

任何不体面之事都别做,并非害怕外界的权威,而是因为自尊。注重这一点,就不需要塞涅卡所谓的“假想监督者”(1) 了。

葛拉西安. 智慧书:中英双语典藏本 (Kindle 位置 1043-1046). 中央编译出版社. Kindle 版本.

50.Never lose self-respect 

Never lose self-respect, or be too familiar with oneself. Let your own right feeling be the true standard of your rectitude, and owe more to the strictness of your own self-judgment than to all external sanctions. Leave off anything unseemly more from regard for your own self-respect than from fear of external authority. Pay regard to that and there is no need of Seneca's imaginary tutor.

葛拉西安. 智慧书:中英双语典藏本 (Kindle 位置 1046-1050). 中央编译出版社. Kindle 版本.

