The difference between `Let`,`Apply`,`With`,`Run` and `Also` on Kotlin

The difference between `Let`,`Apply`,`With`,`Run` and `Also` on Kotlin_第1张图片


  • 函数定义

    public inline fun  T.let(block: (T) -> R): R = block(this)
  • 函数说明

    Calls the specified function block with this value as its argument and returns its result.

  • 函数实例

     * 姓名拆分,通过空格拆分出姓和名
    fun nameSplit(name: String): Boolean {
        name.let {
            if (it.indexOf(" ") == -1) return false
            println("Your first Name is " + it.substring(0, it.indexOf(" ")))
            println("Your last Name is " + it.substring(it.indexOf(" ")))
            return true
  • 测试函数

    private KotlinUnit mUnit = new KotlinUnit();
    public void testLet_0() throws Exception {
        assertTrue("testLet_0",mUnit.nameSplit("ted xiong"));
    //Your first Name is ted
    //Your last Name is  xiong


  • 函数定义

    public inline fun  T.apply(block: T.() -> Unit): T { block(); return this }
  • 函数说明

    Calls the specified function [block] with this value as its receiver and returns this value.

  • 函数实例

     * 在一个空的数组里塞入日期和时间的字符串
    fun getDateStr(space: ArrayList): Boolean {
        space.apply {
            add(SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.CHINA).format(Date()))
        }.let {
            println("The date info is " + it[0])
            println("The time info is " + it[1])
        return true
  • 测试函数

    private KotlinUnit mUnit = new KotlinUnit();
    public void testApply_0() throws Exception {
        ArrayList space = new ArrayList<>();
        assertTrue("testApply_0", mUnit.getDateStr(space));
    //The date info is 2017-08-16
    //The time info is 16:38:47


  • 函数定义

    public inline fun  with(receiver: T, block: T.() -> R): R = receiver.block()
  • 函数说明

    Calls the specified function [block] with the given [receiver] as its receiver and returns its result.

  • 函数实例

     * 获取到编译环境相关的系统信息
    fun getCompileInfo(map: HashMap): Boolean {
        return with(map) {
            put("Java环境版本", System.getProperties().getProperty("java.version"))
            put("Java环境供应商", System.getProperties().getProperty("java.vendor"))
            put("操作系统名称", System.getProperties().getProperty(""))
            put("操作系统架构", System.getProperties().getProperty("os.arch"))
            put("操作系统版本", System.getProperties().getProperty("os.version"))
  • 测试函数

    private KotlinUnit mUnit = new KotlinUnit();
    public void testWith_0() throws Exception {
        HashMap map = new HashMap<>();
        assertTrue("testWith_0", mUnit.getCompileInfo(map));
    //{操作系统名称=Mac OS X, Java环境供应商=JetBrains s.r.o, 操作系统架构=x86_64, Java环境版本=1.8.0_112-release, 操作系统版本=10.12.6}


  • 函数定义

    public inline fun T.() -> R): R = block()
  • 函数说明

    Calls the specified function [block] with this value as its receiver and returns its result.
    Run 跟Apply近似,唯一不同的是Apply返回的是自身对象,而Run返回的是最后一行

  • 函数实例

     * 接收一个姓名,打印三句话
    fun sayHiTo(name: String): Boolean {
        println( {
            println("Hi," + name)
            println("Nice to meet you," + this)
            "The run has over!!!!"
        return true
  • 测试函数

    private KotlinUnit mUnit = new KotlinUnit();
    public void testRun_0() throws Exception {
        assertTrue("testRun_0", mUnit.sayHiTo("xiongwei"));
    //Nice to meet you,xiongwei
    //The run has over!!!!


  • 函数定义


public inline fun T.also(block: (T) -> Unit): T { block(this); return this }

  • 函数说明

    Calls the specified function [block] with this value as its argument and returns this value.

  • 函数实例

     * 计算圆周长
    fun getCircumference(dia: Int): Boolean {
        println("The dia is " +
                dia.also {
                    println("The Circumference is " + Math.PI * it)
        return true
  • 测试函数

    private KotlinUnit mUnit = new KotlinUnit();
    public void testAlso_0() throws Exception {
        assertTrue("testAlso_0", mUnit.getCircumference(10));
    //The Circumference is 31.41592653589793
    //The dia is 10


function des this it return
Let 对象扩展函数,通过it获取对象本身 所属class 对象本身 指定return或者最后一行
Apply 对象扩展函数,在函数块类调用对象的任意方法 对象本身 - 对象本身
With 独立函数,将对象作为参数传入, 对象本身 - 指定return或者最后一行
Run 对象扩展函数,类似Apply,不同之处在于Apply返回自身 对象本身 - 指定return或者最后一行
Also 对象扩展函数,类似Apply,比Apply多了it 所属class 对象本身 对象本身


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