COMP9313 - Cognitive services: Chatbot development

Cognitive Services - Chatbots

Conversational services: interact with users using natural language expressions, both voice and text, designed to mimic human interaction.

Use software services to serve user services.

Chatbot Architecture

COMP9313 - Cognitive services: Chatbot development_第1张图片
Chatbot Architecture

NL processor: Structured utterance.
Mapper: Get entities by intent.
Conversation engine: Executable actions(Call API).

Chatbot Development/Design Techniques

  • Rule based(Deterministic): Defining statistic rules to dictate the behaviour of chatbot.
  • Flow based(Deterministic): Designing the conversation by using UI components(No codes).
  • Machine learning based(Probability): Training ML models to predict user intention and extra entities.

Flow Based Chatbots - Characteristics

  • Quick bootstraping
  • No coding(Design the conversation using cards/buttons/etc)
  • Fast and accurate(If...else...)
  • Could be smart enough if bot developer anticipates possible situations(flows).
  • For simple use cases.

Flow based components

  • Card: It is the most basic building component of a bot. It can contain anything from a simple text message, carousel, quick replies, image and other plugins.
  • Text: A text card can only contain text and a maximum of three buttons.
  • Quick reply: Allow you to get message recipient input by sending buttons in a message.
  • Gallery/Carousel: It allows you to send multiple images, titles and multiple links for each element.
  • Block: It consists of one or more message cards that are sent together to a bot user. You can link blocks with each other using buttons in text cards or in gallery cards.

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