1.1 sigar
Sigar(system information gather and report)是Hyperic-hq产品的基础包,是Hyperic HQ主要的数据收集组件。它用来从许多平台收集系统和处理信息。这些平台包括:Linux, Windows, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, FreeBSD and Mac OSX。
Sigar有C,C#,Java和Perl API,java版的API为sigar.jar sigar.jar的底层是用C语言编写的,它通过本地方法来调用操作系统API来获取系统相关数据。
1.2 PTQL
1.2.1 PTQL语法
Hyperic SIGAR 提供一种定位进程的机制,叫做进程表查询语言-PTQL(process table query language)。所有的操作系统都会给运行的进程分配一个PID,但是这个进程号是一个随机数字,当你每次启动某个程序的时候,这个进程号是随机可变的。所以我们不能用进程号来定位程序, PTQL 使用的是进程的属性值来定位程序,这些属性值是一直不变的。
sigar> ps "Exe.Name.ct=Program Files"
- Class is the name is the sigar class minus the Proc prefix.
- Attribute is an attribute of the given Class, index into an array or ker in a Map class.
- operate in one of the folling for String values.
- eq: Equal to values.
- ne: Not Equal to value.
- gt: Greater thab value.
- ge: Great than or equal value.
- lt: Less than value.
- le: Less than or equal value.
- ew: End with value.
- sw: Starts with value.
- ct: Contains value(subsring).
- re: Regular expression value matches.
Mutiole queries must delimited by a comma.多个查询之间以逗号分隔连接。
1.2.2 PTQL属性
The attributes used in PTQL are directly from the sigar.Proc* classes. This document will outline the attributes most commonly used for identifying process. the complete set of Proc* classes and attributes can be found in the Sigar javadoc.
- Pid.Pid: the process ID.
- Pid.PidFile: file containing the process id.
- Pid.Service: windows services name used to pid from the service manager.
- State.Name: base name of the process executable.
- CredName.User: user name of the process owner.
- CredName.Group: group name of the process owner.
- Cred.Uid: user id of the process owner.
- Cred.Gid: group id of the process name.
- Cred.Euid: effective user if of the process owner.
- Cred.Egid: effective group id of the process owner.
- full path name of the process executable.
- Exe.Cwd: currnet working directory of the process.
- Args.*: command line argument passed to the process.
- Env.*: environment varibale within the process.
- Module.*: shared library loaded within the process.
1.2.3 PTQL构建
The process of building a process query will vary depending on the application and the need to identify a unique peocess or group of processes. For these examples, we will use sigar shell. The sigar shell is started using the folling command.
# 目录结构
[root@localhost sigar]# ls sigar.jar
# 启动命令
[root@localhost sigar]# java -jar sigar.jar
The help command will show rhe complete list of top-level commands. We will focus on the handful that are useful for building PTQL queries:
- ps: process status.
- pargs: process arguments.
- penv: process environment.
- pfile: process file information.
- pinfo: other process info.
Each of the commands listed above require an argument of rither a process id or PTQL query.** For certain commands like ps you can use tab completion in the shell to see the possilble values.**(按tab键补全)
2.1 Simple Process Identification
The simplest of queries can use 'State.Name', the basename of the process executable, to indetify a process. For example, the cron daemon on a linux system.
sigar> ps "State.Name.eq=crond"
15908 root Sep6 123M 1.6M 964K S 0:8 /usr/sbin/crond
This approach works to uniquely identify other daemons, such as 'syslogd', 'dhclient' and others where there should only be 1 process with the given name. However, in the case of a daemon such as sshd, there will likely be multiple instances:
sigar> ps "State.Name.eq=sshd"
925 root Aug22 104M 4.0M 3.1M S 0:56 /usr/sbin/sshd
27275 root Oct29 142M 5.1M 3.8M S 0:0 sshd: root@pts/1
The easiest way to find the listening sshd server is to use the pid file:
sigar> ps "Pid.PidFile.eq=/var/run/"
925 root Aug22 104M 4.0M 3.1M S 0:56 /usr/sbin/sshd
2.2 Identifying a Unique Java Process
'State.Name' may be enough to identify certain processes, but this is almost never the case with java applications, where the executable basename is 'java' for all applications:
sigar> ps "State.Name.sw=java"
1422 root Sep21 21G 3.9G 16M S 519:34 java:/opt/server/cynosure/cynosure-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
4251 root 09:35 11G 35M 12M S 0:0 java:org.hyperic.sigar.cmd.Runner
25496 root Sep11 11G 218M 12M S 32:54 java:clojure.main
25683 root Sep11 13G 407M 12M S 46:30 java:clojure.main
To view the command line arguments for a specific process:
sigar> pargs 4251
For most java applications, the main class name can be used to uniquely identify the process, in this case argument 2 is the sigar main class name:
sigar> ps "State.Name.eq=java,Args.2.eq=sigar.jar"
4251 root 09:35 11G 35M 12M S 0:1 java:org.hyperic.sigar.cmd.Runner
Sigar 命令的查询方法PTQL语法