Oldyongwaiyee(未知主队球迷):利物浦来到马德里,就是要把去年失去的奖杯重新夺回来——这就是故事最好的结局。(So they came to Madrid to take the trophy back. What a fitting ending.)
MajesticObjective(未知主队球迷):现在可以说,梅西和C罗双骄之争的最终胜者是奥里吉!(I think it is safe to say, Origi won the Messi vs Ronaldo debate.)
oshua9663(西班牙球迷):这赛季经历了如此疯狂的欧冠之旅,最后决赛却踢成了最无聊的结局…(Such a crazy year in the UCL and we get the most boring final imaginable.)
Oomeegoolies(米德尔斯堡球迷):这绝对是权游编剧写的剧本!(Clearly got the game of thrones writers.)
Athletic_Bilbae(毕尔巴鄂球迷):原著只把剧情写到了欧冠半决赛,到了决赛这编剧就只能自己瞎编了!(Clearly the writers had base material up until the semifinals but had to come up with their own finale.)
holegrademelk(未知主队球迷):在决赛来之前,编剧的灵感就已经用光了。(The scriptwriters ran out of ideas.)
Igloo433(巴萨球迷):这赛季巴萨的剧本,也是权游编剧写的吧!(I think Barcelona also got the GoT writers.)
artrickCapitol(未知主队球迷):龙妈输了三条飞龙骑脸的局,而巴萨三球领先也能被逆转,巴萨就是丹妮莉丝-塔格利安!(Blew a 3 dragon lead=blew a 3 goal lead.Barcelona = Daenerys Targaryen confirmed.)
Stryx71(未知主队球迷):只用了两场比赛,奥里吉就成为了利物浦名宿!(Origi legit became a Liverpool legend in 2 games.)
Sidaeinjae(韩国球迷):可以说奥里吉也是阿森纳名宿了!(Arsenal legend, too.)
SpiceManMcgee(阿森纳球迷):想象一下在本赛季开始前说“欧冠决赛将是利物浦对阵热刺,奥里吉进了制胜球”…(Imagine saying at the beginning of the season “The UCL final will be between Liverpool and Tottenham and Origi will score the winner”)
TheBossPineapple(巴西球迷):金球奖就该给奥里吉!(BALLON D’ORIGI.)
PapaTinzal(利物浦球迷):8月14号利物浦和切尔西的欧超杯之争举办地,是伊斯坦布尔…(Liverpool will face Chelsea for the UEFA Supercup on 14th August in Istanbul.)
AbsoluteTelekinesis(未知主队球迷):这下谁都不敢在半场就领先3个球了!(Both teams will have to be cautious about taking a 3-0 lead into half-time…)
newtonsboi(未知主队球迷):决赛第二回合什么时候开始啊?(When is the second leg lads?)
Lurkcitybaby(未知主队球迷):机智的利物浦!避免被翻盘的诀窍就是不要3-0领先!(Liverpool was too smart to take the feared 3-0 lead, brilliant tactics.)
DarkOwl38(曼联球迷):曼城征服了英超,利物浦征服了欧冠,而我们征服了南亚的床垫和枕头市场…(City have conquered England, Liverpool have conquered Europe, we have conquered the South Asian mattress and pillow market.)
DarkSofter(曼联球迷):我要躲进健身房3个月了,再见老铁…(3 months of gym incoming lads. See u.)
somedemon1(切尔西球迷):斯图里奇赢过的欧冠奖牌数量,已经比全伦敦的人加起来都多了…(Daniel Sturridge has won the Champions League more times than all of London combined.)
DrinkMyJelly(未知主队球迷):想象一下,一两年前你要是说西索科能在欧冠决赛里首发,这都不会成为一个有人讨论的话题…(Imagine saying a year or two ago Sissoko would be starting in a CL final and it wouldn't even be close to a controversial pick.)
iCoFox (阿贾克斯球迷):决赛当天早晨把球票卖了10000欧元的那个哥们,真是做了把史上最佳买卖!(That dude who sold his ticket this morning for €10000 has made one of the best deals ever.)
