
part one vacabularies

1, a triple latte 拿铁咖啡

原文: Maybe it's a craving for a cigarette, a drink, or a triple latte. Maybe it's the sight of a last-chance super clearance sale, a lottery ticket, or a doughnut in the bakery window.

2, succumb /səˈkʌm/   VERB 动词  屈从于,屈服于,抵挡不住(诱惑或压力) 

If you succumb to temptation or pressure, you do something that you want to do, or that other people want you to do, although you feel it might be wrong

原文: One day you resist, and the next you succumb.

3, physiology /ˌfıziˈɑːləʤi/ 生理学

    psychology /saıˈkɑːləʤi/ 心理学  这2个单词一直傻傻分不清

原文: Science is discovering that self-control is a matter of physiology, not just psychology.

4, scavenge /ˈskævənʤ/ VERB 动词  捡破烂;拾荒;(从废弃物中)觅食,寻找  

If people or animals scavenge for things, they collect them by searching among waste or unwanted objects.

carcass /ˈkɑɚkəs/ N-COUNT 可数名词  动物死尸 

A carcass is the body of a dead animal.

原文: Perhaps you are scavenging for lunch among the carcasses scattered across the savannah.

5, sobriety  N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词  清醒(指未喝醉)

原文: One important job of this system is to keep you from making stupid mistakes, like breaking a six-month stretch of sobriety, yelling at your boss, or ignoring your overdue, credit card bills.

part two sentences

1, I starts with a flash of excitement. Your brain buzzes, and your heart pounds in your chest. It's like your whole body is saying Yes.Then the anxiety hits. Your lungs tighten and your muscles tense. You start to feel light-headed and a little nauseous. You are almost trembling, you want this so much. But you can't. But you want.But you can't. You know what you need to do, but you aren't sure you can handle this feeling without falling apart or giving in. Welcome to the world of craving.


2, This is the moment you need to say "I won't" when every cell in your body is saying "I want."  这句话也很形象啊

part three summary



1, 一大早上,天天说今天的任务是读完chapter one, 我顿时在心里暗暗的给自己放了一个假,没有那么强大的动力接着看这本书了。

2, 本身这本书是一个工具书,告诉人们怎么来锻炼自己的意志力,因此趣味性也不是那么强烈,不是那么吸引人。

3, 每次看之前我都会首先浏览一下今天要看的内容有多少,我一页一页的翻看,看标题看大意,发现翻了好多页还没有翻完,心里暗暗的有点抵触,今天的内容怎么这么多呢?

4, 看了半个小时,眼睛很累,走了好长一段神。


1, 既然很早就意识到了自己的阅读惰性问题,所以还是会把今天的阅读看完,虽然有挣扎。

2, 读到第一段,描写渴望的那种感觉简直太贴切,直击内心深处,我被吸引了。

3, 读的时候,自我意识:今天要赶在11点前交上今天的笔记,这个目的很强烈,我就把今天的第二章看完了

4, 发现看今天的内容,很容易,理解也不是那么难,嗯,也是自己能坚持看完的原因之一。






1, 看了这么多,了解了从生理学的角度,大脑以及身体中的各种化学反应,我们才会有这样的行为,难道不是为自己找到了一个借口?我之所以没有在各种诱惑等意志力挑战面前坚持下来,都是因为自己什么的各种激素分泌的原因么?啊哈哈哈

2, 既然冥想(放慢呼吸)有这么多的好的方面我决定每天睡觉之前试试。

3, 运动也是一个很好的方法,给身体以及生活带来的各种好处。

4, THE FIVE-MINUTE GREEN WILLPOWER FILL-UP 这个我有,每天半天时间都会出去去校园溜达一下,拍拍照,看看花草树木。

5, 太过自控也不好,相当于身体时刻处于高度紧张中,要学会聪明的选择自我控制的对象,与放松相结合。
