The Countess enters the bedchamber

The Countess enters the bedchamber_第1张图片

The Countess enters the bedchamber, followed by Doctor Bonnachoven and the General.
They walk to her bed and the doctor looks at Ann, who doesn't move.
DOCTOR [to the Countess, puzzled] She is asleep.
COUNTESS. She was in hysterics three minutes ago, Doctor.
DOCTOR [he puts his Doctor's bag on the table and bends over to her; quietly] Are you asleep, ma'am?
ANN [without moving] No!
DOCTOR. Oh. [He feels her forehead then takes a thermometer from his bag] I'll only disturb Your Royal Highness a moment, ah?
ANN. I'm very ashamed, Doctor Bonnachoven; I-[the Doctor places the thermometer in her mouth] suddenly I was crying.
DOCTOR [reassuring] To cry-a perfectly normal thing to do.
GENERAL. It most important she be calm and relaxed for the press conference, Doctor.
ANN. Don't worry, Doctor: I-[takes the thermometer out] I'll be calm and relaxed and I-I'll bow and I'll smile and- I'll improve trade relations and I, and I will...[she throws herself onto the pillow, in hysterics again].
COUNTESS. There she goes again. Give her something, Doctor, please.
DOCTOR [holding up a syringe from the bag] Uncover her arm, please, hmm?
The Countess uncovers her arm as the General looks away.

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