版本号 | 时间 |
V1.0 | 2017.09.24 |
app中好的炫的动画可以让用户耳目一新,为产品增色不少,关于动画的实现我们可以用基本动画、关键帧动画、序列帧动画以及基于CoreGraphic的动画等等,接下来这几篇我就介绍下我可以想到的几种动画绘制方法。具体Demo示例已开源到Github —— 刀客传奇,感兴趣的可以看我写的另外几篇。
1. 实现动画方式深度解析(一) —— 播放GIF动画(一)
2. 实现动画方式深度解析(二) —— 播放GIF动画之框架FLAnimatedImage的使用(二)
3. 实现动画方式深度解析(三) —— 播放序列帧动画(一)
4. 实现动画方式深度解析(四) —— QuartzCore框架(一)
5. 实现动画方式深度解析(五) —— QuartzCore框架之CoreAnimation(二)
6. 实现动画方式深度解析(六) —— Core Animation Basics(三)
7. 实现动画方式深度解析(七) —— Core Animation之Setting Up Layer Objects(四)
8. 实现动画方式深度解析(八) —— Core Animation之动画层内容 (五)
9. 实现动画方式深度解析(九) —— Core Animation之构建图层层级 (六)
10. 实现动画方式深度解析(十) —— Core Animation之高级动画技巧 (七)
11. 实现动画方式深度解析(十一) —— Core Animation之更改图层的默认行为(八)
12. 实现动画方式深度解析(十二) —— Core Animation之提高动画的性能(九)
13. 实现动画方式深度解析(十三) —— Core Animation之图层样式属性动画(十)
14. 实现动画方式深度解析(十四) —— Core Animation之 KVC 扩展(十一)
Animatable Properties - 可动画属性
中的许多属性都可以动画化。 本附录列出了这些属性,以及默认使用的动画。
CALayer Animatable Properties - CALayer可动画属性
类的属性。 对于每个属性,该表还列出了创建用于执行隐式动画的默认动画对象的类型。
Property | Default animation |
anchorPoint | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
backgroundColor | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
backgroundFilters | Uses the default implied CATransition object, described in Table B-3. Sub-properties of the filters are animated using the default |
borderColor | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
borderWidth | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
bounds | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
compositingFilter | Uses the default implied CATransition object, described in Table B-3. Sub-properties of the filters are animated using the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
contents | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
contentsRect | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
cornerRadius | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
doubleSided | There is no default implied animation. |
filters | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. Sub-properties of the filters are animated using the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
frame | This property is not animatable. You can achieve the same results by animating the bounds and position properties. |
hidden | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
mask | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
masksToBounds | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
opacity | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
position | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
shadowColor | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
shadowOffset | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
shadowOpacity | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
shadowPath | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
shadowRadius | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
sublayers | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
sublayerTransform | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
transform | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
zPosition | Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. |
CIFilter Animatable Properties - 可动画属性
Core Animation
为Core Image
类添加了以下可动画属性。 这些属性仅在OS X上可用。
- name
- enabled