项目 PokemonGo Map


  • GitHub: https://github.com/hackjutsu/pokemongo-map-poc
  • Demo: http://hackjutsu.com/pokemongo-map-poc-demo/

System Architecture

A distributed crawler system that achieves heuristic data crawling based on geographical location information, said system comprising:

  1. A web app sends network requests with said geographical locations information to an API gateway,
  2. An API gateway subsystem constructed by said API gateways, routes said requests to a query cluster,
  3. A query subsystem constructed by said query cluster, queries for Pokemons data based on said geographical locations information from a database on AWS, and returns said Pokemon data to said web app, and sends said geographical locations information to message queues,
  4. A message queue subsystem constructed from said message queues, stores said messages from said query subsystem, and provides said messages to a crawler cluster
  5. A crawler subsystem constructed by said crawler cluster, retrieves said geographical locations information from said message queue subsystem, and gets fake Pokemons data from a mock Pokemon go API, and saves said fake Pokemons data to a database,
  6. A database subsystem constructed by said database, stores said Pokemons data.

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