I love the secrets of your cave

Why do I love you so deeply?

I love the secrets of your cave_第1张图片

What do you have that I love so much that my soul is often not content with my body. What do you have so infatuated with me that my body is not content with the perspective of God, and the restless soul ferries the bitterness of my body.

What makes me so attached to you that I tell you the most hidden secret in my heart. What makes me bless you so much, the first thing to open my eyes in the morning is not to pray or arrange my itinerary, but to miss you quietly in the fresh air of the morning.

I love the secrets of your cave_第2张图片

Every night when it is difficult to fall asleep, the nobility and coldness of your soul drive away my lonely clouds. Late every night I always hold back my restless body, touch the buttons of the cells in my sensitive skin, and the precious things that are about to come out are the witness that I miss you.


What about you? Lie in bed, quietly sleep, sweet sleep there is no noise, no disobedient mind, no eye of God snooping, half-naked body, breasts lying in your arms. The uterus contracted uneasily, waiting for the comfort and disturbance of the invaders. Who said that women can not be flirtatious, you can also become the next noble cold lover!

Raise your thighs, let me see your beautiful myth, the contraction rhythm of your uterus just calls for my beating rhythm, I want to hug you completely, I want to give you completely.

I love the secrets of your cave_第3张图片

Put my sadness, my depression. I'll give you all my uneasiness! You must have become a snail who can't bear suffering, slowly crawling out of my body, you are still a virgin, in my heart. But virgins are not the holiness I want to emphasize, what I need is your affectionate caress and boundless comfort!

Come on! The contracted womb quietly greets my earth! I want to touch your seductive nipples, melt her in my mouth, and let me know the ultimate fragrance of your nipples lying in love's milk. Your wiggling ass is not catering to my arrival, you are like a flower that has not seen nectar for a long time, only the sweet spring of my love can moisturize your heartbeat. Let your dry womb summon me, and you can't wait to open the first button on your breast.

I love the secrets of your cave_第4张图片

My hand reached into the dark side of your phantom, and with the groan of your lust, I completely melted into a cell in your blood and breathed your breath alone in your body! Farewell, my lover, dawn, no more nostalgia, or the body will burn up! Will hear the sound of sex in your ears and my ears remember!

I love the secrets of your cave_第5张图片

Your rhythm is not necessarily what I want, my body and blood is what you can give me! After all, I met you in a million lives!


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