【android开发】滑动菜单栏(开源项目SlidingMenu的示例)( 上)
package com.lxh.slidingmenu.lib; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Point; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Display; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import com.jeremyfeinstein.slidingmenu.lib.R; import com.lxh.slidingmenu.lib.CustomViewAbove.OnPageChangeListener; public class SlidingMenu extends RelativeLayout { private static final String TAG = "SlidingMenu"; public static final int SLIDING_WINDOW = 0; public static final int SLIDING_CONTENT = 1; private boolean mActionbarOverlay = false; /** * 为setTouchModeAbove()方法设置一个常量值,允许滑动菜单通过滑动屏幕的边缘被打开 */ public static final int TOUCHMODE_MARGIN = 0; /** * 为setTouchModeAbove()方法设置一个常量值,允许滑动菜单通过滑动屏幕的任何地方被打开 */ public static final int TOUCHMODE_FULLSCREEN = 1; /** * 为setTouchModeAbove()方法设置一个常量值,不允许滑动菜单通过滑动屏幕被打开 */ public static final int TOUCHMODE_NONE = 2; /** * 为setMode()方法设置一个常量值,把滑动菜单放在左边 */ public static final int LEFT = 0; /** * 为setMode()方法设置一个常量值,把滑动菜单放在右边 */ public static final int RIGHT = 1; /** * 为setMode()方法设置一个常量值,把滑动菜单放在左右两边 */ public static final int LEFT_RIGHT = 2; /** * 定义上方视图对象 */ private CustomViewAbove mViewAbove; /** * 定义下方视图对象 */ private CustomViewBehind mViewBehind; /** * 定义滑动菜单打开的监听对象 */ private OnOpenListener mOpenListener; /** * 定义滑动菜单关闭的监听对象 */ private OnCloseListener mCloseListener; /** * 滑动菜单打开时的监听事件 */ public interface OnOpenListener { public void onOpen(); } /** * 监测滑动菜单是否已经打开的监听事件 */ public interface OnOpenedListener { public void onOpened(); } /** * 滑动菜单关闭时的监听事件 */ public interface OnCloseListener { public void onClose(); } /** * 监测滑动菜单是否已经关闭的监听事件 */ public interface OnClosedListener { public void onClosed(); } /** * The Interface CanvasTransformer. */ public interface CanvasTransformer { /** * Transform canvas. * * @param canvas the canvas * @param percentOpen the percent open */ public void transformCanvas(Canvas canvas, float percentOpen); } /** * 初始化滑动菜单 * * @param context the associated Context */ public SlidingMenu(Context context) { this(context, null); } /** * 初始化滑动菜单 * * @param activity the activity to attach slidingmenu * @param slideStyle the slidingmenu style */ public SlidingMenu(Activity activity, int slideStyle) { this(activity, null); this.attachToActivity(activity, slideStyle); } /** * 初始化滑动菜单 * * @param context the associated Context * @param attrs the attrs */ public SlidingMenu(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); } /** * 初始化滑动菜单 * * @param context the associated Context * @param attrs the attrs * @param defStyle the def style */ public SlidingMenu(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); LayoutParams behindParams = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); mViewBehind = new CustomViewBehind(context); addView(mViewBehind, behindParams); LayoutParams aboveParams = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); mViewAbove = new CustomViewAbove(context); addView(mViewAbove, aboveParams); mViewAbove.setCustomViewBehind(mViewBehind); mViewBehind.setCustomViewAbove(mViewAbove); mViewAbove.setOnPageChangeListener(new OnPageChangeListener() { public static final int POSITION_OPEN = 0; public static final int POSITION_CLOSE = 1; public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) { } public void onPageSelected(int position) { if (position == POSITION_OPEN && mOpenListener != null) { mOpenListener.onOpen(); } else if (position == POSITION_CLOSE && mCloseListener != null) { mCloseListener.onClose(); } } }); // now style everything! TypedArray ta = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.SlidingMenu); // set the above and behind views if defined in xml int mode = ta.getInt(R.styleable.SlidingMenu_mode, LEFT); setMode(mode); int viewAbove = ta.getResourceId(R.styleable.SlidingMenu_viewAbove, -1); if (viewAbove != -1) { setContent(viewAbove); } else { setContent(new FrameLayout(context)); } int viewBehind = ta.getResourceId(R.styleable.SlidingMenu_viewBehind, -1); if (viewBehind != -1) { setMenu(viewBehind); } else { setMenu(new FrameLayout(context)); } int touchModeAbove = ta.getInt(R.styleable.SlidingMenu_touchModeAbove, TOUCHMODE_MARGIN); setTouchModeAbove(touchModeAbove); int touchModeBehind = ta.getInt(R.styleable.SlidingMenu_touchModeBehind, TOUCHMODE_MARGIN); setTouchModeBehind(touchModeBehind); int offsetBehind = (int) ta.getDimension(R.styleable.SlidingMenu_behindOffset, -1); int widthBehind = (int) ta.getDimension(R.styleable.SlidingMenu_behindWidth, -1); if (offsetBehind != -1 && widthBehind != -1) throw new IllegalStateJDZS("Cannot set both behindOffset and behindWidth for a SlidingMenu"); else if (offsetBehind != -1) setBehindOffset(offsetBehind); else if (widthBehind != -1) setBehindWidth(widthBehind); else setBehindOffset(0); float scrollOffsetBehind = ta.getFloat(R.styleable.SlidingMenu_behindScrollScale, 0.33f); setBehindScrollScale(scrollOffsetBehind); int shadowRes = ta.getResourceId(R.styleable.SlidingMenu_shadowDrawable, -1); if (shadowRes != -1) { setShadowDrawable(shadowRes); } int shadowWidth = (int) ta.getDimension(R.styleable.SlidingMenu_shadowWidth, 0); setShadowWidth(shadowWidth); boolean fadeEnabled = ta.getBoolean(R.styleable.SlidingMenu_fadeEnabled, true); setFadeEnabled(fadeEnabled); float fadeDeg = ta.getFloat(R.styleable.SlidingMenu_fadeDegree, 0.33f); setFadeDegree(fadeDeg); boolean selectorEnabled = ta.getBoolean(R.styleable.SlidingMenu_selectorEnabled, false); setSelectorEnabled(selectorEnabled); int selectorRes = ta.getResourceId(R.styleable.SlidingMenu_selectorDrawable, -1); if (selectorRes != -1) setSelectorDrawable(selectorRes); ta.recycle(); } /** * 把滑动菜单添加进所有的Activity中 * * @param activity the Activity * @param slideStyle either SLIDING_CONTENT or SLIDING_WINDOW */ public void attachToActivity(Activity activity, int slideStyle) { attachToActivity(activity, slideStyle, false); } /** * 把滑动菜单添加进所有的Activity中 * * @param activity the Activity * @param slideStyle either SLIDING_CONTENT or SLIDING_WINDOW * @param actionbarOverlay whether or not the ActionBar is overlaid */ public void attachToActivity(Activity activity, int slideStyle, boolean actionbarOverlay) { if (slideStyle != SLIDING_WINDOW && slideStyle != SLIDING_CONTENT) throw new IllegalArgumentJDZS("slideStyle must be either SLIDING_WINDOW or SLIDING_CONTENT"); if (getParent() != null) throw new IllegalStateJDZS("This SlidingMenu appears to already be attached"); // get the window background TypedArray a = activity.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] {android.R.attr.windowBackground}); int background = a.getResourceId(0, 0); a.recycle(); switch (slideStyle) { case SLIDING_WINDOW: mActionbarOverlay = false; ViewGroup decor = (ViewGroup) activity.getWindow().getDecorView(); ViewGroup decorChild = (ViewGroup) decor.getChildAt(0); // save ActionBar themes that have transparent assets decorChild.setBackgroundResource(background); decor.removeView(decorChild); decor.addView(this); setContent(decorChild); break; case SLIDING_CONTENT: mActionbarOverlay = actionbarOverlay; // take the above view out of ViewGroup contentParent = (ViewGroup)activity.findViewById(android.R.id.content); View content = contentParent.getChildAt(0); contentParent.removeView(content); contentParent.addView(this); setContent(content); // save people from having transparent backgrounds if (content.getBackground() == null) content.setBackgroundResource(background); break; } } /** * 从布局资源文件中设置上方(左边滑动菜单)的视图内容,这个布局会被填充添加到所有图层的最上方 */ public void setContent(int res) { setContent(LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(res, null)); } /** * 通过View来设置上方(左边滑动菜单)的视图内容 */ public void setContent(View view) { mViewAbove.setContent(view); showContent(); } /** * 得到上方(左边滑动菜单)的视图内容 */ public View getContent() { return mViewAbove.getContent(); } /** * 从布局资源文件中设置下方(滑动菜单)的视图内容,这个布局会被填充添加到所有图层的最下方 * * @param res the new content */ public void setMenu(int