


Life of a binary | Thoughts of a programmer


1.First step is the Preprocessing step which is done by the Preprocessor. Job of the Preprocessor is to handle all the preprocessor directives(预处理指令) present in your code. These directives start with#. But before it processes them, it first removes all the comments from the code as comments are there only for the human readability(预处理之前会移除所有的注释). Then it finds all the#commands, and does what the commands says.

In the code above, we have just used#includedirective, which simply says to the Preprocesssor to copy thestdio.hfile and paste it into this file at the current location.(在一个简单的例子中可以只使用#include,让预处理器copystdio.h文件进来)

2。拿到上一步的输出之后,通过词法分析器(lexical analyser)分辨出like ‘int’, ‘return’, ‘void’, ‘0’ and so on.通过句法分析器(syntax analyser)看语法是否有误,之后semantic analyser,看type checking and variables are declared before their first usage, etc.之后就转换为特定平台的汇编语言,但是也可以手动设置转为别的平台的汇编语言


What we have right now is our program in the assembly language, but it is still in the language which is not understood by the processors. We have to convert the assembly language to the machine language, and that work is done by the Assembler. Assembler takes your assembly file and produces an object file which is a binary file containing the machine instructions for your program.




At this point, there is one thing you should know. The functions and data you use from other libraries, can be statically linked or dynamically linked. Static linking means that the functions and data from those libraries would be copied and pasted into your executable. Whereas, if you do dynamic linking, then those functions and data are not copied into your executable, thus reducing your final executable size.

