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140 <BODY>
141 <H1>jQuery Watermark Plugin</H1>
142 <H2>v 2.0</H2>
143 <FIELDSET id="summary">
144 <P>This jQuery plugin will easily create watermark hints in input and textarea
145 elements.</P>
146 <P><STRONG>Features:</STRONG></P>
147 <UL>
148 <LI>Watermark style is controlled by CSS classes</LI>
149 <LI>Each input element can have its own independent watermark text and
150 class/style</LI>
151 <LI>Plugin automatically removes all watermarks prior to form submission</LI>
152 <LI>Both watermark text and CSS class name can be changed dynamically</LI>
153 <LI>Visual Studio Intellisense-compatible documentation included in
154 source</LI>
155 <LI>Comes with jQuery selector extension ":data(...)" (documented in
156 source)</LI>
157 <LI>Password input automatically switches back to obfuscated text when
158 focused</LI>
159 <LI>Minified version is very compact — under 3,000 bytes</LI></UL>
160 <P><STRONG>Demonstrations:</STRONG></P>
161 <UL id="toc">
162 <LI><A href="http://www.rainweb.cn/JavaScript/jquery.watermark-2.0/jquery.watermark.htm?d4-address=#1">Demo
163 1</A> – Simple watermark</LI>
164 <LI><A href="http://www.rainweb.cn/JavaScript/jquery.watermark-2.0/jquery.watermark.htm?d4-address=#2">Demo
165 2</A> – Several watermarks created with one statement + different class
166 name</LI>
167 <LI><A href="http://www.rainweb.cn/JavaScript/jquery.watermark-2.0/jquery.watermark.htm?d4-address=#3">Demo
168 3</A> – Watermark changed dynamically (countdown timer)</LI>
169 <LI><A href="http://www.rainweb.cn/JavaScript/jquery.watermark-2.0/jquery.watermark.htm?d4-address=#4">Demo
170 4</A> – Multi-line watermark in a TEXTAREA tag</LI>
171 <LI><A href="http://www.rainweb.cn/JavaScript/jquery.watermark-2.0/jquery.watermark.htm?d4-address=#5">Demo
172 5</A> – Watermark in a password input element</LI></UL></FIELDSET>
173 <FORM id="demo1" class="cmxform" method="GET" action="">
174 <H3>Demonstration 1</H3>
175 <FIELDSET><LEGEND>Country uses simple watermark</LEGEND>
176 <OL>
177 <LI><LABEL for="d1-name">Name <EM>*</EM></LABEL> <INPUT id="d1-name"></LI>
178 <LI><LABEL for="d1-address1">Address <EM>*</EM></LABEL> <INPUT id="d1-address1"></LI>
179 <LI><LABEL for="d1-town-city">Town/City <EM>*</EM></LABEL> <INPUT id="d1-town-city"></LI>
180 <LI><LABEL for="d1-state">State/Province <EM>*</EM></LABEL> <INPUT id="d1-state"></LI>
181 <LI><LABEL for="d1-postcode">Zip/Postcode <EM>*</EM></LABEL> <INPUT id="d1-postcode"></LI>
182 <LI><LABEL for="d1-country">Country</LABEL> <INPUT id="d1-country" name="d1-country"></LI>
183 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> <INPUT value="Submit" type="submit"> &nbsp; <INPUT id="d1-countryFocus" value="Set Focus to Country" type="button"></LI>
184 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> • This is a normal <STRONG>type="submit"</STRONG>
185 button.</LI>
186 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> • Check the QueryString after clicking to verify that a
187 watermark value is never submitted.</LI></OL></FIELDSET></FORM>
188 <FORM id="demo2" class="cmxform" method="GET" action="">
189 <H3>Demonstration 2</H3>
190 <FIELDSET><LEGEND>Several watermarks created with one statement + different
191 class name</LEGEND>
192 <OL>
193 <LI><LABEL for="d2-name">Name</LABEL> <INPUT id="d2-name" class="required"
194 name="d2-name"></LI>
