When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going 《艰难之路,唯勇者行》

(本文是截选的一部分,是一个小故事,但是我的翻译可能不是很标准,请多多指教,Thank you)

When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going 《艰难之路,唯勇者行》_第1张图片

Someone was pounding him over the head. The pain was excruciating, and Nardo groaned and opened his eyes. He had to make it stop.

有人似乎在敲他的头,疼痛难忍,Nardo 呻吟着睁开了眼睛,他必须让他停下来。

Sunlight was pouring through the open doorflap and, narrowing his eyes against the brightness, Nardo realized with surprise that he was alone. No one was hitting him. Carefully, moving his eyes and not his head, he looked around.


He was in a tent. Not a kindred tent, though. This tent was circular, tapering upward to a tall, narrow smoke hole.


Where am I?


Gritting his teeth against the agony in his head, he tried to sit up, and it was then that he felt the pain in his shoulder. He looked down and saw the deerskin bandage wrapped around his bare torso. He was covered to the waist by a reindeer skin rug and, sliding his hand under the rug, he verified that he was naked. Cautiously he lay back down again.


What has happened to me?


He was ragingly thirsty and he ran his tongue over his dry, cracked lips. It was warm in the tent, and the air held the bittersweet scent of healing herbs.


He tried to gather his thoughts, but the last thing he could remember was setting forth with Nevin. After that there was nothing.


A woman's voice spoke from the open doorflap “You're awake. Good.” He struggled to sit up again and she came to kneel at his side, putting out a hand to press him back.


“I'm hurt,” he said. His voice came out in a croak.


“Sa, you are hurt .But you are getting better. It is important that you should be quiet.” She spoke his language, but her accent was unfamiliar.


“What happened?” he demanded. “How did i get hurt? Where am i?  Who are you?”


    “Softly, softly,” She said. “I will answer all your questions, but first  you must drink some water.”


Ignoring the thunder of pain in his head, he managed to push himself up on his elbow, and she held the antelope horn to his lips. He drank thirstily.


“That is good” the woman said.


He had flopped exhaustedly back to the bed skins after drinking, but now he said, “i want to get up.”


His mouth set stubbornly. “Now.”


“Don't you want your questions answered?”


He looked up into the face of the woman. She was no longer young, her fair hair was streaked with gray, and there were lines at the corners of her blue eyes and her mouth. Fair hair and blue eyes…


“Are you Norakamo?”He asked harshly.


“Sa.”He started up at the high cone of the Norakamo tent. “Tell me ,”he said.


There was a long pause . “You don't remember anything?”


He said fretfully, “I remember leaving camp with Nevin. After that there is nothing.”


“You came to raid our horses.”


This did not surprise Nardo. The Norakamo and Kindred had been raiding each other's horses for generations. The raiding helped increase the raider’s horse herd, but the main reason for the forays was that next to hunting, horse raiding was one of the main ways the young men of both tribes could prove their manhood.


    The distant sound of children’s laughter floated through the open doorflap of the tent. There was the noise of running feet and the laughter became louder. The woman added,” My husband, the chief, was waiting for you.”



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