res) { setMenu(LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(res, null)); } /** * 得到下方(滑动菜单)的视图内容 * * @param view The desired content to display. */ public void setMenu(View v) { mViewBehind.setContent(v); } /** * 得到下方(右边滑动菜单)的视图内容 */ public View getMenu() { return mViewBehind.getContent(); } /** * 从布局资源文件中设置下方(右边滑动菜单)的视图内容,这个布局会被填充添加到所有图层的最下方 */ public void setSecondaryMenu(int res) { setSecondaryMenu(LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(res, null)); } /** * 设置下方(右边滑动菜单)的视图内容 */ public void setSecondaryMenu(View v) { mViewBehind.setSecondaryContent(v); } /** * 得到下方(右边滑动菜单)的视图内容 */ public View getSecondaryMenu() { return mViewBehind.getSecondaryContent(); } /** * 设置上方视图是否能够滑动 */ public void setSlidingEnabled(boolean b) { mViewAbove.setSlidingEnabled(b); } /** * 检测上方视图是否能够滑动 */ public boolean isSlidingEnabled() { return mViewAbove.isSlidingEnabled(); } /** * 设置滑动菜单出现在视图中的位置 * * @param mode must be either SlidingMenu.LEFT or SlidingMenu.RIGHT */ public void setMode(int mode) { if (mode != LEFT && mode != RIGHT && mode != LEFT_RIGHT) { throw new IllegalStateJDZS("SlidingMenu mode must be LEFT, RIGHT, or LEFT_RIGHT"); } mViewBehind.setMode(mode); } /** * 得到滑动菜单在视图中的位置 * * @return the current mode, either SlidingMenu.LEFT or SlidingMenu.RIGHT */ public int getMode() { return mViewBehind.getMode(); } /** * 设置滑动菜单是否是静态模式(不能够使用滑动菜单) */ public void setStatic(boolean b) { if (b) { setSlidingEnabled(false); mViewAbove.setCustomViewBehind(null); mViewAbove.setCurrentItem(1); // mViewBehind.setCurrentItem(0); } else { mViewAbove.setCurrentItem(1); // mViewBehind.setCurrentItem(1); mViewAbove.setCustomViewBehind(mViewBehind); setSlidingEnabled(true); } } /** * 打开滑动菜单并显示菜单的视图 */ public void showMenu() { showMenu(true); } /** * 是否使用动画效果打开滑动菜单并显示菜单的视图 */ public void showMenu(boolean animate) { mViewAbove.setCurrentItem(0, animate); } /** * 打开右边的滑动菜单并显示菜单的视图 */ public void showSecondaryMenu() { showSecondaryMenu(true); } /** * 是否使用动画效果打开右边的滑动菜单并显示菜单的视图 */ public void showSecondaryMenu(boolean animate) { mViewAbove.setCurrentItem(2, animate); } /** * 关闭菜单并显示上方的视图 */ public void showContent() { showContent(true); } /** * 是否使用动画效果关闭菜单并显示上方的视图 */ public void showContent(boolean animate) { mViewAbove.setCurrentItem(1, animate); } /** * 滑动菜单的开关 */ public void toggle() { toggle(true); } /** * 是否使用动画效果打开或关闭滑动菜单 */ public void toggle(boolean animate) { if (isMenuShowing()) { showContent(animate); } else { showMenu(animate); } } /** * 检测滑动菜单是否正在被显示 */ public boolean isMenuShowing() { return mViewAbove.getCurrentItem() == 0 || mViewAbove.getCurrentItem() == 2; } /** * 检测右边滑动菜单是否正在被显示 */ public boolean isSecondaryMenuShowing() { return mViewAbove.getCurrentItem() == 2; } /** * 得到下方视图的偏移量 */ public int getBehindOffset() { return ((RelativeLayout.LayoutParams)mViewBehind.getLayoutParams()).rightMargin; } /** * 根据像素的值来设置下方视图的偏移量 * * @param i The margin, in pixels, on the right of the screen that the behind view scrolls to. */ public void setBehindOffset(int i) { mViewBehind.setWidthOffset(i); } /** * 根据dimension资源文件的ID来设置下方视图的偏移量 * * @param resID The dimension resource id to be set as the behind offset. * The menu, when open, will leave this width margin on the right of the screen. */ public void setBehindOffsetRes(int resID) { int i = (int) getContext().getResources().getDimension(resID); setBehindOffset(i); } /** * 根据像素的值来设置上方视图的偏移量 * * @param i the new above offset, in pixels */ public void setAboveOffset(int i) { mViewAbove.setAboveOffset(i); } /** * 根据dimension资源文件的ID来设置上方视图的偏移量 * * @param resID The dimension resource id to be set as the above offset. */ public void setAboveOffsetRes(int resID) { int i = (int) getContext().getResources().getDimension(resID); setAboveOffset(i); } /** * 根据像素的值来设置下方视图的宽度 * * @param i The width the Sliding Menu will open to, in pixels */ public void setBehindWidth(int i) { int width; Display display = ((WindowManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE)) .getDefaultDisplay(); try { Class> cls = Display.class; Class>[] parameterTypes = {Point.class}; Point parameter = new Point(); Method method = cls.getMethod("getSize", parameterTypes); method.invoke(display, parameter); width = parameter.x; } catch (JDZS e) { width = display.getWidth(); } setBehindOffset(width-i); } /** * 根据dimension资源文件的ID来设置下方视图的宽度 * * @param res The dimension resource id to be set as the behind width offset. * The menu, when open, will open this wide. */ public void setBehindWidthRes(int res) { int i = (int) getContext().getResources().getDimension(res); setBehindWidth(i); } /** * 得到下方视图的在滚动时的缩放比例 * * @return The scale of the parallax scroll */ public float getBehindScrollScale() { return mViewBehind.getScrollScale(); } /** * 设置下方视图的在滚动时的缩放比例 * * @param f The scale of the parallax scroll (i.e. 1.0f scrolls 1 pixel for every * 1 pixel that the above view scrolls and 0.0f scrolls 0 pixels) */ public void setBehindScrollScale(float f) { if (f < 0 && f > 1) throw new IllegalStateJDZS("ScrollScale must be between 0 and 1"); mViewBehind.setScrollScale(f); } /** * 得到边缘触摸的临界值 */ public int getTouchmodeMarginThreshold() { return mViewBehind.getMarginThreshold(); } /** * 当触摸的的模式为边缘触摸时,设置边缘触摸的临界值 */ public void setTouchmodeMarginThreshold(int touchmodeMarginThreshold) { mViewBehind.setMarginThreshold(touchmodeMarginThreshold); } /** * Sets the behind canvas transformer. * * @param t the new behind canvas transformer */ public void setBehindCanvasTransformer(CanvasTransformer t) { mViewBehind.setCanvasTransformer(t); } /** * 得到上方视图的触摸模式的值 */ public int getTouchModeAbove() { return mViewAbove.getTouchMode(); } /** * 设置上方视图的触摸模式的值 */ public void setTouchModeAbove(int i) { if (i != TOUCHMODE_FULLSCREEN && i != TOUCHMODE_MARGIN && i != TOUCHMODE_NONE) { throw new IllegalStateJDZS("TouchMode must be set to either" + "TOUCHMODE_FULLSCREEN or TOUCHMODE_MARGIN or TOUCHMODE_NONE."); } mViewAbove.setTouchMode(i); } /** * 设置下方视图的触摸模式的值 */ public void setTouchModeBehind(int i) { if (i != TOUCHMODE_FULLSCREEN && i != TOUCHMODE_MARGIN && i != TOUCHMODE_NONE) { throw new IllegalStateJDZS("TouchMode must be set to either" + "TOUCHMODE_FULLSCREEN or TOUCHMODE_MARGIN or TOUCHMODE_NONE."); } mViewBehind.setTouchMode(i); } /** * 根据资源文件ID来设置滑动菜单的阴影效果 * * @param resId the resource ID of the new shadow drawable */ public void setShadowDrawable(int resId) { setShadowDrawable(getContext().getResources().getDrawable(resId)); } /** * 根据Drawable来设置滑动菜单的阴影效果 * * @param d the new shadow drawable */ public void setShadowDrawable(Drawable d) { mViewBehind.setShadowDrawable(d); } /** * 根据资源文件ID来设置右边滑动菜单的阴影效果 * * @param resId the resource ID of the new shadow drawable */ public void setSecondaryShadowDrawable(int resId) { setSecondaryShadowDrawable(getContext().getResources().getDrawable(resId)); } /** * 根据Drawable来设置滑动菜单的阴影效果 * * @param d the new shadow drawable */ public void setSecondaryShadowDrawable(Drawable d) { mViewBehind.setSecondaryShadowDrawable(d); } /** * 根据dimension资源文件的ID来设置阴影的宽度 * * @param resId The dimension resource id to be set as the shadow width. */ public void setShadowWidthRes(int resId) { setShadowWidth((int)getResources().getDimension(resId)); } /** * 根据像素的值来设置阴影的宽度 * * @param pixels the new shadow width, in pixels */ public void setShadowWidth(int pixels) { mViewBehind.setShadowWidth(pixels); } /** * 设置是否能够使用滑动菜单渐入渐出的效果 **/ public void setFadeEnabled(boolean b) { mViewBehind.setFadeEnabled(b); } /** * 设置渐入渐出效果的值 * * @param f the new fade degree, between 0.0f and 1.0f */ public void setFadeDegree(float f) { mViewBehind.setFadeDegree(f); } /** * Enables or disables whether the selector is drawn * * @param b true to draw the selector, false to not draw the selector */ public void setSelectorEnabled(boolean b) { mViewBehind.setSelectorEnabled(true); } /** * Sets the selected view. The selector will be drawn here * * @param v the new selected view */ public void setSelectedView(View v) { mViewBehind.setSelectedView(v); } /** * Sets