195 <LI><LABEL for="d2-address1">Address</LABEL> <INPUT id="d2-address1" class="required"
196 name="d2-address1"></LI>
197 <LI><LABEL for="d2-town-city">Town/City</LABEL> <INPUT id="d2-town-city"
198 class="required" name="d2-town-city"></LI>
199 <LI><LABEL for="d2-state">State/Province</LABEL> <INPUT id="d2-state" class="required"
200 name="d2-state"></LI>
201 <LI><LABEL for="d2-postcode">Zip/Postcode</LABEL> <INPUT id="d2-postcode"
202 class="required" name="d2-postcode" maxLength="5"> (maxlength=5, but watermark
203 is longer)</LI>
204 <LI><LABEL for="d2-country">Country</LABEL> <INPUT id="d2-country"></LI>
205 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> <INPUT id="d2-submit" value="Submit" type="button"></LI>
206 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> • This Submit button issues a call to the <STRONG>form
207 (DOM object) submit() function</STRONG> (programmatic submit).</LI>
208 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> • Check the QueryString after clicking to verify that a
209 watermark value is never submitted.</LI></OL></FIELDSET></FORM>
210 <FORM id="demo3" class="cmxform" method="GET" action="">
211 <H3>Demonstration 3</H3>
212 <FIELDSET><LEGEND>Shows how watermark can be changed dynamically</LEGEND>
213 <OL>
214 <LI><LABEL for="d3-name">Name <EM>*</EM></LABEL> <INPUT id="d3-name"></LI>
215 <LI><LABEL for="d3-address1">Address <EM>*</EM></LABEL> <INPUT id="d3-address1"></LI>
216 <LI><LABEL for="d3-town-city">Town/City <EM>*</EM></LABEL> <INPUT id="d3-town-city"></LI>
217 <LI><LABEL for="d3-state">State/Province <EM>*</EM></LABEL> <INPUT id="d3-state"></LI>
218 <LI><LABEL for="d3-postcode">Zip/Postcode <EM>*</EM></LABEL> <INPUT id="d3-postcode"></LI>
219 <LI><LABEL for="d3-country">Country</LABEL> <INPUT id="d3-country" name="d3-country">
220 <EM style="display: none;" id="d3-tip">Clear input to restart timer</EM></LI>
221 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> <INPUT id="d3-submit" value="Submit" type="button"></LI>
222 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> • This Submit button issues a call to the <STRONG>jQuery
223 submit() trigger</STRONG> (programmatic submit).</LI>
224 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> • Check the QueryString after clicking to verify that a
225 watermark value is never submitted.</LI></OL></FIELDSET></FORM>
226 <FORM id="demo4" class="cmxform" method="GET" action="">
227 <H3>Demonstration 4</H3>
228 <FIELDSET><LEGEND>Multi-line watermark in a TEXTAREA tag</LEGEND>
229 <OL>
230 <LI><LABEL for="d4-name">Name <EM>*</EM></LABEL> <INPUT id="d4-name"></LI>
231 <LI><LABEL for="d4-address">Address <EM>*</EM></LABEL> <TEXTAREA id="d4-address" cols="60" rows="4" name="d4-address"></TEXTAREA></LI>
232 <LI><LABEL for="d4-country">Country</LABEL> <INPUT id="d4-country"></LI>
233 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> <INPUT value="Submit" type="submit"></LI>
234 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> • This is a normal <STRONG>type="submit"</STRONG>
235 button.</LI>
236 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> • Check the QueryString after clicking to verify that a
237 watermark value is never submitted.</LI></OL></FIELDSET></FORM>
238 <FORM id="demo5" class="cmxform" method="GET" action="">
239 <H3>Demonstration 5</H3>
240 <FIELDSET><LEGEND>Watermark in a password input element</LEGEND>
241 <OL>
