1. The one exception to this rule is the case
    when you multiply Infinity by 0; The value of the expression Infinity * 0 is 0, although
    the value of NaN * 0 is NaN.
  2. If you are familiar with C or C++, you know that you can’t use the remainder operator on
    float or double values in these languages. However, C# relaxes this rule. The remainder operator
    is valid with all numeric types, and the result is not necessarily an integer. For example, the result
    of the expression 7.0 % 2.4 is 2.2.
  3. You cannot use the checked and unchecked keywords to control floatingpoint
    (noninteger) arithmetic. The checked and unchecked keywords apply only to integer
    arithmetic using data types such as int and long. Floating-point arithmetic never throws
    OverflowException—not even when you divide by 0.0. (The .NET Framework has a representation
    for infinity.)