let the chips fall where they may we will see 走着瞧
entertain your ballad (歌谣)of missatisfaction 惹你生气了
the soup is gonna hit the fan 会有危机
kneel over 倒下
take everything so personally 对事情很在意
come to my attention 发现 注意到
pull myself up by the bootstraps 自食其力白手起家
the faintest ink is better than the best memory 好记性不如烂笔头
be singled out 被抖出来
still or again 新欢还是旧爱?
self-deprecating humor 自嘲的语气
a beauty pegant 选美
a compromising thing 难以启齿的丑事
thats enough business 真是受宠若惊
jump out of window 疲于奔命
have a screw loose 打了大败仗
hit the spot 雪中送炭
throw caughtion on 在意
be put on a ice floe 步履薄冰
knock me down to size 让我对你唯命是从
put in a good word for you 为你美言几句
cut you loose 把你甩了
be brave with your little white nose in the air 装作无所事事
build a life raft 准备后路
Catch a bit of squeal. 获得不错成就
Tie a knot in my brain. 大脑一时反应不过来
play the gutter 做法低俗
cancel sb out 把某人踢出局
we are the scrappy upstart。我们可以以一敌百
stop jumping to conclusion 别太早下定论
get on a streak 获得成功
lift the shadow off sth。澄清
throw myself on my sword on pins and needles 如坐针毡
work sb up and down。玩弄于鼓掌之中
let sb twist in the wind 让某人自生自灭
live in ones dirt。穿某人穿过的破鞋
die of boredom or holster up my guns沉默中死去或者蓄势待发
Hit the nerve 戳到你的痛处
Keep sb out of the loop 别让某人掺和进来
Trail off. 拒绝
Jump on ones grave. 幸灾乐祸
Break a leg. 祝你好运
The first of never 世界末日
Skip the radio play. 别说话了
Make the juice flow. 文思泉涌
On the rag.on ones period 来大姨妈
Pull the cart all by oneself 独挑大梁
Over ones dead body 除非我死了
I get drowned in ones web 撞枪口上了
Cut sb off the knees 坏了某人的好意
Spruce up. 打扮整理一下
Instant fame. 一夜成名
A little bug bit me. 被小人暗算了
A cheap fling at. Slur.诽谤
a chinese wall保密协议
salt of the earth 精英
An economy class ticket 经济舱
a complementary breakfast 免费附赠早餐
buck up 别担心
On ones toes. 引起警惕
The big draw 重头戏
bomb away 放弃
out of woods 没有大碍
stick ones nose in sth 干涉
stick to ones ribs 刻骨铭心
dont lose your nerve 别失去信心勇气
from its complications一言难尽
knock out the cobwebs理清思路
push your luck 得寸进尺
steady on 冷静
strengthen the argument 趁热打铁
under the weather 不太舒服
get the bill 埋单
have the spit in my hair 被骂的狗血淋头
deli 熟食店
keep my head down 小心行事
play in the bush leagues 小打小闹
hold the axe over my head 把我往绝境上逼
snap this place into shape 将这儿带上正轨
pend due diligence恪尽职守
have a good turn of phrase 措辞很好
never fail to overheat 从未忘记小题大做
make or break 破釜沉舟
the worm has turned 破茧成蝶
rub off on sb 影响某人
get a second wind 干劲十足
keep up the defense 提高警惕
shake a leg 抓紧时间
thats music to my ears 太好了
pull back on the throttle 不能这么拼命
im off-limits 别打我的主意
what goes around comes around 善有善报恶有恶报
a home run 全垒打
we dont want the tail wag the dog不要本末倒置
on the freeze 出故障
land on sth 准备
bury the hatchet 和解 停战
lift ones leg on sth 喜欢
an honest mistake 无心之过
pull a boner 犯了大错
i say up, u say down 互相唱反调
mope around 闷闷不乐
nip this in the bud 扼杀在摇篮里
it is going swimmingly 进展愉快