the selector drawable. * * @param res a resource ID for the selector drawable */ public void setSelectorDrawable(int res) { mViewBehind.setSelectorBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), res)); } /** * Sets the selector drawable. * * @param b the new selector bitmap */ public void setSelectorBitmap(Bitmap b) { mViewBehind.setSelectorBitmap(b); } /** * 添加被忽略的视图 */ public void addIgnoredView(View v) { mViewAbove.addIgnoredView(v); } /** * 移除被忽略的视图 */ public void removeIgnoredView(View v) { mViewAbove.removeIgnoredView(v); } /** * 当模式为Fullscreen模式时,触摸屏幕清除所有被忽略的视图 */ public void clearIgnoredViews() { mViewAbove.clearIgnoredViews(); } /** * 设置打开监听事件,当滑动菜单被打开时调用 */ public void setOnOpenListener(OnOpenListener listener) { mOpenListener = listener; } /** * 设置关闭监听事件,当滑动菜单被关闭时调用 */ public void setOnCloseListener(OnCloseListener listener) { //mViewAbove.setOnCloseListener(listener); mCloseListener = listener; } /** * 设置打开监听事件,当滑动菜单被打开过之后调用 */ public void setOnOpenedListener(OnOpenedListener listener) { mViewAbove.setOnOpenedListener(listener); } /** * 设置关闭监听事件,当滑动菜单被关闭过之后调用 */ public void setOnClosedListener(OnClosedListener listener) { mViewAbove.setOnClosedListener(listener); } /** * 功能描述:保存状态的类,继承自BaseSavedState */ public static class SavedState extends BaseSavedState { private final int mItem; public SavedState(Parcelable superState, int item) { super(superState); mItem = item; } private SavedState(Parcel in) { super(in); mItem = in.readInt(); } public int getItem() { return mItem; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see android.view.AbsSavedState#writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int) */ public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) { super.writeToParcel(out, flags); out.writeInt(mItem); } public static final Parcelable.Creator看了这个类实现的方法我们在调用时就会知道需要调用那些方法了!CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator () { public SavedState createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new SavedState(in); } public SavedState[] newArray(int size) { return new SavedState[size]; } }; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see android.view.View#onSaveInstanceState() */ @Override protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() { Parcelable superState = super.onSaveInstanceState(); SavedState ss = new SavedState(superState, mViewAbove.getCurrentItem()); return ss; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see android.view.View#onRestoreInstanceState(android.os.Parcelable) */ @Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) { SavedState ss = (SavedState)state; super.onRestoreInstanceState(ss.getSuperState()); mViewAbove.setCurrentItem(ss.getItem()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see android.view.ViewGroup#fitSystemWindows(android.graphics.Rect) */ @SuppressLint("NewApi") @Override protected boolean fitSystemWindows(Rect insets) { int leftPadding = insets.left; int rightPadding = insets.right; int topPadding = insets.top; int bottomPadding = insets.bottom; if (!mActionbarOverlay) { Log.v(TAG, "setting padding!"); setPadding(leftPadding, topPadding, rightPadding, bottomPadding); } return true; } private Handler mHandler = new Handler(); @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) public void manageLayers(float percentOpen) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 11) return; boolean layer = percentOpen > 0.0f && percentOpen < 1.0f; final int layerType = layer ? View.LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE : View.LAYER_TYPE_NONE; if (layerType != getContent().getLayerType()) { mHandler.post(new Runnable() { public void run() { Log.v(TAG, "changing layerType. hardware? " + (layerType == View.LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE)); getContent().setLayerType(layerType, null); getMenu().setLayerType(layerType, null); if (getSecondaryMenu() != null) { getSecondaryMenu().setLayerType(layerType, null); } } }); } } }