WAO138(加拉塔萨雷球迷):你如果拿这场比赛去给一个从不看球的朋友介绍足球,那恭喜你又创造了一个足球黑子…(If you chose this game to introduce someone to the world of football, congratulations you've created a football enemy.)
chestypants12(利物浦球迷):我们当地酒吧把决赛直播换成了“古董巡回展”节目,结果竟然没有人反对…(My local pub have switched the channel over to 'The Antiques Roadshow'. No complaints.)
FraudulentBaldness(洛杉矶FC球迷):欧冠决赛里第一次有效触球竟是禁区内手球,也只有热刺能干出这事来…(Only spurs would have their first meaningful touch in a UCL final be a handball.)
kermvv(尤文球迷):这场比赛最紧张的应该是阿森纳球迷…(Arsenal fans are probably the most nervous of the lot.)
Trickybuz93(多伦多球迷):开局早早进个球,然后摆大巴防守,最后再偷鸡进个绝杀——穆帅肯定会为这支利物浦感到骄傲的!(Mourinho would’ve been proud of this Liverpool team. Scored early, parked a bus and scored late to win.)
Sektsioon(切尔西球迷):这赛季我们经历了100次危机,结果还得了联赛第三,进了两次杯赛决赛还得了个冠军。这样的“崩溃”我还是能接受的…(We’ve had 100 crisises this season or whatever and still end up with 3rd place, 2 cup finals and 1 trophy. I’ll take it for a season filled with “collapses”.)
lmaoMoistJesus(切尔西球迷):混乱确实是把阶梯。(Chaos really is a ladder.)
GreatSpaniard(西班牙球迷):恭喜科瓦契奇,这可是欧洲冠军四连冠…(Congratulations to Kovacic, a European champion 4 seasons in a row.)
Blinktanker(皇马球迷):科瓦契奇才是我们的夺冠护身符,而不是什么C罗!(Kovacic was the talisman, not Ronaldo.)
freakedmind(未知主队球迷):阿森纳丢的球,与瓦里斯和灰虫子加起来一样多…(Arsenal losing the same balls as Varys and grey worm combined.)
Yammington(未知主队球迷):花了2000英镑去巴库看球,结果发现现场的氛围还比不上老家里的酒吧…(Spend £2k to travel to the game when you could've got a better atmosphere down the pub.)
Beanz_Memez_Heinz(米德尔斯堡球迷):下赛季的欧联杯决赛干脆去木星的卫星上去踢吧!(Next seasons final to actually be played on Jupiters moon, Europa.)
HitchikersPie(未知主队球迷):结果那里的气氛比巴库还好!(Atmosphere would still be better.)
pur3pwnage(拜仁球迷):美国航天局已经决定在巴库这座球场进行火星实验了!因为这里同样没有任何空气(气氛)!(NASA might consider testing Mars rover in this stadium since there is also no atmosphere.)
GetESCP(未知主队球迷):如果姆希塔良、拉卡泽特、奥巴梅杨和厄齐尔能被允许去巴库踢球的话,那比赛结果可能就不一样了!(Outcome would have been different if Mkhitaryan, Lacazette, Aubameyang and Ozil had been allowed to play in Baku.)
BartholomewSirnpson(本菲卡球迷):切尔西夺得了欧联杯冠军的同时,切赫也退役了…(Petr Chech retires with Chelsea winning the Europa League final.)
Harrybeans(切尔西球迷):我们要对3球领先被翻盘的剧情说什么?不是今天!(What do we say to the 3 goals curse? Not today.)
Adv_Boobs(切尔西球迷):萨里杀死了夜王!(Sarri killed the Night King.)
sr_crypsis(切尔西球迷):如果五年前你说吉鲁攻破切赫大门为切尔西取得领先,所有人都会以为你神经病…(If you said five years ago that Giroud would score against Cech to give Chelsea the lead, everyone would think you're mad.)
Pumbahusajo(利物浦球迷):而且还是在欧联杯决赛…(In the europa league finals.)
Jugol(未知主队球迷):与此同时,热刺在等着去踢欧冠决赛…(While Tottenham waits for the UCL final.)