老马,生日快乐!Happy Birthday to Mr. Stephon Marbury !

老马,生日快乐!Happy Birthday to Mr. Stephon Marbury !_第1张图片


Feb 20th, today is Marbury's birthday.


As one of the founder-merber, Mr.Marbury always concern the youth rehabilitation, and he always encourage those children helped with this program persevere in rehabilitation treatment. Most of children after a long-term treatment have obviously positively changes in their physical functions.

老马,生日快乐!Happy Birthday to Mr. Stephon Marbury !_第2张图片

浩午 Hao Wu


Hao Wu has developmental delay. And he cannot control his body, and his muscles are weak. After rehab treatment, he can now control his head to move and also he can crawl, he even can take his toys by using walker.

老马,生日快乐!Happy Birthday to Mr. Stephon Marbury !_第3张图片

艳午 Hao Wu


Because of his congenital disease, his leg functions were restricted. After the long-term treatment, he has shown great progress in his physical strength and balance force. He can crawl and climb stairs.


For thanking Marbury's caring, children from United Family-Marbury program for youth rehabilitation made birthday cards for Mr.Marbury, and wish him Happy Birthday!


老马,生日快乐!Happy Birthday to Mr. Stephon Marbury !_第4张图片爱心蓝天孤儿寄养之家一直以来都是和睦家爱心基金的合作伙伴。爱心蓝天的许多孩子们都通过和睦家爱马布里青少年康复项目在北京和睦家康复医院进行康复训练。 孩子们得知今天是马布里叔叔的生日,特别开心的为马布里画画,送上孩子们最天真可爱的生日祝福!尤其志雄的画, 阿姨们觉得画的太生动了!好消息是志雄有了领养家庭,不久的将来孩子即将开启他新的生活!我们希望把这个好消息和马布里叔叔分享。

Blue Sky Healing Home has been a long term partnered organization of United Family Charitable Fund and many children from Blue Sky Healing Home received the physical therapy treatments thoughUnited Family-Marbury Program for Youth Rehabilitation. Once , children of Blue Sky knows Mr.Marbury’s birthday is coming, they drew the “happy birthday picture” to him. Especially Zhi Xiong’s painting is very vivid and everyone of the healing home loves his picture. The good news is Zhi Xiong has matched an American family and he will be adopted soon this year.

老马,生日快乐!Happy Birthday to Mr. Stephon Marbury !_第5张图片 老马,生日快乐!Happy Birthday to Mr. Stephon Marbury !_第6张图片 来自双胞胎姐妹的祝福

烁烁和博博是一对孪生兄妹,烁烁一直通过和睦家马布里青少年康复项目接受康复治疗。 烁烁一直坚持和姐姐在一个班级学习,而且走路和站立的情况越来越好,画画的水平也大有长进。小姐妹一天马布里叔叔过生日都愉快的给老马画了生日画,送上她们的生日祝福!

Shuoshuo & Bobo are a twin sisters and Shuoshuo has cerebral palsy, and she has been received her physical therapy by United Family- Marburyprogram forYouth Rehabilitation for a long time. Suosuo and her sister goes to the same school and study at some class. After the physical therapy treatments, Shuoshuo can walk now and she could paint too. These two little sisters drew picturesfor their loved Marbury uncle and they wish Mr.Marbury “Happy Birthday”!

老马,生日快乐!Happy Birthday to Mr. Stephon Marbury !_第7张图片 老马,生日快乐!Happy Birthday to Mr. Stephon Marbury !_第8张图片 老马,生日快乐!Happy Birthday to Mr. Stephon Marbury !_第9张图片 老马,生日快乐!Happy Birthday to Mr. Stephon Marbury !_第10张图片

和睦家爱心基金感谢马布里先生一直以来对和睦家爱心基金会的关注与支持!你的自身魅力影响了孩子们的成长!孩子们因为有你而变得坚强, 自信!

On behalf of United Family Charitable Fund, we sincerely thank Mr. Stephon Marbury’s continuous support to our charity origination. You have impacted these lovely children with your charisma and you make these children more strong and confident! Happy Birthday Mr.Marbury!

老马,生日快乐!Happy Birthday to Mr. Stephon Marbury !_第11张图片 老马,生日快乐!Happy Birthday to Mr. Stephon Marbury !_第12张图片 老马,生日快乐!Happy Birthday to Mr. Stephon Marbury !_第13张图片



Age: 0-1 years old


Disease Type: Sportys injuries, cerebral trauma, spinal injury, developmental delay, ect.


Application critieria: applicant should provide medical information,andpoverty certificate.


Location:Beijing United Family Rehabilitation Hospital

申请方式:发邮件至 [email protected][email protected]
Contact email: 发邮件至 [email protected] or

[email protected]

电话咨询:和睦家爱心基金 010-5927-7285 或 010-59277462
Contect tel: United Family Charitable Fund 010-59277285 or 010-59277462

老马,生日快乐!Happy Birthday to Mr. Stephon Marbury !_第14张图片

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