Teacher-student Learning for Early Action Prediction
分割 MS-TCN: Multi-Stage Temporal Convolutional Network for Action Segmentation
分割/定位 Multi-granularity Generator for Temporal Action Proposal
预测 Time-Conditioned Action Anticipation in One Shot
检测 Dance with Flow: Two-in-One Stream Action Detection
检测 A Structured Model For Action Detection
检测 TACNet: Transition-Aware Context Network for Spatio-Temporal Action Detection
细粒度行为解析 Local Temporal Bilinear Pooling for Fine-Grained Action Parsing
定位 Improving Action Localization by Progressive Cross-stream Cooperation
检测,分割 Unsupervised learning of action classes with continuous temporal embedding