

The core value proposition of Ethereum can be summarized with a single word: Synergy.

To give an example, just at launch Maker is going to integrate and thus synergize with at least this list of other Ethereum projects:

Augur - We give them a stable store of value, they give us users. We can also use their token as collateral for the Dai.
Augur - 我们为他们提供稳定的价值储藏,他们为我们提供用户。我们也可以使用他们的币做为Dai做抵押品。

Slock - We use their product, the Ethereum Computer, as an easily distributed plug-and-play server to run our Keeper daemon which provides us decentralized price feeds and trading bots (meaning better Dai liquidity), we also give them a stable store of value, and can use their DAO token as collateral for the Dai.

Slock - 我们可以使用他们的产品,以太坊计算机,方便的分布式的即插即用服务器来运行我们的守护进程,这些守护进程用来给我们提供去中心化的定价和交易机器人(意味着Dai更好的资金流动性),我们同样可以给他们提供稳定的价值储藏和可以使用他们的DAO币为Dai做抵押品。

EtherEx - We provide a stable store of value to allow for decentralized ETH speculation directly on the Ethereum blockchain using their service (The combination of our CDP system + EtherEx even allows for decentralized margin trading!), and in turn we get better access to liquidity and and a platform for raising money without having to require KYC and other user annoyances.

EtherEx - 我们提供一种稳定的价值储藏,来允许去中心化的以太币投资交易,直接在以太区网上使用他们的服务(CDP系统的和EtherEx的组合允许使用去中心化的保证金交易),而且我们也会得到更好的资金流动性,在这个平台赚钱的同时,不需要关心KYC和其他用户处理的琐事。

Digix - We can use their gold token as collateral for the Dai, increasing the collateral diversity with non-cryptocurrency assets.

Digix - 我们可以使用他们的黄金代币来为Dai做抵押品,用非加密货币资产来增加抵押品的多样性。

Oraclize - We use their service as an additional layer of secure price feeds to make sure our system is robust and cannot easily be attacked through its oracle mechanisms, and in return we provide them with income that we earn from providing a better secured Dai.

Oraclize - 我们使用他们的服务做为额外一层用来作安全定价,确保我们的系统足够健壮,通过他们的Oracle机制确保不易轻易被攻击。同时,我们可以用提供的更安全服务的Dai所获得的收益,来支付他们的服务。

Colony - We use their service to organize our army of community volunteers, ensuring people who do work for Maker gets paid accordingly even when it's on a decentralized ad hoc basis. We can also use their token as collateral for the Dai.

Colony - 我们使用他们的服务去组织我们的社区志愿者大军,确保他们即使是在去中心化的基础上为Maker工作也能获得应有的所得。我们也可以使用他们的代币为Dai做抵押品。

Otonomos - We use their service to allow us to use real world company stock as collateral for the Dai, which enables us to offer business credit as well as further diversify the collateral portfolio of the Dai with non-cryptocurrency assets.
It is the permissionless and turing-completeness of Ethereum that allows all of these projects to seamlessly integrate with each other as first class citizens, increasing the value and utility of each other, because we all write to the same virtual machine and use the same language and the same standards.

Otonomos - 我们可以使用他们的服务为我们提供真实世界的公司的股票在Dai做抵押品,这样可以使我们提供商业信贷,同样为Dai提供更加多样化的非加密货币资产的抵押品。


Each project in the list above becomes a multiplier on the existing value of our system, resulting in exponential, rather than linear gains, for every new project that integrates with the others. Similarly every time any one of the above mentioned projects gains a new user or somehow grows in size, it ripples through the list and positively effects every other project in one way or another. Another huge advantage is that all of the integrations and synergies listed above require zero direct interaction or collaboration between the projects - it just emerges by itself due to the open source nature and streamlined standards of Ethereum. Of course in most cases there is still direct collaboration between the projects in this early stage of the ecosystem, but it's still important to note that this isn't a requirement - this will become a huge advantage once the network starts to really scale.


The result of this inherent synergy is an unbeatable network effect in accordance with Metcalfe's law. Every time a VC or a banker asks me which blockchains are interesting to look at in the industry, I tell them the same thing: Ethereum has already won. It has reached critical mass and become what can best be described as an unstoppable, ever growing snowball.

Another way to put it is if we decided to build Maker on a different blockchain, we'd have significantly less users and liquidity, and would have to spend a lot more resources on building things that others have already built for us to use as first class citizens on Ethereum, and due to those factors, we'd most likely be dead or dying at this point.
