最近用 Android开发了几个模块,感觉有点慢,后来好好看了相关优化Android代码的知识,优化之后,感觉快了很多。在这里与大家分享一下,下面只是说 的一些很基础有很重要的知识,你想要编写运行速度很快、 占用内存少的代码可能有点帮助。
There are two basic rules for resource-constrained systems
Don't do work that you don't need to do.
Don't allocate memory if you can avoid it.
All the tips below follow from these two basic tenets.
1, Avoid Creating Objects。
2, Use Native Methods
3, Prefer Virtual Over Interface
<1>,Map myMap1 = new HashMap();
<2>,HashMap myMap2 = new HashMap();
两者比较结果:第一种是一向大家 比较推崇的,因为他对以后的维护成本低,但是接口方法的调用比实现类方法的调用更耗时。
4, Prefer Static Over Virtual
5, Avoid Internal Getters/Setters
6, Cache Field Lookups
Accessing object fields is much slower than accessing local variables.
Instead of writing:
for (int i = 0; i < this.mCount; i++)
You should write:
int count = this.mCount;
Item[] items = this.mItems;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
7, Declare Constants Final
static int intVal = 42;
static String strVal = "Hello, world!";
static final int intVal = 42;
static final String strVal = "Hello, world!";
8, Use Enhanced For Loop Syntax With Caution
public class Foo {
int mSplat;
static Foo mArray[] = new Foo[27];
public static void zero() {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mArray.length; i++) {
sum += mArray[i].mSplat;
public static void one() {
int sum = 0;
Foo[] localArray = mArray;
int len = localArray.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
sum += localArray[i].mSplat;
public static void two() {
int sum = 0;
for (Foo a: mArray) {
sum += a.mSplat;
zero()返回两次静态字段、每次 循环的时候都要请求数组的长度
To summarize all that a bit more clearly: enhanced for loop syntax performs well with arrays, but be cautious when using it with Iterable objects since there is additional object creation.
9, Avoid Enums
10, Use Package Scope with Inner Classes
建议使 用内部类
public class Foo {
private int mValue;
public void run() {
Inner in = new Inner();
mValue = 27;
private void doStuff(int value) {
System.out.println("Value is " + value);
private class Inner {
void stuff() {
11, Avoid Float
12, Some Sample Performance Numbers
一些常用操作的占用时间相对比 较:
操作 时间
Add a local variable 1
Add a member variable 4
Call String.length() 5
Call empty static native method 5
Call empty static method 12
Call empty virtual method 12.5
Call empty interface method 15
Call Iterator:next() on a HashMap 165
Call put() on a HashMap 600
Inflate 1 View from XML 22,000
Inflate 1 LinearLayout containing 1 TextView 25,000
Inflate 1 LinearLayout containing 6 View objects 100,000
Inflate 1 LinearLayout containing 6 TextView objects 135,000
Launch an empty activity 3,000,000
这 些时间相对值,值得我们好好的权衡哦,很有帮助。