
1. 音频:Peppa pig S01E01-03,0b循环播放

2. 视频:无

3. 游戏:Handy dandy。Harry看到磁板上五颜六色的小磁铁,就问我吸铁石用英语怎么说,我告诉他是magnet。他就把两种颜色的magbet藏进两个盒子里,找爸爸玩:Handy dandy,riddody-ro,which magnet will you choose?Which magnet will you choose?Yellow or blue?Daddy chose blue but guess wrong. Harry opened the box and found the yellow magnet. Haha!…… After several times they played the little green frog,gobble gobble gobble,etc.

4. 阅读:爸爸讲了中文绘本4本,英文今天要求继续讲Scarry的Best Storybook Ever. 一连讲了5个故事都不过瘾,后来实在困了,听凯叔讲故事睡着了。

5. 妈妈学习:美国万用家庭亲子英文1节

