下面是八牛同学对zabbix api做的封装,有兴趣的可以拿来用下,感谢八牛同学的支持。
import simplejson as json import urllib2, subprocess, re, time class ZabbixAPIException(Exception): pass class ZabbixAPI(object): __auth = '' __id = 0 _state = {} def __new__(cls, *args, **kw): if not cls._state.has_key(cls): cls._state[cls] = super(ZabbixAPI, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kw) return cls._state[cls] def __init__(self, url, user, password): self.__url = url.rstrip('/') + '/api_jsonrpc.php' self.__user = user self.__password = password self._zabbix_api_object_list = ('Action', 'Alert', 'APIInfo', 'Application', 'DCheck', 'DHost', 'DRule', 'DService', 'Event', 'Graph', 'Grahpitem', 'History', 'Host', 'Hostgroup', 'Image', 'Item', 'Maintenance', 'Map', 'Mediatype', 'Proxy', 'Screen', 'Script', 'Template', 'Trigger', 'User', 'Usergroup', 'Usermacro', 'Usermedia') def __getattr__(self, name): if name not in self._zabbix_api_object_list: raise ZabbixAPIException('No such API object: %s' % name) if not self.__dict__.has_key(name): self.__dict__[name] = ZabbixAPIObjectFactory(self, name) return self.__dict__[name] def login(self): user_info = {'user' : self.__user, 'password' : self.__password} obj = self.json_obj('user.login', user_info) content = self.postRequest(obj) try: self.__auth = content['result'] except KeyError, e: e = content['error']['data'] raise ZabbixAPIException(e) def isLogin(self): return self.__auth != '' def __checkAuth__(self): if not self.isLogin(): raise ZabbixAPIException("NOT logged in") def json_obj(self, method, params): obj = { 'jsonrpc' : '2.0', 'method' : method, 'params' : params, 'auth' : self.__auth, 'id' : self.__id} return json.dumps(obj) def postRequest(self, json_obj): #print 'Post: %s' % json_obj headers = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json-rpc', 'User-Agent' : 'python/zabbix_api'} req = urllib2.Request(self.__url, json_obj, headers) opener = urllib2.urlopen(req) content = json.loads(opener.read()) self.__id += 1 #print 'Receive: %s' % content return content ''' /usr/local/zabbix/bin/zabbix_get is the default path to zabbix_get, it depends on the 'prefix' while install zabbix. plus, the ip(computer run this script) must be put into the conf of agent. ''' @staticmethod def zabbixGet(ip, key): zabbix_get = subprocess.Popen('/apps/svr/zabbix/bin/zabbix_get -s %s -k %s' % (ip, key), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) result, err = zabbix_get.communicate() if err: return 'ERROR' return result.strip() def createObject(self, object_name, *args, **kwargs): return object_name(self, *args, **kwargs) def getHostByHostid(self, hostids): if not isinstance(hostids,list): hostids = [hostids] return [dict['host'] for dict in self.host.get({'hostids':hostids,'output':'extend'})] ################################################# # Decorate Method ################################################# def checkAuth(func): def ret(self, *args): self.__checkAuth__() return func(self, args) return ret def postJson(method_name): def decorator(func): def wrapper(self, params): try: content = self.postRequest(self.json_obj(method_name, params)) return content['result'] except KeyError, e: e = content['error']['data'] raise ZabbixAPIException(e) return wrapper return decorator def ZabbixAPIObjectMethod(func): def wrapper(self, method_name, params): try: content = self.postRequest(self.json_obj(method_name, params)) return content['result'] except KeyError, e: e = content['error']['data'] raise ZabbixAPIException(e) return wrapper ################################################# # Zabbix API Object (host, item...) ################################################# class ZabbixAPIObjectFactory(object): def __init__(self, zapi, object_name=''): self.__zapi = zapi self.__object_name = object_name def __checkAuth__(self): self.__zapi.__checkAuth__() def postRequest(self, json_obj): return self.__zapi.postRequest(json_obj) def json_obj(self, method, param): return self.__zapi.json_obj(method, param) def __getattr__(self, method_name): def method(params): return self.proxyMethod('%s.%s' % (self.__object_name,method_name), params) return method # 'find' method is a wrapper of get. Difference between 'get' and 'find' is that 'find' can create object you want while it dosn't exist def find(self, params, attr_name=None, to_create=False): filtered_list = [] result = self.proxyMethod('%s.get' % self.__object_name, {'output':'extend','filter': params}) if to_create and len(result) == 0: result = self.proxyMethod('%s.create' % self.__object_name, params) return result.values()[0] if attr_name is not None: for element in result: filtered_list.append(element[attr_name]) return filtered_list else: return result @ZabbixAPIObjectMethod @checkAuth def proxyMethod(self, method_name, params): pass def testCase(): zapi = ZabbixAPI(url='xxxx', user='xxxx', password='xxxx') zapi.login() print zapi.Graph.find({'graphid':'221'}, attr_name='graphid')[0] #hostid = zapi.Host.find({'ip':'xxxxxx'}, attr_name='hostid')[0] print zapi.Host.find({'ip':''}) print zapi.Host.exists({'filter':{'host':'GD9-DNS-001'}}) #host = zapi.createObject(Host, 'HostToCreate') #item = host.getItem('444107') #zapi.host.get({'hostids':['16913','17411'],'output':'extend'}) #group = zapi.createObject(Hostgroup, '926') #print zapi.getHostByHostid('16913') if __name__ == '__main__': testCase()