iOS NSMapTable




The NSMapTable class is a mutable collection modeled after NSDictionary, with the following differences:

The major option is to have keys and/or values held “weakly” in a manner that entries are removed when one of the objects is reclaimed.

Its keys or values may be copied on input or may use pointer identity for equality and hashing.

It can contain arbitrary pointers (its contents are not constrained to being objects).

You can configure an NSMapTable instance to operate on arbitrary pointers and not just objects, although typically you are encouraged to use the C function API for void * pointers. (See Managing Map Tables for more information) The object-based API (such as setObject:forKey:) will not work for non-object pointers without type-casting.


相对于NSDictionary 而言,NSMapTable 中的key-value是可以指定为weak、strong、copy的。


2.对于NSDictionary 中通常都是简单key来对于一个object,而在NSMapTable中,不但可以使用key-object这样的对应,还可以使用object-object这种对应方式。



Returns a map table, initialized with the given options.


Returns a new map table, initialized with the given options


Returns a map table, initialized with the given functions.


Returns a new map table object which has strong references to the keys and values.


Returns a new map table object which has weak references to the keys and strong references to the values.


Returns a new map table object which has strong references to the keys and weak references to the values.


Returns a new map table object which has weak references to the keys and values.



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