安装好Redis服务器之后第一件事就是设置密码,进入安装目录:C:\Program Files\Redis - 找到配置文件 - 找到:# requirepass foobared - 回车换行加上:requirepass 这里写自己的新密码(顶行写,前面不要留空格) - 到服务里重启Redis服务,或者重启电脑
cd C:\Program Files\Redis:cd命令进入Redis安装目录,相当于Windows系统里双击进入Redis的安装目录
redis-cli.exe:打开redis-cli客户端程序,相当于Windows系统里双击运行一个exe程序(安装了上面的Redis服务端程序,需要一个客户端程序连接这个服务端。连接本机redis服务器直接敲此命令,连接远程的需要加ip和端口,例:redis-cli.exe -h -p 6379)
keys *:查看所有键值对(如果Redis服务器设置了密码,这条命令会报错,需要先输入密码,执行此命令:auth 你的密码)
set blog设置一个键值对,键是:blog,值是按目录存储:set 目录名:键 值)
get blog:获取键为blog对应的值
keys *:查看所有键值对
config get dir:获取redis安装目录
redis-cli.exe:进入第一个数据库(默认),redis一共0到15共16个库,进入第三个库 redis-cli -n 2(已经进去了,select 0~15 随意切换)
至此,一个运行在本机的Redis缓存服务器已经搭建完成,并且可以读写了。但是命令行显然对小白用户不友好,可视化工具登场:Redis Desktop Manager
左侧树显示已经有一个连接了,点击底部的Connect to Redis Server再添加一个连接:
有了可视化工具之后的操作就不用说了,双击,右键新建、删除。。。会用Windows系统的都会用这个工具。相比于命令行,Redis Desktop Manager这个可视化工具更友好,调试远程服务器上的数据也更方便,指哪打哪。
注:本机可以这样,连接远程服务器需要到服务器上的Redis安装目录下,找到文件,找到bind 前面加"#"注释掉,然后到服务里右键重启redis服务

using Newtonsoft.Json; using StackExchange.Redis; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Configuration; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Linq; namespace redis_Demo { ////// Redis 帮助类 /// public static class RedisHelper { private static string _conn = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["redis_connection_string"] ?? ""; private static string _pwd = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["redis_connection_pwd"] ?? "123456"; private static int _store_db = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["redis_store_db"]) ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["redis_store_db"]); static ConnectionMultiplexer _redis; static readonly object _locker = new object(); #region 单例模式 public static ConnectionMultiplexer Manager { get { if (_redis == null) { lock (_locker) { if (_redis != null) return _redis; _redis = GetManager(); return _redis; } } return _redis; } } private static ConnectionMultiplexer GetManager(string connectionString = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString)) { connectionString = _conn; } var options = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(connectionString); options.Password = _pwd; return ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options); } #endregion #region 辅助方法 /// /// 获取要操作的库 /// /// 库,0和-1都是第一个库,1是第二个库... /// private static int GetOperationDB(int db) { if (db == -100) { return _store_db; } else { return db; } } private static string ConvertJson (T value) { string result = value is string ? value.ToString() : JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value); return result; } private static T ConvertObj (RedisValue value) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { return default(T); } else { return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject (value); } } private static List ConvetList (RedisValue[] values) { List result = new List (); foreach (var item in values) { var model = ConvertObj (item); if (model != null) result.Add(model); } return result; } private static RedisKey[] ConvertRedisKeys(List<string> redisKeys, string prefix) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix)) { return redisKeys.Select(redisKey => (RedisKey)redisKey).ToArray(); } else { return redisKeys.Select(redisKey => (RedisKey)(prefix + ":" + redisKey)).ToArray(); } } /// /// 获得枚举的Description /// /// 枚举值 /// 当枚举值没有定义DescriptionAttribute,是否使用枚举名代替,默认是使用 /// 枚举的Description private static string GetDescription(this Enum value, Boolean nameInstead = true) { Type type = value.GetType(); string name = Enum.GetName(type, value); if (name == null) { return null; } FieldInfo field = type.GetField(name); DescriptionAttribute attribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(field, typeof(DescriptionAttribute)) as DescriptionAttribute; if (attribute == null && nameInstead == true) { return name; } return attribute == null ? null : attribute.Description; } #endregion #region 通用(key) /// /// 是否存在 /// /// 目录 /// 键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 public static bool KeyExists(CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, int db = -100) { try { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).KeyExists(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key); } catch (Exception) { return false; } } /// /// 设置过期时间 /// /// 目录 /// 键 /// 过期时间,单位:分钟 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 public static bool KeyExpire(CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, int min = 600, int db = -100) { try { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).KeyExpire(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(min)); } catch (Exception) { return false; } } /// /// 修改键 /// /// 目录 /// 键 /// 新键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static bool KeyRename(CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, string newKey, int db = -100) { try { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).KeyRename(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? newKey : fd + ":" + newKey); } catch (Exception) { return false; } } /// /// 删除 /// /// 目录 /// 键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static bool KeyDelete(CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, int db = -100) { try { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).KeyDelete(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key); } catch (Exception) { return false; } } /// /// 批量删除 /// /// 目录 /// 键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static long KeyDelete(CacheFolderEnum folder, List<string> keys, int db = -100) { try { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).KeyDelete(ConvertRedisKeys(keys, fd)); } catch (Exception) { return 0; } } #endregion #region String /// /// 添加单个 /// /// 目录 /// 键 /// 值 /// 过期时间,单位:分钟 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static bool StringSet(CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, string value, int expireMinutes = 600, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).StringSet(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, value, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(expireMinutes)); } /// /// 批量添加 /// /// 目录 /// 键 /// 值 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static bool StringSet(CacheFolderEnum