2018-04-05 what is ETL Developing .

what  is ETL  Developing .  

ETL = Extract, Transform and Load. Basically you're going to take data from one source and transform it then load it to another place. It could be as simple as mapping fields between two databases or as complicated as performing mathematical operations on some fields, combining it with other data sources, then loading them into a final location. Many DBA's do both ETL work and DBA work, but if a company takes in a lot of data or has a need to move data around alot, they could have a dedicated department just to do that kind of stuff. Generally what you're doing is interfacing data from one department or an outside source and loading it into another database for another department.

This has the advantage of each department being able to set their own technical specifications for their projects, then having the ETL team transform the data they need from other departments into the format that will work for their project.

ETL development is a subset of database development that focuses on the pipeline /tools used to extract data from a data source, transform it into something useful, and load it into a database (or other data store).

There are many aspects to overall database development (reporting, BI, ETL, etc.), so ETL is just one part. 

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