



Yoūth is not å tīme of līfe; it is å stāte of mīnd; it is not å matte̊r of rōṡẏ chēeks, red lips and supple knēes; it is å matte̊r of t̅he̊ will, å quãlitẏ of t̅he̊ imaginātio̊n, å vigo̊r of t̅he̊ ėmōtio̊ns; it is t̅he̊ freshnėss of t̅he̊ dēep springs of līfe.

Yoūth mēans å tempe̊råmentål prėdominånce of côurȧge ōve̊r timiditẏ, of t̅he̊ appėtīte for ådventůre ōve̊r t̅he̊ lôve of ēaṡe. T̅his ofte̊n ėxists in å man of 60 more t̅han å boẏ of 20. Nōbodẏ grōws ōld mērelẏ bȳ å numbe̊r of ye̊ars. Wē grōw ōld bȳ dėṡe̊rting òur īdēåls.

Ye̊ars māy wrinkle t̅he̊ skin, but tõ give up ėnthūṡiaṡm wrinkles t̅he̊ sōul. Wôrrẏ, fēar, self-distrust bōws t̅he̊ heàrt and tůrns t̅he̊ spirit back tõ dust.

Whet̅he̊r 60 or 16, t̅hère is in eve̊rẏ hūmån bēing’s heàrt t̅he̊ lūre of wônde̊rs, t̅he̊ unfāiling appėtīte for what’s next and t̅he̊ joẏ of t̅he̊ gāme of living. In t̅he̊ cente̊r of yōur heàrt and mȳ heàrt, t̅hère is å wīrelėss stātio̊n; sō long aṡ it rėcēives messȧges of bēaūtẏ, hōpe, côurȧge and pòwe̊r from man and from t̅he̊ infinite, sō long aṡ yoū àre yôung.

When yōur āeriåls àre dòwn, and yōur spirit is côve̊red wit̅h snōws of cẏniciṡm and t̅he̊ īce of pessimiṡm, t̅hen you’ve grōwn ōld, ēve̊n at 20; but aṡ long aṡ yōur āeriåls àre up, tõ catch wāves of optimiṡm, t̅hère’s hōpe yoū māy dīe yôung at 80.








•第二篇: Three Days to See 假如给我三天光明

Thrēe Dāys tõ Sēe

Ãll of us have rēad thrilling stories in which t̅he̊ hērō had onlẏ å limitėd and specified tīme tõ līve. Sômetīmeṡ it was aṡ long aṡ å ye̊ar, sômetīmeṡ aṡ short aṡ 24 hòurs. But ãlwāyṡ wē we̊re inte̊rėstėd in discôve̊ring just hòw t̅he̊ doomed hērō chōse tõ spend his làst days or his làst hòurs. I spēak, of cōurse, of frēe men whõ have å choice, not co̊ndemned criminåls whõse sphēre of activities is strictlẏ delimitėd.

Such stories set us thinking, wônde̊ring what wē shoūld dõ unde̊r similår ci̊rcůmstånces. What ėvents, what ėxpērie̊nces, what åssōciātio̊ns shoūld wē cròwd intõ t̅hōṡe làst hòurs aṡ mortål bēings, what rėgrets?

Sômetīmeṡ I have thōught it woūld bē ån exce̊lle̊nt rūle tõ līve ēach dāy aṡ if wē shoūld dīe to̊morrōw. Such ån attitūde woūld emphåsīze shàrplẏ t̅he̊ valūes of līfe. Wē shoūld līve ēach dāy wit̅h gentlenėss, vigo̊r and å kēennėss of åpprēciātio̊n which àre ofte̊n lost when tīme stretches bėfore us in t̅he̊ constånt pano̊ràmå of more dāys and mônths and ye̊ars tõ côme. T̅hère àre t̅hōṡe, of cōurse, whõ woūld ådopt t̅he̊ Epicūrean mottō of “Ēat, drink, and bē merrẏ”. But mōst pēople woūld bē chāste̊ned bȳ t̅he̊ ce̊rtåintẏ of impending dèath.

In stōries t̅he̊ doomed hērō is ūs̃ūållẏ sāved at t̅he̊ làst minite bȳ sôme strōke of fortůne, but ãlmōst ãlwāyṡ his sense of valūes is chānged. Hē bėcômes more åpprēciåtive of t̅he̊ mēaning of līfe and its pe̊rmåne̊nt spiritūål valūes. It has ofte̊n bēen nōtėd t̅hat t̅hōṡe whõ līve, or have lived, in t̅he̊ shadōw of dèath bring å mellōw swēetnėss tõ eve̊rẏ̇thing t̅hèy dõ.

Mōst of us, hòweve̊r, tāke līfe for gràntėd. Wē knōw t̅hat ône dāy wē must dīe, but ūs̃ūållẏ wē pictůre t̅hat dāy aṡ fàr in t̅he̊ fūtůre. When wē àre in buoẏånt hèalth, dèath is ãll but unimagināble. Wē seldo̊m think of it. T̅he̊ days stretch òut in ån endlėss vistå. Sō wē gō åbòut òur pettẏ tàsks, hàrdlẏ åwāre of òur listlėss attitūde to̊wãrd līfe.

T̅he̊ sāme lethårgẏ, I am åfrāid, charȧcte̊rīzes t̅he̊ ūṡe of ãll òur facůlties and senses. Onlẏ t̅he̊ dèaf åpprēciāte hēaring, onlẏ t̅he̊ blīnd rēålīze t̅he̊ manifōld blessings t̅hat līe in sīght. Pàrticūlårlẏ dôes t̅his obṡe̊rvātio̊n åpplȳ tõ t̅hōṡe whõ have lost sīght and hēaring in adult līfe. But t̅hōṡe whõ have neve̊r suffe̊red impāirment of sīght or hēaring seldo̊m māke t̅he̊ fūllest ūṡe of t̅hēṡe blessed faculties. T̅hèir eȳes and ēars tāke in ãll sīghts and sòunds hazily, wit̅hòut conce̊ntrātio̊n and wit̅h little åpprēciātio̊n. It is t̅he̊ sāme ōld story of not bēing grātefůl for what wē have ůntil wē lõṡe it, of not bēing conscio̊us of hèalth ůntil wē àre ill.

I have ofte̊n thōught it woūld bē å blessing if ēach hūmån bēing we̊re stricke̊n blīnd and dèaf for å few̄ days at sôme tīme dūring his e̊arlẏ adult līfe. Dàrkness woūld māke him more åpprēciātive of sīght; sīle̊nce woūld tēach him t̅he̊ joẏs of sòund.








