
原文:首先,讲一点,不学语法,也能把英语说的很流利。正如我们小时候学汉语,听得多了,说的多了,就会说汉语了。会说不等于全部理解。在自己的陌生区域,听起来还是一头雾水。我活了48岁了,他们谈论汽车的排量,型号,驱动等专业内容,我还是弄不明白。因此,从学会到学通,还有很长的一段路,毫不夸张地说,甚至是终身的事。;译文:First of all, speak a little, do not learn grammar, can also speak English fluently. Just as we learn Chinese when we are young, when we hear much and speak much, we can speak Chinese. To say is not to understand. In my own strange region, it still sounds like a blur. I live to be 48 years old, and they talk about the car's engine, model, drive and other professional content, which I still don't understand. So there is a long way to go from learning to learning, literally, a lifetime.。来自@有道词典

原文:其次,学了语法,应该是更容易快速理解和掌握英语,如果说懂了语法,反而学起来,更吃力了。那一定是没有遇到好的英语老师,而是一定是你自己不会独立思考。现在的语法书那么多,任以拿上一本,自己就能自学,如果是死背条条框框,肯定对流利说是一种伤害。你要知其然,且知其所以然。;译文:Secondly, it should be easier to quickly understand and master English after learning grammar. If you know grammar, you will find it more difficult to learn. There must be no good English teacher, but you can't think for yourself. There are so many grammar books now that you can pick up one and teach yourself. Know it, and know why.。来自@有道词典

原文:没有了诚信,已经失去了做人的资格,那么再离奇的手段,这伙人都能想出来。;译文:Without honesty, have lost the qualifications to be a person, so again strange means, this gang can figure out.。来自@有道词典
