W2-D7复盘 Humans take back seat as Waymo’s driverless cars pass Phoenix milestone



driverless cars
autonomous cars
Humans take back seat
with nobody in the front seats
with no one behind the wheel(方向盘)- with back-up drivers behind the wheel(keep a human in the driver’s seat)


1.vehicles that cruise the streets
2.most disruptive(颠覆性) new technologies
3.hyped = go viral
4.the advent of(xxx的到来)
5.at the centre of a race between A and B
6.a rudimentary version (雏形)
7.“增长,激增”同义表达:soar; surge; rise; increase; up to; lift (up to) ; double/ triple/quadruple类; jump; rocket; climb up; go up; level up; speed up; prompt up; push up; pick up; mount; add; burgeon; boom; boost; rebound; balloon; spiral / ˈspairəl /; grow; up; bulge; raise; score; ramp up to; ascent;


[Potentially one of the most disruptive new technologies, as well as one of the most hyped], driverless cars have been at the centre of a race between big automakers and technology companies.



  • 新闻事件报道报道,消息;
  • 新闻特写:批判错误,分析新闻背后的故事;

第一部分-总起: 新闻核心信息 [ eg 本文第一段,第一款无人驾驶汽车来了]
第二部分-详细补充 详细阐释 [ eg 本文第2~3段,具体信息细节]
第三部分-原因(为什么称之为新闻,为什么要告诉你这个故事,报道) [ eg -4~5段,第5段做第4段的例证作补充 ]
第四部分-补充背景 [ eg -6-10段:补充背景,阶段,需要从话中提取核心意思,尽管谷歌在行业内处于领先地位,但纵观整个行业,起步阶段。

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