京津冀协同发展 coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
全面建成小康社会决胜阶段 the decisive stage in finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects
私募股权投资(private equity investment,PE investment)
创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享五大发展理念 the development concept of innovation, harmonization, green, openness and sharing
互联网+政务服务 Internet Plus government services
光网城市 cities linked up to fiber-optic networks
纵向横向经济轴带 north-south and east-west intersecting economic belts
化解钢铁、煤炭业的过剩产能 reduce overcapacity in steel and coal mining
第二次下岗潮 a second round of massive layoffs
鼓励创业 encourage business startups
学区房 school district houses
获得感 sense of gain
民生痛点 the pain points for people's livelihood
减少无效和低端供给 reduce ineffective and low-end supply of goods and services
“看不见的手”和“看得见的手”都要用好,努力形成市场作用和政府作用有机统一。it is important to use both the invisible and visible hands to synergize market forces and government functions.
我国要坚持创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念。China's economic growth philosophy will be driven by innovation, coordination, green development, openness and sharing.
稳定和完善宏观经济政策,保持经济运行在合理区间Improve and keep stable our macroeconomic policies to ensure that the economy performs within an appropriate range
加强供给侧结构性改革,增强持续增长动力Strengthen supply-side structural reform to drive sustained growth
深挖国内需求潜力,开拓发展更大空间Tap the potential of domestic demand to increase the space for development
加快发展现代农业,促进农民持续增收Speed up efforts to develop modern agriculture and ensure sustained increases in rural incomes
推进新一轮高水平对外开放,着力实现合作共赢Carry out a new round of high-quality opening up and work to achieve mutually beneficial cooperation
加大环境治理力度,推动绿色发展取得新突破Step up environmental governance efforts and work to see breakthroughs in green development
切实保障改善民生,加强社会建设Strengthen social development to promote people’s wellbeing
加强政府自身建设,提高施政能力和服务水平Improve government functions, strengthen our administrative capacity, and deliver quality government services.
专车服务 chauffeur-driven car-on-demand service/chauffeured car services
人工电话召车 taxi-calling hotline
国际消费者权益日 World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD)
网红经济 Internet celebrity economy
更贴近草根 more linked to grassroots
全要素生产率 total factor productivity
不动产统一登记制度 unified property registration system
延迟退休 defer the retirement age
中美的共同利益是在不断扩大,而且远远大于分歧。The common interests between the two countries are constantly expanding, and (the common interests) far outweigh their differences.
金融首要任务还是要支持实体经济的发展,实体经济不发展,是金融最大的风险。The top priority of the financial sector is to support the development of the real economy. The truth is, the dysfunctional real economy presents the largest risk to the financial markets.
不论是股市、债市、汇市这些金融市场,本质上是市场,还是要推进市场化、法治化的改革。Whether it is stock markets or bond and currency markets, they are after all markets, so we will continue to pursue market-oriented reform and establish a sound, legal framework for the operation of those markets.
瞪大眼睛,练就一双加强监管的“火眼金睛” sharpen our vision to exercise the most-effective regulation
我们坚信只要坚持改革开放,中国的经济就不会“硬着陆”。We believe that there will not be a hard landing as long as we stick to the reform path.
澜沧江—湄公河合作机制 The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Mechanism
亚洲命运共同体 Asian community of shared destiny
非传统安全挑战 non-traditional security threats
共享机遇、共迎挑战 share the opportunities, meet common challenges
新兴 11 国 E11 (eleven emerging economies)
数据传输速度 data transmission speed
万物互联 Internet of Everything,IoE
亚洲作为新兴经济体最集中的地区,总体仍保持了增长势头。Asia is home to the largest number of emerging economies and has kept up growth momentum.
因此亚洲有理由增强信心,但是需要激发活力,形成动力,这就可以不仅为亚洲自己,也为世界经济复苏发挥更大作用。We have reason to be more confident, but we must foster further growth momentum, and play a more important role in the economic recovery of Asia itself and the world at large.
对话合作才是“金钥匙”。Dialogue and cooperation is the golden key.
时至今日,距离国际金融危机爆发已近 8 年,但其深层次影响尚未消除。Eight years have passed since the occurrence of the international financial crisis, but its profound impacts have not been eliminated.
一旦经济运行滑出合理区间,我们会果断采取综合性措施,来防止失速,保持经济运行在合理区间。The government will resolutely take comprehensive measures if the economic growth slips out of the "reasonable range." The government will prevent the loss of speed and maintain economic growth within a reasonable range.
社保基金 social security funds
基本养老保险 basic endowment insurance
结构性减税 structural tax reduction
假身份证 fake ID
在线教师 online teacher/tutor
微信官方账号 WeChat official account
官网购票 official website ticketing systems
区域协同发展 coordinated development between regions
城乡发展一体化 urban-rural integration
军民融合发展战略 military-civilian integration strategy