Whatever Love Means
    There are many different kinds of  Love.Love between parents and children,between siblings,relatives ,lovers,friends and colleagues.In Northe America,people are very open and expressive about their feelings.Parents hug and kiss their children all the time.It is also quite common to see young couple kissing in pulice.
    It is not surpring that many,if not all,languages have so much choice in how to express romantic feelings.Love is among the strongest of emotions,and over the centuries,so much has been written about it.It is thought that the majority of all songs ever written  deal with love in one way or another!
     Other than language,there is not much difference in how peopel express love feelings.Love is very basic emotion,and it does't matter where you come from,the feelings are probably the same everywhere.
                                                                             From Duan's The Moving Heart