Tiger beetles are such fast runners that they can capture virtually any nonflying insect. However, when running toward an insect, the beetles intermittently stop, and then, a moment later, resume their attack. Perhaps they cannot maintain their pace and must pause for a moment's rest; but an alternative hypothesis is that while running tiger beetles are unable to process the resulting rapidly changing visual information, and so quickly go blind and stop.
Which of the following, if discovered in experiments using artificially moved prey insects, would support one of the two hypotheses and undermine the other?
(A) When a prey insect is moved directly toward a beetle that has been chasing it, the beetle immediately turns and runs away without its usual intermittent stopping.
(B) In pursuing a moving insect, the beetles usually respond immediately to changes in the insect's direction, and pause equally frequently whether the chase is up or down an incline.
(C) The beetles maintain a fixed time interval between pauses, although when an insect that had been stationary begins to flee, the beetle increases its speed after its next pause.
(D) If, when a beetle pauses, it has not gained on the insect it is pursuing, the beetle generally ends its pursuit.
(E) When an obstacle is suddenly introduced just in front of running beetles, the beetles sometimes stop immediately, but they never respond by running around the barrier.
逻辑链:这题问的就比较怪,让你支持一个假设驳斥另一个假设,时间有限,直接读题,这两个假设分别是,1. 停一下再跑是跑不动要休息 2. 停一下再跑是因为视觉环境变太快瞎了
A. 猎物冲着它来的时候beetle转身就跑不停
B. 可以随着猎物方向改变转向,上坡下坡停的频率一样
C. Beetle每次停顿间隔时间一样,除了静止的猎物开始跑的时候,beetle第一次停顿之后会增速
D. 停顿的时候如果没有靠近目标,就不追了
E. 突然加入障碍的时候,beetle能突然停下来,但是不会绕着障碍追。
A 不瞎也不累
B 前半句证明不瞎,后半句证明不是累,两个假设都推翻了
C 正确选项。停顿间隔无论如何都一样,可以支持视觉处理假设,因为每几秒钟的视觉变化就会让它瞎一下;该信息同时可以反驳累假设,累假设下应该越跑越累停顿越来越频繁;第一次停顿之后增速,可以驳斥累假设,因为前面静止的时候是最有精神的,第一个间隔应该比后面的间隔跑的快才对。【诚实的说,这个选项怎么说都会需要很多背景知识,怎么解释都会感觉非常扯,江湖上那么多讲法,谁也不比谁讲的更有道理。如果想少点,这道题是有机会用排除法做出来的。】
D 也许能证明不瞎,但不能证明累
E 一直是围着瞎谈的,没提累
A.When a prey insect is moved directly toward a beetle that has been chasing it, the beetle immediately stops and runs away without its usual intermittent stopping. 猎物冲着它来的时候beetle转身就跑不停—不瞎也不累
B. In pursuing a swerving insect, a beetle alters its course while running and its pauses become more frequent as the chase progresses. 追一个很绕的猎物时,beetle可以改方向,越追停顿越频繁---不瞎,累
C.In pursuing a moving insect, a beetle usually responds immediately to changes in the insect’s direction, and it pauses equally frequently whether the chase is up or down an incline. 可以随着猎物方向改变转向,上坡下坡停的频率一样—不瞎也不累
D.If, when a beetle pauses, it has not gained on the insect it is pursuing, the beetle generally ends its pursuit. 停顿的时候如果没有靠近目标,就不追了—不瞎
E.The faster a beetle pursues an insect fleeing directly away from it, the more frequently the beetle stops. 追的越快停顿越多—累