Last Name became required in Liferay 7.0

Last name is not required in Liferay 6.2.10, while becomes required in Liferay 7.0. How to make this field required?

I search for /liferay-portal/modules/apps/directory/directory-web/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/user/details.jsp

There are email-address, birthday, job-title, etc. But there's no prefix, first-name, middle-name, last-name, suffix. I can't find last-name in any jsp file. So I guess it's setting in Java code, then generate it as jsp.

Then I do a search for "last-name". I find it is in file in property ",first-name,middle-name,last-name,suffix".

Do another search for "". It locates in FullNameDefinitionFactory

String[] fieldNames = StringUtil.split(LanguageUtil.get(locale, ""));

so these fields are splitted into a String array.Then I find


What's fullNameField? It's an object of FullNameDefinition, the FullNameDefinition has _requiredFields. Then I set a breakpoint, _requeiredFields contains two values "first-name" and "last-name".

But where did portal set this attribute?Let's do a full search for "FullNameDefinitionFactory", /liferay-portal/portal-web/docroot/html/taglib/ui/user_name_fields/page.jsp

Last Name became required in Liferay 7.0_第1张图片
There's a bug in JianShu that I can't copy code here.

We can see that user name values are generated here, each field would be added "required" if it's required.But when and why last name became required? We see there's an exception in the page.jsp

The message says "and-last-name".

Let's blame this line and find the log.This line and the whole block of code were added in      LPS-55591 Combine jsp fragments in page.jsp. The whole block of code is added in this commit. Besides, details_user_name.jspf contains this line before, but it's removed in this commit. So we should blame this file. (We need smartgit or gitk to do this.) This line of code was changed in LPS-55364. Now we can go to trunk and search for the LPS.After search for the log, the diff of the line is

It means last name is added before LPS-55364. Well, let go deep, go deep. Finally, we find this commit LPS-16453 Make last name optionalgit-svn-id: svn:// 05bdf26c-840f-0410-9ced-eb539d925f36 

So we go to source code, search for in, see if we can find it.

Of course, it's gone. Don't worry. We just need to log for to see when this property is deleted. It's LPS-54956 (Implement the correct handling of defining required fields). But during research, required is set in LPS-55364 (Create ContactNameException and add appropriate exceptions as inner classes).Finally, we can find in

so, last-name is required, in LPS-51819 (Add multi-cultural support to user admin portlet)

But all in all, if we find this line at the first, we would not need to search the whole things. Org.

你可能感兴趣的:(Last Name became required in Liferay 7.0)