folder, string[] keysStr, string[] valuesStr, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); var count = keysStr.Length; var keyValuePair = new KeyValuePair [count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { keyValuePair[i] = new KeyValuePair (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? keysStr[i] : fd + ":" + keysStr[i], valuesStr[i]); } return Manager.GetDatabase(db).StringSet(keyValuePair); } /// /// 添加对象 /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 值 /// 过期时间,单位:分钟 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static bool StringSet (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, T obj, int expireMinutes = 600, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); string json = ConvertJson(obj); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).StringSet(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, json, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(expireMinutes)); } /// /// 获取单个 /// /// 目录 /// 键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static string StringGet(CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).StringGet(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key); } /// /// 获取多个 /// /// 目录 /// 键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static RedisValue[] StringGet(CacheFolderEnum folder, List<string> keys, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).StringGet(ConvertRedisKeys(keys, fd)); } /// /// 获取对象 /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static T StringGet (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); string value = Manager.GetDatabase(db).StringGet(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key); return ConvertObj (value); } #endregion #region List /// /// 获取 /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 索引开始 /// 索引结束 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static List ListRange (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, long start = 0, long stop = -1, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); var value = Manager.GetDatabase(db).ListRange(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, start, stop); return ConvetList (value); } /// /// 获取指定 /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 索引 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static T ListGetByIndex (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, long index, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); var value = Manager.GetDatabase(db).ListGetByIndex(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, index); return ConvertObj (value); } /// /// 替换指定 /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 索引 /// 值 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 public static void ListSetByIndex (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, long index, T value, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); Manager.GetDatabase(db).ListSetByIndex(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, index, ConvertJson(value)); } /// /// 删除指定 /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 值 /// count > 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from head to tail.count 小于 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from tail to head.count = 0: Remove all elements equal to value. /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static long ListRemove (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, T value, long count = 0, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).ListRemove(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, ConvertJson(value), count); } /// /// 指定位置之后插入 /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 位置 /// 值 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static long ListInsertAfter (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, T pivot, T value, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).ListInsertAfter(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, ConvertJson(pivot), ConvertJson(value)); } /// /// 指定位置之前插入 /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 位置 /// 值 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static long ListInsertBefore (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, T pivot, T value, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).ListInsertBefore(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, ConvertJson(pivot), ConvertJson(value)); } /// /// 入栈(后插入的在List前面) /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 值 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 public static long ListLeftPush (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, T value, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).ListLeftPush(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, ConvertJson(value)); } /// /// 批量入栈(后插入的在List前面) /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 值 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static long ListLeftPush (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, List values, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); var redisValues = values.Select(m => (RedisValue)ConvertJson(m)).ToArray(); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).ListLeftPush(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, redisValues); } /// /// 出栈(删除最前面的一个元素并返回) /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static T ListLeftPop (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); var value = Manager.GetDatabase(db).ListLeftPop(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key); return ConvertObj (value); } /// /// 入队(后插入的在List后面) /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 值 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 public static long ListRightPush (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, T value, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).ListRightPush(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, ConvertJson(value)); } /// /// 批量入队(后插入的在List后面) /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 值 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static long ListRightPush (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, List values, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); var redisValues = values.Select(m => (RedisValue)ConvertJson(m)).ToArray(); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).ListRightPush(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, redisValues); } /// /// 出队(删除最后面的一个元素并返回) /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static T ListRightPop (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); var value = Manager.GetDatabase(db).ListRightPop(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key); return ConvertObj (value); } /// /// 获取个数 /// /// 目录 /// 键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static long ListLength(CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).ListLength(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key); } #endregion #region Hash /// /// 添加 /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 元素的键 /// 实体 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static bool HashSet (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, string dataKey, T t, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).HashSet(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, dataKey, ConvertJson(t)); } /// /// 获取特定 /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 元素的键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static T HashGet (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, string dataKey, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); string value = Manager.GetDatabase(db).HashGet(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, dataKey); return ConvertObj (value); } /// /// 批量获取 /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 元素的键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static List HashGet (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, RedisValue[] dataKeys, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); var value = Manager.GetDatabase(db).HashGet(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, dataKeys); return ConvetList (value); } /// /// 获取所有 /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static HashEntry[] HashGetAll (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).HashGetAll(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key); } /// /// 删除特定 /// /// 目录 /// 键 /// 元素的键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static bool HashDelete(CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, string dataKey, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).HashDelete(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, dataKey); } /// /// 批量删除 /// /// 目录 /// 键 /// 元素的键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static long HashDelete(CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, List dataKeys, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).HashDelete(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, dataKeys.ToArray()); } /// /// 是否存在 /// /// 目录 /// 键 /// 元素的键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static bool HashExists(CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, string dataKey, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).HashExists(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, dataKey); } #endregion #region Zset /// /// 添加 /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 值 /// 排序列 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static bool SortedSetAdd (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, T value, double score, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).SortedSetAdd(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, ConvertJson (value), score); } /// /// 获取 /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 索引开始 /// 索引结束 /// 排序方式 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static List SortedSetRangeByRank (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, long start = 0, long stop = -1, Order order = Order.Ascending, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); var values = Manager.GetDatabase(db).SortedSetRangeByRank(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, start, stop, order); return ConvetList (values); } /// /// 删除 /// /// 类型 /// 目录 /// 键 /// 值 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static bool SortedSetRemove (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, T value, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).SortedSetRemove(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, ConvertJson (value)); } /// /// 批量删除(根据对象) /// /// 目录 /// 键 /// 对象 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static long SortedSetRemove (CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, List values, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); var redisValues = values.Select(m => (RedisValue)ConvertJson(m)).ToArray(); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).SortedSetRemove(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, redisValues); } /// /// 批量删除(根据score删除) /// /// 目录 /// 键 /// 开始 /// 结束 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static long SortedSetRemoveRangeByScore(CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, int start, int stop, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).SortedSetRemoveRangeByScore(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key, start, stop); } /// /// 获取总数 /// /// 目录 /// 键 /// 库,默认读取配置文件 /// public static long SortedSetLength(CacheFolderEnum folder, string key, int db = -100) { db = GetOperationDB(db); string fd = GetDescription(folder); return Manager.GetDatabase(db).SortedSetLength(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd + ":" + key); } #endregion } }
RedisHelper.StringSet(CacheFolderEnum.Folder1, "string", "hello world", 60);
RedisHelper.ListRightPush(CacheFolderEnum.Folder2, "list", student1); RedisHelper.ListRightPush(CacheFolderEnum.Folder2, "list", student2); RedisHelper.ListRightPush(CacheFolderEnum.Folder2, "list", student3);
RedisHelper.HashSet(CacheFolderEnum.Folder3, "hash", "h1", student1); RedisHelper.HashSet (CacheFolderEnum.Folder3, "hash", "h2", student2);
RedisHelper.SortedSetAdd(CacheFolderEnum.Folder3, "zsort", student1, 111); RedisHelper.SortedSetAdd (CacheFolderEnum.Folder3, "zsort", student2, 99); RedisHelper.SortedSetAdd (CacheFolderEnum.Folder3, "zsort", student3, 100);
源码:点击下载 环境是VS 2013,如果跑不起来自行把cs里的代码拷出来编译运行
Redis 命令 | 菜鸟教程
怎样在Redis通过StackExchange.Redis 存储集合类型List