7/70 豆苗写作:A Road trip

Today my dad, my mom and I had a road trip.

We went to Lions park and we saw a big and huge rock, the rock was hollow. There was water falling down from the top of the rock, and there was also a piece of a tree in the rock.

Afterwards, we went to a wildlife area and we saw lots of wild animals. We also saw a marsh lake that was pretty and there was couple of swans in it. We hiked on the trail and we played tag together and other fun games as well.

Then we went back the parking lot and into our car, and drove back home. On the way home, there was lots of cows in the farms along the road. They were eating grass and playing together. We also saw baby cows, they were so cute and small.

And on the way home, we also saw big houses and castles.

Finally we got home,my dad and I played together and my mom made dinner.

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