8.21 Day 15 Peak: C7 The Road to Extraordinary

PART 1: Thoughts













孩子的启蒙:以前喜欢英语但一直没机会用到,也羞于开口,姐姐的宝宝出生后我就开始偷偷用英语和她交流,原本只是为了练习自己的口语,在她一岁的左右时,我发觉当我问她"where do you want to go?" "where is our home?"她都明白并且都会指出,我便更积极的练口语,也渐渐敢在家人面前和她用英语交流。现在她四岁了,26个字母都认识,颜色也会说,进我房间会问我"may I come in",每次我说我要学习时,她会说我也要学习,要学a、 apple,我就会帮她开starfall, 她会很认真看视频跟读。永远不要低估孩子的吸收能力和我们的影响,我生活的周围人们常喜欢把学习差的责任怪在孩子和老师身上,却不晓得大人对孩子早期的陪伴,引导的重要性。


PART 2: Summary

The author holds that the parents of children who are to become experts play a crucial role in the child's development.(订:in the children's development.) For one thing, the parents shape the interests of their children. And they help their children develop mental representations. (订:For one thing, the parents shape the interests of their children  and help them to develop mental representations.)And, again, the parents always need to give them a great deal of time, support, encouragement and money for improvements. Furthermore, a good teacher or coach is also an important role who instruct the children the why more than the how.

Although more and more older adults are training harder and harder, the adult brain is still more than capable of learning and changing. Moreover, if we adults try hard enough, our brains will find a way, just as the case of Don. We can develop our skills by constant deliberate practice.

PART 3: Words and Expression

1. pathbreaker: n.闯将,开拓者

pathfinder: n. a person who discovers new ways of doing things探路者,探险者;开拓者,开创者

原文:These are the people whose contributions leave their fields forever changed, the pathfinders who lead the way into new territory so that others can follow.

仿句:Mayun is a pathfinder in e-business.

2.原文:However, the student who makes it to the end of this arduous road will have joined an elite cadre of people who can say categorically that they have reached the pinnacle of human achievement.

cadre:n.a small group of specially trained people in a profession, political party, or military force 干部;基础结构cadre of

pinnacle:n. the most successful, powerful, exciting, etc part of something 

pinnacle of / at the pinnacle of something

仿句:There is a new cadre of leaders who will visit our branch office .

3.原文:There are master's divisions in track and field competitions with age brackets up to eighty and beyond.

bracket:做n.时表示括号、支架意思; 这里做动词 v. to consider two or more people or things as being similar or the same 把…归入同一类

be bracketed together/ be bracketed with somebody/something

仿句:Don't bracket me with her just because we are classmates. 

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