英语流利说 懂你英语 Level 6 Unit 1 Part 4 Listening:Buying a house?

John and Linda are worried about their future.

They both have good jobs, but they are concerned about the economy.

Of the two of them, Linda is the most worried.

She wants the security of owning her own home.

Her husband disagrees.

As a result, they often fight about money.

They live in a nice apartment, but the rent goes up every year.

So now they are trying to decide whether or not to buy a house.

Linda wants to buy a house, but John is against the idea.

He thinks prices are too high, and he doesn't want to be trapped.

If they owned a house, it would be more difficult to move somewhere else if things changed.

For example, what would happen if he lost his job?

If he lost his job, they might want to move to another city or country.

If they owned a home or flat, it would be more difficult to move.

If they decided to move, they would probably have to sell.

If prices had risen, they would be okay.

In fact, they might even make a profit.

However, if prices were down when they had to sell, they would lose money.

Last week John got some bad news.

His company is downsizing and moving its head office to another city.

It's moving because it can no longer afford to do business where they are now.

Expenses are too high, especially salaries, so it's more difficult to compete with other companies.

In fact, several other companies will be moving out too.

Office space is expensive in the area, along with the cost of living for employees.

As a result, it's becoming more difficult to hire good employees.

Nobody wants to live there unless their salary can support a good standard of living.

With all of these changes, John thinks there's a good chance that he will be transferred to the new head office.

This could happen fairly soon.

If so, it would be foolish to buy a house at this time.

Linda still disagrees about buying a house, but she is willing to wait a year to see what happens.

She hopes that they won't have to move, but they may have to unless John is willing to change companies.

She would prefer not to move because she doesn't want to lose her job.

Now they have to consider what they'll do if he's transferred.

John has to decide whether or not he should begin to look for a new company.

If he could find another job in the area, it would put less stress on his wife.

If they stay and can wait for a while, maybe housing prices will begin to come down.

If prices don't come down, then he and his wife will continue to disagree about buying a house.

Sooner or later they are going to have to make a decision and stop fighting about it.

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