242 <LI><LABEL for="d5-username">Username <EM>*</EM></LABEL> <INPUT id="d5-username"
243 name="d5-username"></LI>
244 <LI><LABEL for="d5-password">Password <EM>*</EM></LABEL> <INPUT id="d5-password"
245 name="d5-password" maxLength="10" type="password"></LI>
246 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> <INPUT value="Submit" type="submit"></LI>
247 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> • <STRONG>Do not enter any real passwords
248 here!</STRONG>&nbsp; Use something like "test".</LI>
249 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> • It is not safe to set a watermarked password
250 programmatically, so it's best to avoid.</LI>
251 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> • This is a normal <STRONG>type="submit"</STRONG>
252 button.</LI>
253 <LI><LABEL></LABEL> • Check the QueryString after clicking to verify that a
254 watermark value is never submitted.</LI></OL></FIELDSET></FORM>
255 <DIV id="foot">
256 <P>Watermark plugin for jQuery</P>
257 <P>Copyright © 2009 Todd Northrop</P>
258 <P>Visit Speednet Group at <A
259 href="http://www.speednet.biz/">http://www.speednet.biz/</A></P>
260 <H1>Other recent projects:</H1>
261 <UL>
262 <LI><A href="http://tinyautosave.googlecode.com/">Auto-Save plugin for
263 TinyMCE</A></LI>
264 <LI><A href="http://www.lotterypost.com/gadget">Lottery Results Gagdet for
265 Windows&nbsp;Vista&nbsp;&amp; Windows&nbsp;7</A></LI></UL></DIV>
266 <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
267 // ** DEMO 1 *************
268 $(function () {
269 $("#d1-country").watermark("Leave blank for USA");
270 $("#d1-countryFocus").click(
271 function () {
272 $("#d1-country")[0].focus();
273 }
274 );
275 });
277 // ** DEMO 2 *************
278 $(function () {
279 $("#demo2 .required").watermark("Required", "watermark2");
280 $("#d2-submit").click(
281 function () {
282 this.form.submit();
283 }
284 );
285 });
287 // ** DEMO 3 *************
288 var $d3 = $("#d3-country"), $d3tip = $("#d3-tip"), c = 11, timer;
290 function countdown() {
291 if (--c == 0) {
292 $d3.val("United States").watermark();
293 $d3tip.show();
294 }
295 else {
296 $d3.watermark("Auto-select in: " + c, (c>5)? "watermark" : "watermark3");
297 timer = window.setTimeout(countdown, 1000);
298 }
299 }
301 $(function () {
302 timer = window.setTimeout(countdown, 1000);
303 $d3.focus(
304 function () {
305 if (timer) {
306 window.clearTimeout(timer);
307 }
308 }
309 ).blur(
310 function () {
311 if ($d3.val().length == 0) {
312 c = 11;
313 $d3tip.hide();
314 countdown();
315 }
316 }
317 );
318 $("#d3-submit").click(
319 function () {
320 $(this.form).submit();
321 }
322 );
323 });
325 // ** DEMO 4 *************
326 $(function () {
327 $("#d4-address").watermark("Full street address\nCity, state and zip\nUse as many lines as necessary.");
328 });
330 // ** DEMO 5 *************
331 $(function () {
332 $("#d5-username").watermark("Enter your username");
333 $("#d5-password").watermark("Enter your password");
334 });
336 // ** Table of Contents *************
337 $("#toc li a").each(function () {
338 var i = this.hash.slice(1), y = $("#demo" + i).offset().top;
340 $(this).click(function () {
341 window.scrollTo(0, y - 20);
342 return false;
343 });
345 $('<a href="#" class="top">&uArr; Top of page</a>').appendTo("body").css("top", y + 20).click(function () {
346 window.scrollTo(0, 0);
347 return false;
348 });
349 });
350 </SCRIPT>
351 </BODY></HTML>

