In oracle user Profile functionality is provided in the FND_PROFILE package and the FNDSQF library.
What is inside this API:
There are various Objects that can be used with this API's. These are discussed below:
1. Put :This can be used to put a value to the specified user profile option.
2.DEFINED : this is function returns TRUE if a value has been assigned to the specified profile option.
3.GET :This is used to retrieve the current value of the specified user profile option
Usage :
Different type of options can be retrieved like
4.VALUE : This is function which returns a character string. Used to retrieve the current value of the specified user profile option.
5.VALUE_WNPS: This is a function, returns a character string. This is Used to retrieve the current value of the specified user profile option without caching it.
6.SAVE_USER :This is function used to save a value for a profile option permanently to the database, for the current user level. It is necessary to explicitly issue a commit when using this function. Returns TRUE if profile option is successfully saved, otherwise FALSE.
7.SAVE :This is function used to save a value for a profile option permanently to the database, for a specified level. It is necessary to explicitly issue a commit when using this function. Returns TRUE if profile option is successfully saved, otherwise FALSE.
8.INITIALIZE :This is used by internal Applications Object Library to initialize the internal profile information at the level context.
The cache is first cleared of all database options.
9.PUTMULTIPLE :This is used by internal Applications Object Library to set multiple pairs of profile options and values.